Terrorist attack
Sep 17, 2001 at 10:23 PM Post #256 of 272

Why does no other land on earth even consider putting
a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese
technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German
technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about
American technocracy, and you find men on the moon -
not once, but several times and safely home again.

i'm sorry but, whoopty frickin doo. it's my opinion that the whole landing people on the moon thing was one of the least responsible and most wasteful projects in american history. of course i wasn't realy alive at the time, so i can't really put it in context.

a lot of what the USA is does is great, and the article points that out. there is still a WHOLE lot of room for improvement, however, especially with regards to meddling in third world countries politics (ie vietnam, guatemala, cuba). Admittedly, a whole lot of the blame falls on the CIA and not the government as a whole. Unfortunately that's not likely to change. look what happened to the last guy who tried to take away the CIA's power (JFK).
Sep 17, 2001 at 10:51 PM Post #257 of 272
man you just gotta stop watching so much TV and "the world according to movies" is not reality.The actual lunar landing was not only a great achievement (and no one else has a clue how to do it to this day) but the "trickle effect" of the technology is part of what makes YOUR life easier.Where do you think 90% of the american innovations come from ? The friggin government dude,no one else has the resources ! First real computer ? US Army,look it up

So we are the planetary screwups ? A bane to humanity ? So who does the world come to when they need help ? Sorry ass USA.WE are no good until needed .And just what other nation has even the WILL to help those not in a position to help themselves ? Do we get payed for this ? I THINK NOT.

And when was the last time we actually whipped someones ass in a war and then took the land away,hmmm ?

This is not an expansionist nation and I am sick of a bunch of little ****s spouting to me how things are when all they know is revisionist history .So you remember JFK huh bub ?I guess watching a movie on JFK makes you a damn expert. Good for you.I actually met Bob K at a rally when I was like 10 in White Plains ,NY on Mamaroneck AVE.Some "suit" handed me a boatload of Robert Kennedy pins,hats and banners to distribute (I had BOXES of the **** for years,wish I still did) to the crowd.I almost got friggin crushed in the mas of humans .There was myself and a couple of buds.When those on the "podium" (loose term for trailer with banners) seen these "little fellers" going down for the count they hoisted our asses up on the trailer.The crowd cheered like idiots.Got home late due to the crowd and was grounded for a week.Life sucked at 10,no power>

CUBA-the revolution was for all the right reasons but as revolution has a way of doing,the cure was as bad as the disease.Did you know the US actually supported Castro once upon a time ? We also backed the Sandinistas in Nicaraugra to our dismay,as we did in Afghamistan.The list goes on.

The US perfect ? Only GOD is perfect.Humans make mistakes,but take your philosophy down the road or get your facts correct.Real easy to bash from freedom to bash afforded by others

Sep 17, 2001 at 11:15 PM Post #259 of 272
almost left out-CIA POWER

Yeah,now everyone wants to string up the CIA and FBI for not seeing the recent attack coming.Funny thing is,no one seen a need to let these guys have the resources needed to do the job right.First you tie their hands,cut funds,and then something bad happens and everyone cries like a friggin baby "they shoulda' known,how could they not have seen this coming"

So how you want it-bunch of ****in' sissies runnung the CIA and FBI or you want to sleep safe in your bed knowing the water supply is safe to drink another day and your neighborhood nuclear power plant did not meltdown due to terrorist attacks

Sheesh,couldn't let it go.Tried to lay back but not built that way.Someone gotta do the gruntwork

Rickmare (kinda like a nightmare but different
Sep 18, 2001 at 12:06 AM Post #260 of 272
Sorry, Rick, but this is not entirely correct - actually it's wrong.
Maybe you were referring to the first real computer in the US, though... But if you want to know more about Konrad Zuse and his computers, this link http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/Zuse.html provides some information.

Greetings from SF!

Manfred / lini

P.S.: So are you really sure the CIA didn't know anything? Hmmm, what still puzzles me: According to the San Francisco Chronicle the mayor of San Francisco received a call several hours before the strike that has contained some kind of warning. This call should have come from some air security department - but nobody there knows that such a warning has been given...
Sep 18, 2001 at 1:05 AM Post #261 of 272

I am sick of a bunch of little ****s spouting to me how things are when all they know is revisionist history

Again, I think this is the wrong time for people to get into nasty debates, but please keep in mind that just because someone has a different view of history than you, it doesn't mean it's "revisionist."

Also, I've never understood the negative connotation of the term "revisionist history." Some "history" needs to be revised. There is a lot of stuff written in older history books in the U.S. (and even recent ones) that is factually incorrect.

I have no desire to criticize the country I love. This is the best country in the world in which to live, and I'm proud to be an American. However, I think there are certain things we need to live up to, for our own good, for the good of other people around the world, and for the good of the future.
Sep 18, 2001 at 2:00 AM Post #262 of 272
Lini-I stand corrected,but still stand by the statement that most of our american technology is directly due to "wasteful' programs as they are called when the tax dollars are being spent

And the problem I have with "revisionist history' is the slamming of eveything good this country has ever done by downplaying any good and beating the drum over any misdeads,and the embellishments (Lies too strong ?) piss me off even more.When my sons come home from school and I have to re-teach history at home , not from a book,but from being there , it really pisses me off to no end.They look at me like "but dad,that may be correct but if I listen to you I will fail the course".********

The guilt that some have , and by some i mean those in charge of the education system (say you are conservative and watch how your grades go),about the heritage that formed this country,warts and all (the American indian is the darkest part of the history for my money),JUST PRINT THE DAMN FACTS-GOOD OR BAD

Editorialize on your own time,my children do not need 'the world according to garp" but as it was/is as WAlter Cronkite would say.
When I was in junior high my history teacher actually had the entire class march in a protest march against the vietnam war.No we were not forced but intimidated ,yes ! No one wanted to be the outcast so like sheep we all went along.Kinda the way wars start when you think about it.Everyone just following the pack not to be different.Then when all hell breaks loose pretend they never knew or seen it coming.AGAIN ********

You ever notice how the most liberal voices , the anti-gun crew all have armed guards and pistol permits ? ****in' hypocrites ! The "I know what is best for you crew" while they enjoy the very rights they would take away from the masses.Brainwashing 101.And all the while sitting behind iron gates out of the line of fire.The do as I say not as I do crew.But no one questions (or cares as long as they mouth the right words ?)

It all SOUNDS great,no more war.no famine,no one ever raises a voice,save the tree (put a family on welfare),save the rainforest (yeah,tell the poor farmer not to do what the rest of the world has already profited doing),save the never before seen in the area spotted owl (and again put a working family on welfare),don't drill oil in Alaska (but mom.gimme a ride to the mall),and send aid to those poor people sitting on so much oil they could drown (so why are there any poor?),I could go on.You live a certain lifestyle in this country while never wanting to know the details of how we got here and why.

There has to be balance,extremism from ANY direction is a recipe for disaster,there can never be negotiation if there is no middle ground.There must be some give on BOTH sides or it is called surrender

Hell , I was young once.I was a dreamer,an idealist,truth be told still am.I never wish harm to fall upon another human being that does not fully deserve it.And it is sad that in the land of plenty there are those that go hungry,but some by choice (THAT will get me flamed sure as ****).But that is how **** is ! If things bother you,get off your ass and volunteer some of your time,become political.Not just vote but get involved.Just voting is a cop out if you don't pay attention the rest of the year and just pull the handle for a party

THINK ! and then DO !

WE don't need any more folks standing on the sidelines with the cheerleaders,get in the damn game !

Rick C


Sep 18, 2001 at 2:46 AM Post #263 of 272

This is not an expansionist nation and I am sick of a bunch of little ****s spouting

After reading this i admit it was over the top and not at all in good taste.So to any I offended I sincerely apologize.Really no place for that here.But I will not edit it because that would be hiding what was said.Better to leave it out there as a monument to my passion getting the best of my common sense

Sep 18, 2001 at 5:26 AM Post #264 of 272
rick: Oh, you wouldn't hear me talk about wasteful programs (or rarely, maybe) - especially not wasteful programs of the US, because I have not enough insight to comment on these. Actually, I'm very fond of some wasteful programs such as space exploration, because there is quite a lot to learn there. Exploring the universe means not only learning where we came from, but is also a search for god and a way to ensure the future of mankind (our sun will die in about 4 1/2 billion years). And as exploration of space is too big a project for only one nation, it also brings nations together. I don't see a reason for nations, anyway - though I'm quite fond of local patriotism. That's just natural for Bavarians.
)) If I look around, in fact I can spot about 50 % nice people and 50 % idiots in any country - including my own.
So what I want is make friends with some of the first 50 % everywhere and be left alone by the latter 50 %.

Nevertheless, I see some things over here, that might evolve to big problems for the US sooner or later. One of the biggest problems has a close relationship with the American lifestyle, and that's the waste of energy and resources. Most western nations including my own are not much better in that respect, but yet the US seems to be the worst waster of all. Considering that we'll all probably run out of oil in about 50 years from now, something has to be done about this. And the US to me seem least prepared for that. On the other hand, the US might be the quickest nation of all to adopt new technologies and adapt its lifestyle. But at the moment I have the impression that not many people here are aware of these problems - though my average Hans in Germany is not much better.

Oh, well, I guess this leads too far - and actually discussing all of that would also exceed my knowledge of your language - I already have to describe my thoughts rather clumsily all the time...

Greetings from SF!

Manfred / Lini
Sep 18, 2001 at 5:57 AM Post #266 of 272
actually lini I totally agree with all of your above statements. You do Barbarians proud dude !
At times I fear we are like lemmings running towards the cliff without a thought about what we will do when we run out of solid ground


Like the party will never end,
**DAMN ! I do some of the coolest graphical illustrations and they always turn out like **** when posted,all scrunched to one side.Oh well,gave it the ole rickmonster charge,can't win all the battles

Cheers dude
Sep 18, 2001 at 7:01 AM Post #268 of 272
rick: <megagrin> Idiot, of course - like myself!
Probably because we spend too much time debating audio stuff instead of listening to music.
But audiophile idiots like us want to make friends, too - so let's have a beer (or whatever we feel like) if we ever have the chance to meet up!

Grinnings from SF!

Manfred / lini
Sep 18, 2001 at 11:34 PM Post #270 of 272
Here is another pic of how the WTC should be rebuilt.

(this one is for you rickcr42, hope you get a smile from it as I did!)

I decided to let whoever wants to see it download it instead of posting due to language.

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