Terrorist attack
Sep 15, 2001 at 2:09 AM Post #241 of 272
Well chew ,there is a major difference man
1-no one is biased towards "them" as you put it,but by certain actions performed on the 11th someone damn sure is biased towards the US.
2-seems to me that more than a few around here and elswhere are continually trying to make this a warmonger against all people of arab extraction thing.
Big ass smoke screen.No one here at least has even hinted at bias towards any group but has expressed outrage against certain individuals that did a thing that can not be forgiven.

There are certain lines you do not cross and there are things you do not let go.You break into my house and attack my family at your peril,no matter who you are.I do not care about your politics,relegion or lack of,education level,race.To me you will be someone to be dealt with in a manner meant to do that person as much damage as I am capable of in the shortest amount of time.Screw talking,YOU broke into MY house.I did not go to yours.
Sep 16, 2001 at 6:20 AM Post #242 of 272
The question that has to be asked is: Who benefits? And maybe: Who benefits the most? I don't really think, that this was an act of war. I agree that this was a horrible act of terror - but most probably there is some very sophisticated crime behind all this. And, as usual, the suspects that are most probably behind all this are probably also the ones who benefit most. So what do you think?

Greetings from SF!

Manfred / Lini
Sep 16, 2001 at 7:09 AM Post #243 of 272
This makes me want to puke, read on :

Robertson Defends Falwell
By CHRIS KAHN, Associated Press Writer

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson on Friday defended comments the Rev. Jerry Falwell made in an interview with Robertson that groups which ``tried to secularize America'' were partly to blame for the terrorist attacks.

``In no way has any guest on my program suggested that anyone other than the Middle East terrorists were responsible for the tragic events that took place on Tuesday,'' Robertson said in a written statement.

Falwell, a Baptist minister and chancellor of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., said Thursday on Robertson's religious TV program ``The 700 Club'' that he blames the attacks on pagans, abortionists, feminists, homosexuals, the American Civil Liberties Union and the People for the American Way.

``All of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen,''' Falwell said.

He added later, ``God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.''

``Jerry, that's my feeling,'' Robertson responded. ``I think we've just seen the antechamber to terror. We haven't even begun to see what they can do to the major population.''

Falwell said Friday that he didn't mean to blame any one group for the destruction.

``But I'd say this is a wake up call from God,'' he told The Associated Press. ``I feel our spiritual defenses are down. If we don't repent, then more events might happen in the future.''

On Thursday, Robertson issued a statement on the attack that said America had insulted God and lost divine protection.

``We have insulted God at the highest level of our government. Then, we say, 'Why does this happen?''' he wrote in a statement released through his Christian Broadcasting Network. ``It is happening because God Almighty is lifting his protection from us.''

Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights organization, said the comments of Falwell and Robertson ``were stunning. They were beyond contempt. They were irresponsible at best, and a deliberate attempt to manipulate the nation's anger at worst.''

Robertson, who founded the Christian Coalition and unsuccessfully ran for the 1988 Republican presidential nomination, said in his statement Thursday that Americans have insulted God by allowing abortion and ``rampant Internet pornography.'' He also chided the U.S. Supreme Court for, among other things, limiting prayer in public schools.

Robertson was among conservative religious figures who backed President Bush in last year's election. A White House official called the remarks ``inappropriate'' and added, ``the president does not share those views.''
Sep 16, 2001 at 8:15 AM Post #245 of 272
CBN and the 700-Club are arrogant and biased sources of news...all of it is misleading. I sometimes have the feeling that if you don't agree with what they say, then you are doomed to eternal damnation. CBN should seriously rename themselves as the "Conservative Bullsh-t Network".
Sep 16, 2001 at 3:18 PM Post #246 of 272
They aren't sources of news. Period. They're sources of pseudo-Christian extremist propaganda. If you agree with what they say you're doomed to eternal stupidity
Sep 16, 2001 at 8:38 PM Post #247 of 272
I sometimes wish religious fanatics only killed other religious fanatics and stopped taking so many innocent people with them. Bomb this bomb that...from WTC's to abortion clinics. Its the problem of people pushing beliefs and blames on others.

I was angry seeing Falwell on Fox news...but I should have expected it from the station. I feel guilty watching some of their entertainment shows which rely on shock value, only to realize that likewise their news sometimes resorts to sensationalism. I think ABC news has had my most respect in reporting everything and having the best interviews. I didn't see Falwell on pulpit, I see people like Barak and a strong counterposition(don't remember name). Of course all news stations are indeed trying to help and have helped, but ABC news feels the most right to me. And to see Jennings break composure when seeing truly emotional scenes reflects my own sentiments the most. The way he felt when the British change of guards played America's song reflected my own. You can see them make an honest effort to be unbiased, but at the same time showing all sides of the issues.
Sep 16, 2001 at 11:25 PM Post #249 of 272
People like that guy just make me so mad - it's unbelievable how ticked off I can be.

Then I stop, tho, when my mom gives me that my-oh-my-u-sure-have-a-lot-of-testerone looks....
Sep 16, 2001 at 11:27 PM Post #250 of 272
Tim D: Jennings is by far the best TV reporter EVER, IMO....if only ppl were as objective as he *seems* to be.....
Sep 17, 2001 at 3:23 AM Post #254 of 272
What makes me the most upset is that Falwell and Robertson are using the name of God to promote fear and hate in the same way that people like Bin Laden and other Islamic extremists use the name of Allah to promote fear and hate. Bombing clinics, the WTC disaster, the assassinations of abortion providers, the beatings of gays and Jews and Arabs... all of these things are a direct result of people MIS-using the name of their God to promote hatred and, directly or indirectly, violence against those with whom they disagree. If you want to talk about "the devil's work," IMO it's opportunistic scum like Falwell and Robertson using this tragedy to spread their twisted interpretations of God's word... which will only lead to more hatred and violence.

I was touched when I read this article on ESPN.com about Palestinian-American boxer Omar Sheika:


His description of Islam and what it stands for should be required reading for everyone. Neither the Bible, nor the Koran, nor the Talmud, nor any other mainstream religious book teaches hate and violence. Such "violence in God's name" is anathema to the teachings of the world's religions.

The soapbox is now available for the next person in line
Sep 17, 2001 at 10:00 PM Post #255 of 272

Hamsta: Hmm? What do you mean? You're not a televangelist, are you?



Perhaps he's just a Baptist?

Close, but no cigar. (Not implying that Baptists smoke cigars, of course!

If you want to see where my opinion lies find yourself a Bible and look up the last half of Romans chapter 12. I really hope and pray that I can have that kind of resolve when the rest of me just wants to "take names and kick butt".


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