Tansio Mirai Impressions Thread
Jan 14, 2022 at 11:23 AM Post #1,339 of 2,438
So the longer the Akiba gets the burn in the more differences I am starting to pick out from it vs the Sparks. Again more similar in tuning than different but burn in seems to affect the newer Bass BAs.

There seems to be slightly less lower mids vs the Sparks tuning hence the more greater stage perception. Mids, especially vocals sound a touch more forward for the Sparks. When I say a touch I mean slight. Otherwise vocals for the Akiba is insanely great. Treble is on another level. Love EST treble if you guys have never heard EST treble perform. These and the Sparks are a fine example of what a quad upper treble set up does for a sound.

The Akiba sounds more closer to the Sparks tuning but the bass end is starting to lean a bit more LANDs. This new Bass BA mimics dynamic bass as well as anything I have heard including a full end rumble. Very nice. Sparkly highly detailed treble and low end that can keep up. Nice in deed.
Jan 14, 2022 at 2:15 PM Post #1,340 of 2,438
Hmmm Sparks with Land bass you shouldn't have written this... now I want one :p
Still hard to believe BA bass can match DD...

But then again Penon Legend showed me that latest generation ultra high BA drivers are quite something I didn't think it could still compete but does... so...
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Jan 14, 2022 at 2:49 PM Post #1,341 of 2,438
These earphones house so many drivers I made a cardinal sin by assessing right away aganist the Sparks and when they were fresh out of the box. They sounded so identical to the Sparks I was a bit confused. But the longer they have time on the drivers the changes are taking shape. I wager to guess they will have even more differences once I get them fully burned in. Coming from the Legends to the Sparks and now the Akiba. I wished Legend had these Sonion EST drivers. EST for upper treble is special. Love how prestine and articulate the treble sounds on these EST drivers.

It seems to me Akiba is more or less a fan service. They wanted to achieve the best sounding Tansio to date and I bet they took the comments and reviews to heart and decided the Sparks package is not good enough. Akiba is the result of that. I got word they reworked the bass end and even the venting for more air on the Akiba bass BAs which could be the reason why they have a bit slower decay for subs vs the Sparks bass. In any case a more musical Sparks = Akiba

It isn't like the Sparks bass is lacking or anything like that. The quiality of the bass sees an uptick more than quantity.
Jan 15, 2022 at 3:44 AM Post #1,342 of 2,438
There is still something to be said for Spark transparency so there is that, even if Akiba has a more fun tuning it's still one of the IEM that is my benchmark to check out sources... Legend, well legend is creamy dreamy chocolaty IEM so to speak I don't mind too much it doesn't carry the EST brand of treble. The ultra high BAs are quite interesting as well. Still love Volt if you're thinking 4EST treble... there is room for a future tribrid flagship from Penon or maybe something more daring like 2DD, a few BAs and 4EST :p
Jan 15, 2022 at 11:47 PM Post #1,343 of 2,438
I have over 50 hours on the Akiba. The sound has expanded since the first night even last night. Going back and forth from the Sparks reveal a slightly roomier sounding presentation and this is using the Akiba cable both earphones set with bass and balanced switch on using Azla sendafit tips.

The difficult aspect of comparing the Akiba vs the Sparks is that they both have very identical detail and presence but the Akiba has a more solid footing in the bass with a slight increase in stage perception. Otherwise, I can see folks being happy with either one.

I have to admit the Akiba has to be one of the best sounding earphones I have ever heard. I would consider these to be a reference level as far as earphones goes. The treble detail alone is worthy of getting a set. It isn't just the detail in the treble but also the bass now too. Bass has actual impact and physicality. There really isn't a part of the sound that is lagging behind on this one. The mids are amazing, the treble is superbly nuanced and refined, bass is impactful when called for. All with superb cohesion.

I did a quick head to head against the LANDs. I can immediately tell the bass end of the LAND is slower vs the Akiba bass. I used a test track from the Black Panther sound track which has a lot of low hitting bass and I was right, bass quantity is reaching LAND levels.. LAND still has a touch more physical presence but the Akiba is right there, more importantly the speed is clearly noticeable in comparison. Unfortunately once you get used to having them lovely mids all up in your grill there is a lot of mids presence that is taken away by the LANDs mids presentation. But to be fair the AKiba is 3X the price so you would expect more refinements.
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Jan 18, 2022 at 1:13 AM Post #1,344 of 2,438
I have to admit the Akiba has to be one of the best sounding earphones I have ever heard. I would consider these to be a reference level as far as earphones goes. The treble detail alone is worthy of getting a set. It isn't just the detail in the treble but also the bass now too. Bass has actual impact and physicality. There really isn't a part of the sound that is lagging behind on this one. The mids are amazing, the treble is superbly nuanced and refined, bass is impactful when called for. All with superb cohesion.

Do the tips slip easily on lip less Nozzle? Or that sand blasted finish keep them in place?

(Courtesy Penon Feed Akiba )
Jan 26, 2022 at 2:42 PM Post #1,346 of 2,438
So I have been putting 100% of my attention on the Akiba and it is a damn shame these are under the radar. These things are a marvel, but due to the price and relative obscurity of the brand, it is a damn shame these are not getting the attention they deserve.
Treble detail on these are substantial, Mids dimensional aspects are paramount. Bass impact and rumble is dynamic like. All with an expansive stage. These remind me of just how good the Sparks were and now improved with the Akiba. I always loved the treble refinements from the Sparks and I am noticing just how good the treble aspect of the Akiba is. I think as I am getting older in age I am appreciating a good extended treble more so nowadays.
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Jan 26, 2022 at 4:36 PM Post #1,347 of 2,438
So I have been putting 100% of my attention on the Akiba and it is a damn shame these are under the radar. These things are a marvel, but due to the price and relative obscurity of the brand, it is a damn shame these are not getting the attention they deserve.
I don't have Akiba but Sparks was also under the radar, Tansio is simply one of the best at tuning IEMs and many people would be shocked... Just like Penon they have rock solid tunings that punch well above their price point. People always talk ThieAudio and I have still to hear one but they really should go and audition those :p

I think what Tansio needs is a Tour!
Here is an idea!!!
Jan 27, 2022 at 12:26 AM Post #1,348 of 2,438
Jan 28, 2022 at 6:38 AM Post #1,349 of 2,438
I don't have Akiba but Sparks was also under the radar, Tansio is simply one of the best at tuning IEMs and many people would be shocked... Just like Penon they have rock solid tunings that punch well above their price point. People always talk ThieAudio and I have still to hear one but they really should go and audition those :p

I think what Tansio needs is a Tour!
Here is an idea!!!

Agree, Tansio is sorely underrated/appreciated. I thought it was cute for a white, but it's actually starting to get a little annoying. And unlike some makes, they tune at a consistently high level, which is impressive. They don't drop the ball one time, and then the next time accidentally create some brilliantly tuned model. It's clear that everything is purposeful and they know exactly what they are doing.
Feb 6, 2022 at 12:06 AM Post #1,350 of 2,438

Not exactly 100% finished I have to still post pics of the IEMs I compared them to but these hang easily with the best earphones I own and does a few things even better. I suppose you have to be into your full-on trebles to love these things. I can certainly recognize greatness. Tansio Mirai deserves more marketing. They deserve more fanfare.

The best Tansio Mirai earphone is the Akiba. What they do next will be interesting. I hope to see them try a higher end tribrid next time. A Land with greater mids presence would be phenomenal but for now we have the Akiba.

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