Tansio Mirai Impressions Thread
May 27, 2021 at 1:56 PM Post #766 of 2,438
So I did a bit more listening to the LAND vs the Sparks last night and the LAND actually has a bit of a wider stage, it is more closer to how the MEST is for stage and again this is due to having a bit lesser mids presence vs the Sparks. How we hear stage for our IEMs has a lot to do with how the mids are tuned.

This being said. The LAND is such a great value at their price. That physical bass is down right addictive, clean mids and sparkly treble. In a way the LAND is Tansio Marais version of the Sonys IER Z1R tuning and sound. I know these are different level earphones but both of these earphones has a similar sound design/ balancing with each house doing the similar type of tuning with their own tech and philosphies. LAND is serious bang for buck IEM especially with the right cable and again can hang with the bigger boys that cost way more.

Sparks on the other hand is playing with them TOTLs fellas. The tuning is elegant sohistocated and nuanced, I can only imagine the Sparks with the right cable can pretty much hang with just about anything out there and do a few things even better.
when you talk about the "right cable" for the Spark, what do you mean?
May 27, 2021 at 2:27 PM Post #768 of 2,438
So this is a portion of my ISN Solar review and what I wrote about what the ISN Solar does for the TSMR-10 here is pretty much the same for the Sparks. Noticed the cable attached to the TSMR-10 It is the same cable that comes with both the LAND and the SPARKS.


Next up is the TSMR-10
I have to admit the stock cable on the Tansio Mirais TSMR-10 is quite the disappointment. It is a skinny SPC 8 core cable. I have seen this particular type of cable for earphones that cost 1/10th the price of the TSMR-10. For a level of phone the TSMR-10 is you would expect a much nicer cable but I digress this is not really a fair match up here. TSMR-10 sounds good no matter what cable it is using but throw on something like the Solar and this the fight ends before it even starts.

With the Solar I immediately can tell the space of the sound expands. There is better height weight depth to the sound. Vocals has better range and imaging is more substantial using the Solar cable. Bass has better presence and treble again takes on a silkier tone to it. The stage difference is really the big change on here. TMSR-10 has a larger stage for earphones in general but with the Solar it is clearly more expansive. Has better textured timbre from the highs to the bass. Adding a Solar into the TSMR-10 now makes them sound even higher end than it already is. That added richness to the tone seems to be a constant with the Solar. I tried the Solar on the TSMR-6 as well and this affect also carries over to the TSMR-6. So all BA earphones here seems to benefit greatly with what the Solar does.

I dont think you need to get a $400 cable just to maximize the sound on the SPARK but just know the better your cable is the better they will sound.
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May 27, 2021 at 6:09 PM Post #769 of 2,438

If you value a great tonality, Spark + a device with 2-3ohm output impedance will give you an even better experience. Out of my iPhone 6S 3.5mm out (3ohm), tonality is literally perfect for my taste. Mids become thicker and denser like the RSV but with higher resolution.
something like E1DA 9038S with 0.05ohm output impedance, Spark becomes super wide and deep sparkly sounding IEM.
Feels like I got the 2 for 1 deal :)

I am now using it with the CEMA Tianwaitian (similar to the ISN Solar) and SQ is exceptional.
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May 27, 2021 at 11:05 PM Post #770 of 2,438
I got a serious problem. So I am writing a review for another earphone and I started listening to the Sparks 2 hours later I tell myself I gotta start focusing on this earphone here yet I cant take these things out of my ears. Lol. The idea of listening to just one more track is a real issue with these.

I gotta admit. Sparks has to be the best sounding all BA earphone I have ever heard. Well with ESTs . These sound so natural I knew they was gonna be good but seriously these are a masterclass in tuning and sound.

I decided to use a more cheaper cable in the PAC480 to hear how the cable works with the Sparks I can confirm this cable is a great match for the Sparks. This should have been the cable that came included with the Sparks and the Land Imo. I cant imagine how good these will sound in custom form. David you read this your in for a serious treat. I am gonna call it now. I bet these will rank up there with the best you have heard.
May 28, 2021 at 10:09 AM Post #771 of 2,438
I am thinking of going for the Land...but after reading the reviews and impressions,I need some clarifications if anyone can kindly provide:

1. I understand the mids are neutral-cold tonality, but I hope they are not unnaturally thin and piercing like Blessing 2?
2. My previous EST experience was Shozy X AAW Pola, whose highs were kind of piercing for me. I read that Land has bright highs...but how much bright are they, and with Treble switch in off position do they sound brilliant yet not piercing?

Thanks in advance. @Dsnuts @morndewey @Xinlisupreme please advise.
May 28, 2021 at 12:57 PM Post #772 of 2,438
@Dsnuts you're seriously playing with my nerves while my Sparks are built :p (kidding, keep'em comin')... I so look forward to them!
And the Solar match this cable has been one of my favorite, need to write that review by the way... too much work these days... hopefully this summer I'll spitfire reviews again :)
May 29, 2021 at 2:20 PM Post #774 of 2,438
Graph looks lovely for a 7BA. Tansio is an experienced engineer and tuner from what I've heard and can tell from previous products so I simply don't understand the decision to put in 4ESTs if they're pretty much not gonna play anything.

Not sure I understand your meaning there... but I do agree Tansio Mirai features masterful tunings for sure

If anyone has noticed, Oriolus Trailli has a similar set up by the way (all BA, 4 EST, just has one more BA with a 8 + 4 setup vs 7 + 4 for Spark).
Most 4EST setup so far were tribrids... I look forward to the Spark!
May 29, 2021 at 2:28 PM Post #775 of 2,438
Not sure I understand your meaning there... but I do agree Tansio Mirai features masterful tunings for sure

If anyone has noticed, Oriolus Trailli has a similar set up by the way (all BA, 4 EST, just has one more BA with a 8 + 4 setup vs 7 + 4 for Spark).
Most 4EST setup so far were tribrids... I look forward to the Spark!
Also QDC V14 has similar design 10BA+4EST😍
May 29, 2021 at 2:29 PM Post #776 of 2,438
I feel that Traillii will be just an incremental upgrade from the Spark. I would love to be proven wrong here however.

Traillii probably has a better subbass presence due to sealed BA design and bit more upper treble (EST) energy due to less dampening- leading to more spread out staging and diffused center imaging. Upper bass, mids and lower treble presentation is similar I gathered.
If everything goes as planned, I should have the Traillii within about a month or so to compare them formally and casually.
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May 29, 2021 at 3:30 PM Post #777 of 2,438
Isabellae and DMAGIC call me, but I’m trying to resist😂
May 29, 2021 at 6:17 PM Post #778 of 2,438
I feel that Traillii will be just an incremental upgrade from the Spark. I would love to be proven wrong here however.

Traillii probably has a better subbass presence due to sealed BA design and bit more upper treble (EST) energy due to less dampening- leading to more spread out staging and diffused center imaging. Upper bass, mids and lower treble presentation is similar I gathered.
If everything goes as planned, I should have the Traillii within about a month or so to compare them formally and casually.
Nice!!! So you’re getting the Traillii? A Spark vs Traillii comparison would be awesome! Actually, throw in the Anole V14 for good measure, and that would be a really great shootout.
May 29, 2021 at 6:18 PM Post #779 of 2,438
Nice!!! So you’re getting the Traillii? A Spark vs Traillii comparison would be awesome! Actually, throw in the Anole V14 for good measure, and that would be a really great shootout.
V14? I will be declaring a bankruptcy and moving into my parent’s home lol.

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