Sydney/Blue Mountain Meet July 11
May 12, 2010 at 8:04 AM Post #46 of 170
Very nice mate congrats, what cartridge are you running? And the Melos has a phono stage I guess?
Would love to come, but have no idea how to get there!! If someone picks me up I'd bring my new Kuzma Table (stabi s with stogi ref arm), melos sha gold, cd3000 and hf-2s :)
Thanks for letting me know about this guys, looks awesome

May 13, 2010 at 7:56 AM Post #48 of 170
Cool glad youll be there Justin!! interested to hear your vinyl rig actually, and the melos now its got new tubes. also very keen in hearing the CD3000 again, loved them last time!! pity theres no way i can balance them to hear on my rig. lord knows I need more headphones :p
May 13, 2010 at 8:10 AM Post #49 of 170

Would love to come, but have no idea how to get there!! If someone picks me up I'd bring my new Kuzma Table (stabi s with stogi ref arm), melos sha gold, cd3000 and hf-2s :)
Thanks for letting me know about this guys, looks awesome

Heyhey long time no see!
I think Owen and I are going to go up together.
If you drive to my house (or his then) then you could either tail us or if we all take the larger of the three cars then we could prob all cram in one?
Edit: Opps there is a good possibility I'll be giving Jeremy a lift as well... perhaps Jason can help you out. Maybe we can sort something out carpooling wise a little more officially as we get closer to the date.
May 17, 2010 at 7:18 AM Post #50 of 170
Hey guys,
Not sure if your place is full yet John but my dad and I would love to be able to come.
We've been hard at work on our diy mosfet amp and i think we're finally at a point where we'll be happy showing it off to people. Might also be able to bring along a diy tube amp we've been working on if we can get it ready in time.
I've also got a pair of woodied and recabled cd3000s which i'd love to be able to share with some of you guys.
Do you think you'll have room to accommodate me?
May 17, 2010 at 7:35 AM Post #51 of 170
Jun, there’s still room, may I have you fathers name so I can add you both to the list. Looking forward to hearing your amps! 
May 18, 2010 at 12:26 AM Post #53 of 170

Sure, my dads name is Xin. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

That's excellent news.  I love Xin amps. 

...oooh, not THAT Xin

Seriously, though it'll be great to hear a Jun/Xin mosfet amp.

May 20, 2010 at 12:28 AM Post #54 of 170
Hi, my FIRST post ever!!!
I will be joining your meet~
I will bring my AKG K702 (would be interested to compare with the other AKG 702 as I read that some phones have bass variants depending on the batch)
And hopefully S:flo2 (if it arives before the meet in batch 3)
May 20, 2010 at 6:48 AM Post #56 of 170
Hey guys, I hope your all getting pumped for the up and coming meet extravaganza...
The attendees and gear lists have been updated, please let me know if something is amiss.
I have 20 attendees so far, I have to cut a limit at 10 more lucky folk, 30’s snug anymore than that will be getting squishy.
My home is two storey, upstairs is heated downstairs I’m afraid is not, would everyone be willing to chip in on a hired portable air conditioner - the cost over 30 or so people would not be that much.
Erwin (wink) who sadly cannot make this meet has a vast library of headphones and is willing to loan out some of his baby’s for this meet, so they’ll be a few more excellent editions... cough K1000’s ooops. So big thanks mate with you generosity!
As we move closer to the meet I’ll post up some house rules detailing the treatment of other people’s property. I’d also like to keep noise to a minimum, upstairs is floor boarded and will get very noisy with 15 - 20 people rummaging around especially for the downstairs folk. I know this may sound silly but thick socks may be the go! 

May 20, 2010 at 5:19 PM Post #58 of 170
There's at least 3 members off the top of my head that will more than likely bring their laptops. It would be a good to get a show of hands, I'll add this into the equipment list.
May 20, 2010 at 7:14 PM Post #59 of 170
I'll be bringing my MacBook, photo frame media player, iPod Classic, Cowon S9, and a cheap DVD player that can be used as a CD transport (it's nasty cheap, but does its job).
The first three will all have all my music on them.
May 21, 2010 at 4:04 AM Post #60 of 170
Looking good.  Im just a little worried that there may not be enough CDPs or laptops for all the rigs.  Is that usually an issue or does every1 bring their own music storage/transport devices?

Well if I turn up my music would just be on my iRiver media player... and I'd take it around with me (with toslink and 3.5mm to RCA cables) to plug into other systems so I can use music with which I am familiar.

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