:sunrise: CanJam SoCal 2016 (March 19-20, 2016)
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Mar 11, 2016 at 12:38 PM Post #631 of 1,119
  Are the people that do set up these impromptu meets allowed to post them up here? Or do these require a separate thread?

In the past people have been posting about breakfast get-togethers and such in these threads so I'd think it's probably fair game.
Mar 11, 2016 at 1:49 PM Post #636 of 1,119
Uh oh, I guess I will have to check out the DP-X1.

be sure to check it out! it may well be your dap upgrade

Mar 11, 2016 at 2:51 PM Post #638 of 1,119
  Onkyo added to exhibitor list!

Fantastic! I am very interested in DP-X1, but there is little information about International release date, which in turn hopefully will fix some of the issues raised on DP-X1 forum (excessive gap on 2.5 mm socket, no USB DAC support). If they adress those few things, sprinkle in a sweet Canjam discount --> the money will fly out of my pocket!
Mar 11, 2016 at 4:10 PM Post #640 of 1,119

  Oh wow thank you i'll definitely stop by, last night i was already getting my playlists ready, making mental checklists of what to take :):) 
and i put a hold on any future purchases, because i think i'll be auditioning alot of stuff next weekend :):) 
How exciting thank you guys for making me feel so welcome :):) I'll be 6ft 7 white guy who loves to talk and joke:):)

Of course you're welcome dude!  One of the best things about CanJam is meeting people from the forums, for the first time in person.  So many of us are friends IRL, and it all starts with having met at a CanJam or a meet.  For example, I met @jude at my very first meet, and we've been awesome friends ever since, with many interests outside of audio and music as well (Formula 1, etc.).
Yes, for sure, DO NOT buy anything until you get to CanJam.  Once you audition everything you want to hear, and talk to other Head-Fiers in real time, you'll have a much better idea of what you want.  And if you're lucky, one of the things you want will be offered on show special pricing.  BTW, what are you looking for?  Desktop stuff, portable stuff?
This is shaping up to be a terrific show!  


I told my girlfriend about the scavenger hunt deal, she's all excited, i mean we are easy going, , last January we went to LA for some convention for special hair extensions deal or whatever girls do, she's like "well if we go for my hair we should go for headphones" and i was like "you're right!" :):)

She's a keeper!  

I found a girl that let me enjoy my hobby and don't even ask when I buy or upgrade toys.... I married her!! He he he :heart_eyes:

You sir, are lucky in so many ways!
How's the weather up there ATM?  Looking forward to some SoCal sun?


Mar 11, 2016 at 6:09 PM Post #642 of 1,119
  Isn't Shure going to be there?  You would think they would after all the glowing praise that Jude had got the KSE1500.

To the best of my knowledge Shure has never been an exhibitor at any of the official CanJam events apart from the Singapore show last month. They may not be able to make SoCal, but there's still a week for an official announcement. We can cross our fingers and hope. I'd like to spend some more time with the KSE1500 myself since my demo at the Chicago meet was brief.
Mar 11, 2016 at 6:14 PM Post #643 of 1,119
If I'm not mistaken, Moon Audio sometimes brings Shure stuff.  Could check their table...
Mar 11, 2016 at 6:41 PM Post #644 of 1,119
Less than a week till my flight out to SoCal. It's going to be a long work week.
Mar 11, 2016 at 6:59 PM Post #645 of 1,119
I'm into just about everything right now, but mostly desktop, i like to try new things so i'm always buying and selling stuff...
It is going to be a long week, i like the idea of the informal meets, n the end we all just want to share awesome audio :):)
I will be at your table Saturday to say hi, and honestly the idea of maybe winning a liquid carbon kinda sealed the deal for me to go :):)
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