Stax Omega Review in Stereophile
Jun 22, 2001 at 12:35 AM Post #2 of 20
Whoa, the current issue has this? Hmm might have to hit the magazine store today then.
Jun 22, 2001 at 6:37 AM Post #4 of 20
Hmm...this would be a good time to get that first issue of my subscription. I'll be mad if I go buy this at a store and then get it two weeks later in the mail.
Jun 22, 2001 at 8:00 AM Post #5 of 20
I am going to pick the magazine up today, thanks for the info !

Jun 22, 2001 at 12:33 PM Post #7 of 20
"an outstanding choice for thosewho want clean, clear, fast, revealing sound." is the conclusion.

Gee, I'm lucky enough to receive it 6 days ago.

At Headwize forum, I mentioned that after nearly two years' waiting, I finally had chance to audition it but quickly decided it's not for me for it's too lean for my taste. Seems like J-10 prefers his Cary/Sennheiser's "wet" and "reverb" sound over the sound of Stax.

The Stax headphone is driven w/ tubed SRM-007t and SS SRM-717 amp. J-10 prefers tubed drive very slightly but "a matter of taste".
Jun 22, 2001 at 12:53 PM Post #8 of 20
I must say that once you hook up w/ an idiosyncratic sound it's hard to accept other sound. J-10 prefer's Cary/Senn to Omega II is quite understandable. Because Cary is very SWEET.

For me, I prefer RKV due to its almost perfect balance, resolution, and neutrality. For those like to try Cary, Audiogon has plenty of used but great samples for $2000. I must say that Stax betters RKV and Cary in almost all categories objectively, but somehow lacks the darn "magic" quality.

Difficult to explain but allow me to give an example. The McIntosh MR67 tuner produces a sound that I feel I prefer to some of the best sources out there including the Sony 777. The is no kidding that Sony beats crap out of MR67 in almost every category. But the sound of the vintage tuner is so open, liquid, and beautiful that I can forgo details, tolerate noise, wait for commercials, and surrender choices of music... I almost bought a 777 and glad didn't do so as nowadays I pretty much only listen to tuners.

Down to the root, it's all about personal taste and preferences. After all, this hobby is an acquired taste. Doesn't matter what other gentlemen say, I prefer brunette over blonde. Stick w/ your taste and you will find the amp you love.
Jun 22, 2001 at 10:24 PM Post #10 of 20
You guys buying stereophile mght be interested in the following quoted from stereophiles site. I dont work for them by the way, but seems like rather a good deal if you ask me. A bargain in fact.

Quote from stereophile site "Here's the fastest way to bring home the only magazine that entertains, informs and educates its readers about the latest technology-- Stereophile Magazine -- at no risk! During this special online offer, you can get 2 FREE ISSUES and receive an additional 10 issues for only $11.97 - that's just $1.00 an issue. If you choose not to subscribe, just write "cancel" on your invoice, send it back and owe nothing. Either way, the first 2 issues are yours to keep -- without obligation. Just complete the information below, and click on submit."

It's a good deal on a subscription dont u think?
Jun 23, 2001 at 1:35 PM Post #13 of 20
I'll throw my two cents into this and say that i think the
review was terrible. Two pages on setting things up,
playing with cables, tiptoes... And about .25 page on
how these things really sound.

The extensive review on the headwize site was literally
orders of magnitude more detailed and of much more
use than this poorly written article.

Of course they still are the best headphones in the

I would like to point out that the stax tube amp has
an output impedance of 47k. At 10khz the headphones
have a 170k impedance, which is why the tube amp
sounds different and is lacking in high frequency content.
Jun 23, 2001 at 10:25 PM Post #14 of 20
Don't bother w/ Stereo Review unless you are into home theater. I have courtesy subscription from them for a couple of years but each time when the mag comes, I usually finish it in 30 min for it's uninspiring content.
Jun 23, 2001 at 11:34 PM Post #15 of 20
I have to agree with Kevin - not much mention was made in the article regarding the actual sound of the Omegas in general. I wish Jonathon Scull would have gone into explicit detail regarding bass and treble extension, midrange realism, soundstaging, etc, especially in comparison to his Cary/Sennheiser combo. Also, Scull refers to the considerable improvements afforded by his use of a PS Audio PowerPlant, but nothing is stated regarding what those differences were. I agree that the reviews on Headwize are considerably more informative.

It WAS really cool how Scull compared and contrasted the two driver units, but even there I would have liked to read something regarding differences in soundstaging (if any).

Still, it's always cool to read headphone reviews in the established rags - definitely good for exposure.

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