Sep 28, 2006 at 4:34 AM Post #91 of 99
Carl, would you really estimate a 5dB plateau in the 4070 highs isn't really "hot"? To me, this is very elevated indeed and not a lot different from the 404.

The X-III doesn't have much bass below 50Hz, it's true, but on the right amp the octave above has plenty of wallop. What amp are you driving them with? Try something like Massive Attack and see what I mean.
Oct 20, 2006 at 6:30 AM Post #92 of 99
This has become a rather interesting thread! I've revisited it on several occasions to reread some of the dialogue that had me puzzled. I must say that I've had a hard time following much of the technical discussion, although it's quite clear that those who have participated in it are quite knowledgable in terms of electrostat design issues and such. Anyway, I've enjoyed it tremendously and thought I'd take this occasion to say as much.

I hope that I'll enjoy my pair of 4070's as much as Carl seems to be enjoying his, but I'm afraid I probably won't have a whole lot to add to the discussion (or at least nothing of any heft, given my complete lack of competence in all things technical). What I will be able to offer are some generic listening impressions relative to the Omega II, 404, and HE90's on the HEV90, ES-1 and Egmont Signature. Should be fun.

I just caved in and placed my order with pricejapan tonight. Their website says that it will take 2-3 weeks for delivery. Was that your experience, Carl?
Oct 20, 2006 at 6:43 AM Post #93 of 99

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
What I will be able to offer are some generic listening impressions relative to the Omega II, 404, and HE90's on the HEV90, ES-1 and Egmont Signature. Should be fun.

I just caved in and placed my order with pricejapan tonight. Their website says that it will take 2-3 weeks for delivery. Was that your experience, Carl?

That would be most appreciated
Oct 20, 2006 at 6:49 AM Post #94 of 99

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
I hope that I'll enjoy my pair of 4070's as much as Carl seems to be enjoying his...

Just when you thought there weren't any more headphones for Wayne to buy, he manages to find another one...


Oct 20, 2006 at 7:55 AM Post #95 of 99
Congratulations Carl! I wasn't aware that you got those babies!

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the sound of old Staxes. Could you please compare the 4070 with the HE60?

And congratulations in advance, Wayne. I can't wait to hear from you comparing the 4070 with the usual suspects I'm so familiar with.

Oct 20, 2006 at 8:41 AM Post #96 of 99

Originally Posted by jjcha
Just when you thought there weren't any more headphones for Wayne to buy, he manages to find another one...



I figure it will get me to spend more time with the ES-1 when it arives. I'm hoping that will be before the 4070, but you never know. The whole idea of a closed pair of electrostats really has me curious.
Oct 20, 2006 at 8:12 PM Post #97 of 99

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
I hope that I'll enjoy my pair of 4070's as much as Carl seems to be enjoying his...
I just caved in and placed my order with pricejapan tonight.

I might end up doing the same.
Cause there have been little response to my "4070 WTB" thread!

It sure would be nice to see more 4070 owners around here.
Oct 20, 2006 at 9:30 PM Post #98 of 99
Oh yeah, I forgot to keep updating this thread, sorry. I've been limited in terms of critical listening recently.

Unfortunately I'm not even in the same town as my amps and headphones right now, so comparisons would have to be based on my memory (and current levels of alcohol consumption have done no good to that
). I'll try for a basic 4070 v HE60 comparison on tuesday/wednesday hopefully, but until good ol' Alex finishes his HE60 adaptors no serious comparisons will be possible.

Enjoy the 4070s, Wayne.
Oct 20, 2006 at 9:47 PM Post #99 of 99

Originally Posted by Carl
current levels of alcohol consumption have done no good to that

I find that alcohol consumption offers a very constant level of comparitive listening. Without failure, the headphone that I listen to later in the night is the btter sounding one. I was listening to the Omega 2 earlier, and now after a few glasses of the doug recipie gin, the Ergo 2 is smashing them to pieces. Incredible.

And congratulations on the 4070 wallet bruise Wayne. We all look forward to hearing how you find them.

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