Sep 19, 2006 at 1:47 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 99


Headphoneus Supremus
Mar 11, 2005
Well folks, it's been a long journey but they've finally arrived. Or as they'd say in Japan;

They're here━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ッ!!!

And, of course, here are the oh-so-obligitary pictures. Hope you're not reading this on dialup!

There wasn't any warning this was coming when it did, so quite the surprise. On the flipside, customs didn't bother me with import duty this time, so no complaints there!

Price Japan always package things so well.

Seriously, who needs christmas?

Yup, definitely a 4070. And only the 1040th ever made. I wonder what's inside...


The briefcase is sheer class.

It's really solidly built, too.

Good ol' bubble rap.

And finally the headphones make an appearance.

These are seriously huge headphones. Here's a comparison with the SR-X.

And here's 4070 + SR50. Closed electrostatics for the win.

You'd be amazed how heavy this cable is. I've never seen a headphone cable nearly as heavy. That said, the cable is a work of art from a build quality perspective.

The pads are the same as the 404, and I can't say I'll ever become a fan of them. What's wrong with real leather? It's not like adding an extra $20 to the price for real leather is going to matter a hell of a lot in this price bracket. Despite the width of the headphones, the ear chamber is surprisingly shallow, and has not one but two layers of foam, with the closer of the two seeming to be not tied down, or at least very loosely secured.

The housing is balsa wood, fairly heavy, and it's painted with a matte metallic silvery grey. They don't look ugly, at least compared to Floats and Sigmas, but you won't win the prize for best dressed, either. They're more functional looking than you might expect.

The headband and top of the headpad are covered in the same artificial leather as the earpads. The underside of the headpad seems to be some kind of artificial suede. They aren't uncomfortable, although there is a lot of weight they need to disperse. The build quality is rather good, if showing signs of being overengineered.

A top down look.

Compared to the HE60s, these are really sturdy, which of course could be construed as damning with faint praise.

Here it is plugged into my suitably rare transformer. I should have plugged the SR50s into the SRD-4 for the photo-op, so as to have all four of the Staxes here ready for use, but I really didn't want to defile them.

King of the castle.

I'm sure all of you are all "how do they sound, how do they sound!?!", but I'm going to let them charge overnight before I give any prelim impressions, and the full review will wait until I am full and ready for it.
Sep 19, 2006 at 2:09 PM Post #4 of 99

Originally Posted by lmilhan
P.S. Those pictures even stressed my broadband connection

I realised I should have resized them after they were all already uploaded...
Sep 19, 2006 at 2:50 PM Post #5 of 99
Congratulations Carl! You've certainly been waiting a looong time for them. I hope that they do not dissapoint, and indeed, I am certain they will not. All us Staxophile are looking forward to hearing your impressions in due course.

And 1040! these really are as rare as hens teeth, my O2 reads 71998.
Sep 19, 2006 at 3:00 PM Post #6 of 99
Wait wait, which part is made of balsa wood?
Sep 19, 2006 at 3:02 PM Post #7 of 99

Originally Posted by Duggeh
Congratulations Carl! You've certainly been waiting a looong time for them. I hope that they do not dissapoint, and indeed, I am certain they will not. All us Staxophile are looking forward to hearing your impressions in due course.

Thanks Doug. They're proving to be quite an impressive beast, but I need sleep now...


And 1040! these really are as rare as hens teeth, my O2 reads 71998.

That many? That's impressive. Hy HE60s are eleven thousand and something.


Originally Posted by Mercuttio
Wait wait, which part is made of balsa wood?

The housing. Yes, they are wood, not plastic. In fact, there is almost no plastic anywhere.
Sep 19, 2006 at 3:08 PM Post #8 of 99

Originally Posted by Carl

The housing. Yes, they are wood, not plastic. In fact, there is almost no plastic anywhere.

That's so strange! I've seen pictures of them for a while, but I would have never known that they were wood. How thick is the wood, do you think? How durable?
Sep 19, 2006 at 3:08 PM Post #10 of 99

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
That's so strange! I've seen pictures of them for a while, but I would have never known that they were wood. How thick is the wood, do you think? How durable?

Not overly thick, but they seem robust enough. They are also very heavy because of what they're made out of.


Originally Posted by ghiberti
congrats on your new toy, Carl.

so, it is why you "kekeke"d then, eh?

Sep 19, 2006 at 3:44 PM Post #11 of 99
Are those the same headband as the 007? Wait... the 007 were fixed right?
So what are they made of? Metal? What do you think is under the leather for those two "arc assembly" thing? Metal too?
Maybe next time i get my sigmas modded, i'll ask for that headband. Hope they don't charge me like 200$ or something just for that!

Oh, and wondering, how do you adjust the leather strip height? It doesn't look like it slides.
Sep 19, 2006 at 4:13 PM Post #14 of 99
What do they mean by self-adjusting? Is it like an elastic and stretches? I'd hate to have a return force on my head.
Sep 19, 2006 at 4:35 PM Post #15 of 99
you must fly to NYC and give us all a shot at this at the Fall Meet!

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