Hey muskyhuntr, what do you use for the words on the case? It looks neat. Also do you use a led for the power and if so where does it go in the pcb?
Not at all, it's just I prefer the 2D puzzle myself at least for now, maybe because it's easier. Also feels more sturdy with a pcb.
Hi All;
Finally finished my Starving Student. If I had to describe this project with one word, it would be 'surprise'. With no break in, this thing sounds good even with my cheap break in phones.
Here are a few pictures of the final product.
Not at all, it's just I prefer the 2D puzzle myself at least for now, maybe because it's easier. Also feels more sturdy with a pcb.
Something went wrong? I really enjoy building P2P. It's like a challenging 3D puzzle and you can be very creative solving it.