SparkoS Labs Gemini Headphone Amp
Mar 29, 2024 at 9:02 AM Post #61 of 85
Hello all. I am seriously considering this amp. Did anyone tried this with IEMs? And does this amp in its stock tube configuration work great with all genres, including pop/edm/electronic/rock?
I’ve used it with IEMs a little. I don’t have any highly sensitive sets like the andromeda, but I did get a little hiss on high gain with the Canon 2. None whatsoever on low gain. I didn’t get any hiss (low or high gain) with the Mest mk2. the stock tube sounded quite good for everything I tried it with. I upgraded to 7308 and it added some depth/space and resolution
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Mar 29, 2024 at 9:31 AM Post #62 of 85
...I upgraded to 7308 and it added some depth/space and resolution
I'd love to hear what other tubes Gemini owners upgraded to. Wouldn't mind trying a few.

Out of the ones I tested (stock Electro-Harmonix ECC88, Tesla E88CC gold pins NOS, Sylvania 12AT7 JAN-CHS NOS, Brimar 12AU7 NOS) I finally settled on the Brimar. Best overall sound sig for my taste, warm but still clear/detailed with thicker notes and a bit of added sound stage width & depth and the best bass out of the bunch. Sylvania came close 2nd. I didn't really like the Tesla, found the sound too "bright" for my taste.
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Mar 29, 2024 at 12:36 PM Post #64 of 85
Hello all. I am seriously considering this amp. Did anyone tried this with IEMs? And does this amp in its stock tube configuration work great with all genres, including pop/edm/electronic/rock?

I use IEMs on low gain.

I think the amp works well with all genres and headphones I've tried.
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Mar 29, 2024 at 3:53 PM Post #65 of 85
I'd love to hear what other tubes Gemini owners upgraded to. Wouldn't mind trying a few.
Current tube rotation in Gemini:
• Genalex / Gold Lion 6922
• Philips BEL E88CC (6922 type)
• Amperex 'orange globe' 7308 (6922 type)
• Brimar CV455 KB/FB (12AT7 type)
• M-O-V A2900 (12AT7 type)
• RFT ECC81 'foil getter' (12AT7 type)
• Telefunken ECC801S (12AT7 type)
• Lansdale 'long plate' 12AU7
• RFT ECC82 'foil getter' (12AU7 type).
EDIT: I typically do not use 12AX7 / ECC83 tubes in h/p/a due to their high gain factor - 100x.
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Apr 7, 2024 at 6:46 PM Post #66 of 85
In action ....
Apr 8, 2024 at 3:18 AM Post #67 of 85
Apr 8, 2024 at 1:35 PM Post #68 of 85
Is there any channel imbalance at low listening levels?

Have any IEM users noticed any hiss or noise?
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Apr 9, 2024 at 8:03 PM Post #69 of 85
The power cables are $28.95 each .... purchased on Ebay 👍🤣🤣
Dude, I got the exact cable you got and a different one for $30ea on Ebay....holy crap they are awesome. Not just looks, they perform very well. I'm never paying more than $30 for IEC cables again. It's amazing what you can get now on Ebay/Amazon now vs a few years ago. Thanks for the heads up
Apr 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM Post #70 of 85
Is there any channel imbalance at low listening levels?

Have any IEM users noticed any hiss or noise?
Mine arrived today, so I'll answer my own questions....

I'm hearing perfect channel balance at low volume levels.

My IEMs, and Grado RS1x are silent using low gain with the stock EH 6922, and single ended out.

This an incredible amp for the money. The soundstage is on par with my Cayin HA-3A. The Cayin obviously has the advantage of more tube bloom. I'm able to hear more details at low volume with the Gemini, something that can be a challenge with the Cayin.
Apr 12, 2024 at 10:10 AM Post #72 of 85
How does it compare to your WA6? Considering one or the other for my HE1000SE
Slightly less 'tubey' - it is a VT/op amp hybrid. Also, WA6 sonics are greatly affected by the choice of rectifier tube. Both are excellent.
Apr 12, 2024 at 10:12 AM Post #73 of 85
I was looking at your hardware and was wondering if you could answer a question of mine. Audeze has been my benchmark for headphones for the longest time, had all the LCD’s ant one point. Just have the 3/4 now. Recently I got the OG Clear. IMO it is better than anything Audeze offers. Do you have a ZMF headphone that you could recommend based on that information?
For a first-time ZMF owner, give Auteur Classic a go. ☑️
Apr 23, 2024 at 3:35 AM Post #75 of 85
I just published a rather extensive review of the Sparkos Labs Gemini. Hope some will find it useful :)

FYI, your view that tube amps take “edge off the famous treble peak/bright sound the HD800S and HD800 often has, even with great solid-state amps” is limited by your experience with solid state amps. I hear no such edge with my CFA3, M^3 ( this one has Staccato discrete opamps) or the head amp directly from Playback Designs Merlot. 800S sounds full, highly dense and weighty, transparent and musical in my systems.
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