South Florida Meet Impressions - 12/2/06
Dec 4, 2006 at 9:44 PM Post #91 of 213
So I up in FREEZING Orlando at this conference, and I look at the program at what I've got to do next, and there on my lie..."Magic Headphones." Guess I'll find out.

Stevieo: you behaved quite graciously toward me, so no apologies needed. Besides, you're the only person I know who even knows who Jim White is. You're okay by me.
Dec 4, 2006 at 9:50 PM Post #92 of 213

Originally Posted by jp11801 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We got the tubes fairly early in the meet and switched the source to the MinMax cdp fairly early on. The only variable was we had a few tube sets in there until we settled on the best mix or reality ($$) and sonics.

So that would be the GE 6080 and kenrad 6sn7? What would be the best?

And how do these two compare to the Heed Canamp for Jazz (all flavors from solo to big band) and Fusion (think Yellowjackets) with either a 340/701 or 6x0?

And can I get a pony too?

PS—Thanks for the research on this!
Dec 4, 2006 at 10:04 PM Post #93 of 213


Originally Posted by Voltron /img/forum/go_quote.gif
x2, but knowing Stevieo just a little I imagine that his *apology* is somewhat tongue (+toothpick) in cheek.

Great impressions Gene, thanks for getting the thread around to business.

Dec 4, 2006 at 11:05 PM Post #94 of 213

Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Stevieo: you behaved quite graciously toward me, so no apologies needed. Besides, you're the only person I know who even knows who Jim White is. You're okay by me.

Jim White the songwriter? I know who he is and was lucky enough to go on tour with him as his sound engineer. What a kind individual he is. It's great to find some his fans on head-fi.

Stevieo, if I only knew you're a Jim White fan, I'd have given you a bigger discount.
I wonder if you were at any of the shows at the same time as me.
Dec 4, 2006 at 11:06 PM Post #95 of 213

Originally Posted by mrarroyo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I spent an hour or more comparing the Tomahawk vs. The Hornet "M"...

As far as sound I think it is very similar to the Hornet "M" wiht the Hornet having a bit more punch.

That was pretty much my impression as well. It look a bit of patience to volume match, but I was quite pleasantly surprised to hear the Tomahawk driving the R10 and Qualia 010 with no problem whatsoever. I thought the Hornet's sound was a tad fuller and presented a wider, more convincing, soundstage. But the Tomahawk held its own, and given that I'll use my Tomahawk only with IEMs (UE10 Pro and E500 especially), I'm pretty pumped up about it!
Dec 4, 2006 at 11:26 PM Post #96 of 213

Originally Posted by jamey /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Jim White the songwriter? I know who he is and was lucky enough to go on tour with him as his sound engineer. What a kind individual he is. It's great to find some his fans on head-fi.

Stevieo, if I only knew you're a Jim White fan, I'd have given you a bigger discount.
I wonder if you were at any of the shows at the same time as me.

Yes!! Wow!! I've been trying to push Jim White on folks for years. Stevieo was the first person I'd met who not only knew of him, but was trying to push a CD on me.
Dec 4, 2006 at 11:44 PM Post #97 of 213
Gene, thanks for those great impressions. As always, you made it around the room to hear everything there was to hear and have provided nice reports for all to follow. As usual, I didn't make it all the way around the room. In fact, this time it was worse than ever. I was totally out of it from the long drive and ZERO sleep!

In addition to Gene's Blockhead and AT setups (already reported on) about the only other systems I listened to (for any time at all) were Ray's B-52 and Mikhail's Extreme amps. It seems like every time either one of these guys comes up with a new creation, I'm lining up to get one. As much as I'd love to add a B-52 and/or Extreme to my amp arsenal, it's just time STOP the madness! The B-52 was absolutely killer with the balanced Qualia (and a special thanks to Ray for adjusting my pair of Qualia to FINALLY give me a proper fit). I mean to say, that amp really takes charge. I don't know how to describe the sound exactly except to say that it is addictive, especially the bass.

I didn't give the Extreme as much time, unfortunately, but did try it briefly with the Qualia, R10 and (yes) the K1000, which as others have said, it can drive with authority. Pretty impressive for a $1000 amp. Thankfully, I'm not in the amp market!

Not much else to report. I was dozing off while listening to vinyl at Oz's place, and that's not like me at all. I'm just now getting caught up on my sleep, and have been trying to fight the onset of a cold. Sore throat is all but gone after about a gallon of orange juice, but I'm still sneezing and coughing. I absolutely hate Illinois from October through April and vow never to make another trip back home EVER AGAIN during those months (until next year, of course).
Dec 4, 2006 at 11:48 PM Post #98 of 213

Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes!! Wow!! I've been trying to push Jim White on folks for years. Stevieo was the first person I'd met who not only knew of him, but was trying to push a CD on me.

Cool. Now you've found another Jim White fan. He makes some very interesting sounding recordings and his lyrics cause me to think more than most other songwriters.
Dec 5, 2006 at 12:41 AM Post #99 of 213
hey jamey,

never been to a jim white show but i did rent a documentary he did travelling around in the south ofrom netflix "searching for the one-eyed jesus" based on his album my the same name. i found out about him from one of the local head-fiers.


Originally Posted by jamey /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Jim White the songwriter? I know who he is and was lucky enough to go on tour with him as his sound engineer. What a kind individual he is. It's great to find some his fans on head-fi.

Stevieo, if I only knew you're a Jim White fan, I'd have given you a bigger discount.
I wonder if you were at any of the shows at the same time as me.

Dec 5, 2006 at 2:06 AM Post #100 of 213
Hi Stevie and all,

Since I didn't get to attend the meet, I feel a bit odd talking in this thread but, I was there in spirit with my baby balanced amp (actually that amp has lots of care givers) and I guess it's a little on topic because Jim White is from Florida. One Eyed Jesus is the record I toured to support. I really like the sound of the banjo-caster which was Jim's electric banjo crafted by the bass player. Can't wait to get my amp back. I haven't listened to any Jim through it yet. Who has that thing? Just kidding, I hope you're enjoying it. Looks like everybody had a good time. I'm thinking it would be cool to try to have some music from the local area at meets as a regular occurance. Certainly something this community could organize. I'll bring some local music to any Montana meet.
Dec 5, 2006 at 7:11 AM Post #101 of 213

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was dozing off while listening to vinyl at Oz's place, and that's not like me at all.


Dec 5, 2006 at 7:18 AM Post #102 of 213
Leave it to you, Al... shame on me, shame on you!
Dec 5, 2006 at 8:39 AM Post #103 of 213
More pics, with random impressions mixed in:


Boomana's bedtime selection of cans for after the mini-pre-meet


Triple-M while setting up. He was inspecting rigs around the room to see if they were clean enough for HIS meet!



Tomohawks: not just for IEMs anymore! Guss2 rocks the R-10s with the Tomohawk sourced by the Meridian 508, while Boomana does the same sourced by a Nano G2! I swear that the R-10s sounded excellent in both of these rigs! I believe Ray when he says that he used the R-10s in designing the Tomohawk.


Ah, now that's a Qualia tweak I can relate to! Actually, my personal tweak was a wad of bubble wrap under the headband to lift the earcups over my ears. The Qualias sounded better to me at this meet than ever before. The Zana Deux drove them like crazy and the B-52 made what I heard previously as wispy, airy cans into BASS MONSTERS with an incredible frequency range and soundstage like you wouldn't believe. And I still don't think I had a perfect fit. I can say I am closer to being a believer than ever before. After Patb loans me his pair maybe I will be a full-fledged Qualia man.
Also of note is the fact that this bottle didn't stay sealed up long after this shot when Stevieo got a hold of it while Tyrion was elsewhere.


This Moth is a really sweet amp, although I liked it driving JP#'s hemp-cone Omega speakers even more than driving headphones! The little EC/SS that was next to its big cousin sounded really great with new opamps that Craig sent for JP#s to try out. I don't know if that is the sound of the next round of EC/SS but all I can say is I want one.


Tyll's pics are awesome and he says he is available for weddings and bar mitzvahs.


Here, JP#s demonstrates how he can conserve iPod battery life by using reflected light to make his selection. The AD2000 was another one of the hits at the meet. Really nice cans that can perform well in a wide range of setups.



Where does mikeg look happiest: (1) trying out Boomana's killer K340s?; (2) trying out Japanese food for the first time IN HIS LIFE!?; or (3) checking out the Stevie and Ray show?


Team Brew-Fi was kind enough to supply the meet with both Head-Fi IPA and K1K Oatmeal Stout. Needless to say, that generated a lot of excitement!


The Psycho Sonnet: Extremeo, Oh Extremeo, how do I love thee. Let me count the ways...



Team Baby-Fi was well-represented at the meet, although Boomana swears that Melinda liked me best!

Well, I guess that's it for now.
Dec 5, 2006 at 3:47 PM Post #105 of 213

Originally Posted by bhd812 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What's the story behind these two?...wait I might not want to know..oh yes I do.

Sorry, Billy ... what happens at a SoFL meet stays at a SoFL meet ... well, some of it ... sometimes ... ok, so occaisionally something slips out ...


Originally Posted by bhd812 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I need to fly out to a meet and meet Steve sometime..we can team up!

You are welcome anytime, Billy, and will fit right in with the resident crazies. Jump in the TT and come on down anytime. Not sure Ray will survive the stevieo + bhd812 onslaught, though.

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