Sound Science Corner Pub
May 14, 2024 at 8:43 AM Post #662 of 833
@sunjam I don't have time to respond to it (never mind that it is locked) but as the representative of a leading manufacturer of DAPs and DACs (HiBy Music) my not so humble opinion can be summarized as follows:

1. The video that you're questioning is right, you're wrong.
2. Any counterexamples you can offer are evidence of manufacturers (us included) giving up the fight against audiophiles (the customer's always right, after all) in despair and giving them what they want (sharp spike responses to bandlimited dirac delta input, when the fact that said dirac deltas ARE bandlimited should mean that the classic sinc output is correct) with obvious results (the stairsteps). (in select settings in our case) They asked for *ahem* unique reproduction, we delivered. That's absolutely not to say that correct reproduction is impossible; they are still the norm and the default on all our players and you'll see no stairsteps there.
@Joe Bloggs Thanks a lot for your personal opinion (or your brand's opinion if you are representing them). It is interesting to know your viewpoint regarding the thread I created.

Having said that, I'am afraid that your (or your brand's) opinion probably cannot represent other manufacturers. I think you can probably at most represent your own brand's opinion. Am I correct?

From my point of view, I couldn't agree with point 1 and 2 you mentioned. However, I am not going to discuss these two points in details here as these were supposed under the topic of the "closed" thread. If there are enough interests to continue the discussion in a meaningful and healthy manner without any bullying or personal attacks, I am more than happy to provide more evidences on the thread (if it is re-opened again).

Your later crayon drawing attempts to dismiss the fact that a waveform can only be at one position at any given time.
I think you made an excellent point here: "a waveform can only be at one position at any given time". I agreed with this 100%.

Let's assume we are using a perfect 10k sine wave digital source,

What would the waveform look like at any given time (for example during one particular cycle of the 10k "sine wave") ?
On that particular cycle, the waveform is "super sharp" instead of "smeared". During that particular cycle, is the waveform reconstructed a perfect 10k sine wave?
Where is the "smearing" coming from if every cycle reconstructed is a perfect 10k sine wave?

I would greatly appreciate it if you would retract the posts linked above in light of the fact that they have things completely ass backwards in all respects.
Thanks for your suggestion (that based on your own opinion). I respect your viewpoint. However, my critical thinking does not allow me to agree with yours. I hope you understand.

Cheers :relaxed:

p.s. @Joe Bloggs I bet you want to see my reply based on what you wrote. As @XTF1 suggested I should just shut up, I will delete this reply if you are indeed not expecting my reply. Please let me know if I shoud delete it. Thanks.
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May 14, 2024 at 8:58 AM Post #663 of 833
@Joe Bloggs Thanks a lot for your personal opinion (or your brand's opinion if you are representing them). It is interesting to know your viewpoint regarding the thread I created.
Having said that, I'am afraid that your (or your brand's) opinion probably cannot represent other manufacturers. I think you can probably at most represent your own brand's opinion. Am I correct?
No, you are not correct!

He did not give/represent a personal opinion, he represented the facts (which may or may not also be a personal opinion).

You on the other hand are not, you are supposedly giving a personal opinion which is contrary to the facts/science. And as you have already been made aware of this numerous times, you are deliberately TROLLING!! And not only trolling but trolling the exact same BS you trolled previously which was deleted but then reinstated and locked so you could not continue but here you are thread crapping another thread with the same bullsh!t, STOP!

May 14, 2024 at 9:59 AM Post #665 of 833
@Joe Bloggs Thanks a lot for your personal opinion (or your brand's opinion if you are representing them). It is interesting to know your viewpoint regarding the thread I created.

Having said that, I'am afraid that your (or your brand's) opinion probably cannot represent other manufacturers. I think you can probably at most represent your own brand's opinion. Am I correct?

From my point of view, I couldn't agree with point 1 and 2 you mentioned. However, I am not going to discuss these two points in details here as these were supposed under the topic of the "closed" thread. If there are enough interests to continue the discussion in a meaningful and healthy manner without any bullying or personal attacks, I am more than happy to provide more evidences on the thread (if it is re-opened again).

I think you made an excellent point here: "a waveform can only be at one position at any given time". I agreed with this 100%.

Let's assume we are using a perfect 10k sine wave digital source,

What would the wavefrom look like at any given time (for example during one particular cycle of the 10k "sine wave") ?
On that particular cycle, the waveform is "super sharp" instead of "smeared". During that particular cycle, is the waveform reconstructed a perfect 10k sine wave?
Where is the "smearing" coming from if every cycle reconstructed is a perfect 10k sine wave?

Thanks for your suggestion (that based on your own opinion). I respect your viewpoint. However, my critical thinking does not allow me to agree with yours. I hope you understand.

Cheers :relaxed:

p.s. @Joe Bloggs I bet you want to see my reply based on what you wrote. As @XTF1 suggested I should just shut up, I will delete this reply if you are indeed not expecting my reply. Please let me know if I shoud delete it. Thanks.

If you have the education and skills you claim to have on your blog, then you have to do this constant deception game on purpose. That's unforgivable. If you don't have the education and skills you claim to have, then it means you even lied about that.
May 14, 2024 at 10:01 AM Post #666 of 833
And now for something completely different
“They keep saying that sea levels are rising an' all this. It's nowt to do with the icebergs melting, it's because there's too many fish in it. Get rid of some of the fish and the water will drop. Simple. Basic science.”
― Karl Pilkington
May 14, 2024 at 11:08 AM Post #667 of 833
@Joe Bloggs Thanks a lot for your personal opinion (or your brand's opinion if you are representing them). It is interesting to know your viewpoint regarding the thread I created.

Having said that, I'am afraid that your (or your brand's) opinion probably cannot represent other manufacturers. I think you can probably at most represent your own brand's opinion. Am I correct?

From my point of view, I couldn't agree with point 1 and 2 you mentioned. However, I am not going to discuss these two points in details here as these were supposed under the topic of the "closed" thread. If there are enough interests to continue the discussion in a meaningful and healthy manner without any bullying or personal attacks, I am more than happy to provide more evidences on the thread (if it is re-opened again).

I think you made an excellent point here: "a waveform can only be at one position at any given time". I agreed with this 100%.

Let's assume we are using a perfect 10k sine wave digital source,

What would the wavefrom look like at any given time (for example during one particular cycle of the 10k "sine wave") ?
On that particular cycle, the waveform is "super sharp" instead of "smeared". During that particular cycle, is the waveform reconstructed a perfect 10k sine wave?
Where is the "smearing" coming from if every cycle reconstructed is a perfect 10k sine wave?

Thanks for your suggestion (that based on your own opinion). I respect your viewpoint. However, my critical thinking does not allow me to agree with yours. I hope you understand.

Cheers :relaxed:

p.s. @Joe Bloggs I bet you want to see my reply based on what you wrote. As @XTF1 suggested I should just shut up, I will delete this reply if you are indeed not expecting my reply. Please let me know if I shoud delete it. Thanks.

I no longer feel it’s necessary to be subtle.

The level of ignorance in your posts and blog is embarrassing. You’re obviously lying about your educational background. Please go away and spend a decade or so actually getting the education you claim to have.
May 14, 2024 at 3:05 PM Post #669 of 833
This whole Sunjam thing is utterly ridiculous.

He might be genuinely interested in the stuff that he talks about but interest isn’t his motivation. He just enjoys the sport, it is obvious in the manner, tone, smart arse little digs with the pretence of politeness and his narcissistic style.

It won’t be long until he starts yet another thread to indulge his ego and that will inevitably become another shambles and eventually he will be banned from here. I think that is what he actually wants to give himself something else to add to his list of criticisms about the science oriented audio forums like here and ASR who already banned him. I think he believes that being on the outer or banned makes him seem like he is smarter than everyone else in his distorted view.

Sunjam, I know you will read this because you can’t help yourself despite that you might pretend you didn’t. You said you won’t comment if nobody is interested. Well nobody is interested. If perhaps someone can stomach talking with you perhaps get in touch directly and privately, nobody wants to see the sort of content that you post and the manner in which you post it.

The narcissism to still go on relentlessly telling everyone you are right in the face of so much evidence that you are in fact wrong, to grandstand your apparent intellect and to take pleasure in seeing your content and being involved in a place where you are knowingly only annoying people is astonishing. Don’t you look at the responses you get and feel a little embarrassed that you have made yourself so unwelcome yet again ? I guess that is part of the point though isn’t it, you want the argument and drama and have no interest in a civil conversation at all.

Yet another example where the discussion is far more of an insight into the psychology of the participant far more than anything else.
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May 14, 2024 at 3:08 PM Post #670 of 833
We know all that already.
May 14, 2024 at 3:11 PM Post #672 of 833
I would find it cathartic to move the xxxx on.

When he is posting it’s one thing. But continuing on after he’s stopped just encourages him to come back for more fun at our expense. It’s been six hours.
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May 14, 2024 at 3:22 PM Post #673 of 833
I would find it cathartic to move the xxxx on.

When he is posting it’s one thing. But continuing on after he’s stopped just encourages him to come back for more fun at our expense. It’s been six hours.

That is absolutely correct but a bit of venting is probably needed if mine and a few others posts are an indication.

In my opinion, for what that matters, his thread should have remained deleted. To reinstate it only fuels his narcissism.

Anyway, in respect for your point I will say no more. I trust you will not enter discussion on his future content. If nobody responds he will eventually lose interest.
May 14, 2024 at 4:48 PM Post #675 of 833
In Sound Science lately there’s been enough hot air to levitate us all like a balloon!

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