Sound quality this good at such a low price should be illegal!
Jul 24, 2006 at 2:23 PM Post #151 of 160

Originally Posted by lipidicman
I like them better than my SR60. Perhaps it is because I am a HD580/600/650 man. The PX100s and the SR60s each have their failings but the PX100 are so much lighter and win every time on the go (and the 650's at home, so my SR60s hardly ever get used).

I should add that the comparison is different in the UK as PX100's can be found for £30 or less, whilst the SR60's sell for £80 here

The PX100 vs KSC75 debate is different here in the UK too. In the US the KSC-75 can be had for significantly less than half the price of the PX100. In the UK the KSC-75 is only slightly cheaper (maybe 10-20% cheaper). This makes the PX100 the winner for me.

Jul 24, 2006 at 3:41 PM Post #152 of 160
i absolutely loved my px100s. i bought them around two years ago, and a few months ago i was devastated that they stopped working for me. they were my first introduction to better headphones and i was extremely pleased with the punchy, warm and clear sound from these headphones. like others said, very comfortable too.

BUT, one issue i did have was that the cord was a bit too long, and i would get it caught on whatever miscellaneous thing was nearby like a table or chair or whatever. this would yank out the cord and which is probably why the sound now is only coming out of one ear with diminishing sound quality. i don't feel it's worth it to buy epoxy glue and try to fix the cord when the 20+ dollars for the glue could just get me a new pair.

i currently have a pair of um1s and sr60s on the way to see whether they can fill that void in my portable rig. i did find that i had to turn up the px100s pretty high in order to listen on the bus or train. for the sake of one's hearing, i'm not sure now whether the open design is ideal for travel/on-the-go.

otherwise, i dearly miss these headphones and was very pleased with their sound quality when i did have them.
Jul 24, 2006 at 4:17 PM Post #154 of 160
px100 comment. The old one sounds better pre burn in. more highs
Jul 24, 2006 at 5:29 PM Post #155 of 160
The new ones are too bright for me, anyone in Finland who'd like to exchange the old ones to these?
Jul 24, 2006 at 7:24 PM Post #156 of 160

Originally Posted by Fatality_
The new ones are too bright for me, anyone in Finland who'd like to exchange the old ones to these?

Now there's a post I thought I'd never read!

Just more proof that everyone's ears are different.

If nobody jumps on this, I'd suggest posting in the for sale section as a "want to trade" item.
Sep 27, 2006 at 7:32 AM Post #157 of 160
The PX-100 does sound a little on the bassy side to me, but that's not necessarily a bad thing for portables.

Has anyone listened to The Eagles' Hotel California from the Hell Freezes Over SACD on these headphones? The sound of the drums caught me off guard and completely blew me away... it was awesome.
Sep 27, 2006 at 9:28 AM Post #158 of 160
I have been using px-100 fpr 2 years with my ipod. They are the best I have found for the best sound and still don't look like a dork. They have increadble sound for the price. I tried porta-pros but to me they had boomy bass and sony type ear acheing treble (JMO). I love the px-100's. Now if I can just figure out where I put them.
Sep 27, 2006 at 2:17 PM Post #159 of 160
Here's another post for the PX100 love!

Absolutely awesome sound for the price, and I don't know about the KSC75's sound, but I'm pretty sure these are way more comfortable.

Personally I'll need to mod it with HD414 pads to make it more comfortable for long listening periods. And a little more tweaking should open up the mid-range.

But heck, awesome cans for the money!

But I'm wondering how do they respond to amping, any significant improvements? Anyone here amps them?
Sep 27, 2006 at 2:57 PM Post #160 of 160

Originally Posted by 00940
But they can't compete even with the Grado SR60 IMO.

my PX100 is nearly 3 years old, and initially, i would have agreed with you. then i replaced the stock pads with Senn 414s, which tamed the bass and brought out the highs.

now, with the simple and cheap 414 mod, my PX100 are easily on par with the SR60. in fact, while it's not quite as punchy, the highs are far smoother, so in some ways the PX100 surpasses the SR60 (to my ears, of course).

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