Sony XBA-H1 and XBA-H3 Hybrid Dynamic and BA IEM
Aug 27, 2014 at 12:45 PM Post #2,611 of 3,257
I am an avid user of the excellent Triple Fi's but keep looking at the H3's with the thoughts of perhaps getting a pair of these in the future. Does anyone have both the H3's and the Triple Fi's and could offer an opinion on whether they're worth the expenditure? I would really appreciate any opinions on this.

They would be used with a rooted Samsung Galaxy Note 2 running Neutron.
Aug 27, 2014 at 5:52 PM Post #2,613 of 3,257
Has anyone here tried Sony's on-ear version of their "High Res" line? The MDR-10RC? Found a pair for a very good price, so I pulled the trigger. I've been looking for a portable that gives me the same satisfaction I get with my H3, and have yet to come across one that DIDN'T have me feeling like... meh... because of the price I've had to pay.
I don't expect the 10RC to blow me away like the H3, but one can only hope... 
Aug 27, 2014 at 9:01 PM Post #2,615 of 3,257

^Nice rig! I'm sure it sounds great.
Aug 28, 2014 at 2:45 AM Post #2,616 of 3,257
Just to add to my last post...

I'm listening to my h3 through my f806 - e12 as a source. No bass boost, no high gain. I'm currently bouncing back and forth between the mh1 stock tips and the heir tips found on lunashops. I've been listening to them exclusively at home, and have been comparing them to my other favorite iems (check my inventory if you're wondering what that is)

The sound of my h3 is much different from the iem I heard the first 100 hours. Burn in is real! At least on some iems!

What I hear now out of them is a very balanced and controlled bass response that extends as far as I can hear. It is prominent from the sub layer all the way up and through the mid-bass and into the midrange. I hear no bleed whatsoever. I think some might perceive a bloat or a bleed, but with higher quality tracks and sources it's actually very well presented in separation and texture.

Midrange is spot on. Separation and imaging is seldom rivaled by any iem I've heard. It gives an out of the head feeling. It really shines when multiple vocals and instruments are playing at the same time. Separation is consistent and doesn't ever seem to ever get overwhelmed. I can pick out any particular sound on a complex track and focus in on it, and it's sound never will get distorted or smeared.

Treble is very present and with better than average detail. It gets as bright as it can get without becoming sibilant. There are parts of songs where with some iems I will almost have to brace myself for the impact that the sibilance will have with my ears. I NEVER have to worry about that with the h3. The ex1000, altone200, and even sometimes with the GR07BE, the sibilance has a fatiguing effect on my listening experience. Some will knock it, saying it's "unnatural" or "not as extended as...", but I think the h3 is superior in the sense that it is what I consider fatigue free treble. It is still very present, relatively well extended and not lacking or rolled off whatsoever IMHO.

Soundstage width and separation is world class. Soundstage depth is about as good as it gets, and height is very good. Separation is phenomenal.

I own sets of iems that do surpass it in terms of detail (altone200, KC06, havi b3 pro1 just to name a few) but all things considered, the h3 is the total package. It takes bass lovers and audiophiles and strikes a balanced product in the h3.

Reviews can sometimes be discouraging on these. It's unfortunate if it caused some to be reluctant and not purchase them. They can currently be had for around $250 usd. That is a great price on a great iem. I hope more people bite on them, spend some time tip rolling, and give them 100 hours of play time/burn in. I'm sure many will be pleased with what they experience.

You might need to get the ASG-2 :wink:
Aug 28, 2014 at 3:47 AM Post #2,619 of 3,257
I'd highly recommend listening to the ASG-2 whilst staring at Polaris :)

From one local member, the Ember is much better than the Asgard 2 with his customs as well as his Hifiman 560.

I've had both Ember and Polaris, imo the Polaris is extremely close to the Ember in Sq with the exception of not being able to tube roll. So with that it looks like:

Ember > Polaris > Asgard 2
or if you like solid state then:
Ember = Polaris > Asgard 2.

Fwiw I sold my Ember and kept the Polaris. Of course IMO, deduction, and YMMV.
Aug 28, 2014 at 4:04 AM Post #2,620 of 3,257
Whoa, what are these amps you speak of?

Care to share some info and/or what inspired you guys to recommend this stuff?

I'm no audiophile, I just spend too much money on audio gear that looks like it would sound great.

The only dumb question is the one that isn't asked. So please enlighten me on these amplifiers and why you would recommend them.

Thanks in advance.
Aug 28, 2014 at 4:13 AM Post #2,621 of 3,257
They are all desktop amps for use with IEMs to full sized headphones. Not sure on the Asgard 2's power rating (easily found on but the Ember and Polaris are Garage 1217's naked/lexan amps they sell either built with warranty or if you're able, as a DIY kit. The G1217 amps have ample power to run ortho magnetics including harder to drive 600ohm HPs and still be able to do exceptionally well with 32ohm iems/portables.

Of course Schiit makes great items as well but the Garage 1217 amps are extremely competitive when comparing price to performance.
Aug 28, 2014 at 11:49 AM Post #2,623 of 3,257
I forgot my Pioneer DJE1500 at work so pulled out my XBA-H1 and have to admit I am enjoying the switch in signature. The H1 is more relaxed sounding which is a nice switch up.
Aug 28, 2014 at 11:52 AM Post #2,624 of 3,257
I forgot my Pioneer DJE1500 at work so pulled out my XBA-H1 and have to admit I am enjoying the switch in signature. The H1 is more relaxed sounding which is a nice switch up.
Do you own the t1e?

If you like the h3 you're gna like the t1e. Price to performance ratio is out of this world. Promise

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