Sony XBA-300 Impressions & Discussion Thread
Apr 29, 2017 at 5:31 PM Post #286 of 328
Quick five minutes typing for my impression:

I went to choose the XBA-300 and so far in a week (without burn-in) could not be much happier with its clarity - possibly it is the 1st "real" analytic earphone in my collection despite of having +30 earphones. Two earphones that could come close to XBA-300 are the ATH-IM02 and Phonak PFE012 on grey filters.

Despite of its reputation of having a harsh treble like some said in this thread, I find the treble is shimmery, bright, and sparkly but avoid sounding metallic and sibilant like the XBA-40. It definitely has more treble present than XBA-30 though the 30 still has that metallic treble. I would say its treble is good but not perfect because my ears could ended up fatigued.

Tried some harsh-tizzing treble tracks like Hotel California's by Eagles, Only One Who Waits by Insomnium, 40m's Kotae, and some Asian Kung-fu Generation tracks which most of them are harsh and cymbals-focused in their earlier albums. So far I found them to be a little harsh and but never bothering - the harshness presents only at higher volume. The XBA-40, on the other hand, are harsher than the XBA-300 when it comes to tizzing, cymbals, and crashes.

I find the XBA-300 complements with my bass-heavy A3 and the MDR-EX600. I am glad I had returned the iBasso IT03, which I found hollow and sounded like having an hearing test to hear low-notes, and switched for the Sony's. I am happier with the Sony due to its isolation and comfort. I will post my updates in a week or two.

Speaking of bass, I find it sufficient and I do agree the treble has more present than its bass. Still the bass is present and tight. I am using Sony NWA-A25 walkman. The midrange is main strength of these. But overall the XBA-300 never sound too forward nor shouty.
May 2, 2017 at 4:01 AM Post #287 of 328
I don't know if my hearing adapted to the xba300's but you may find that the bass "unlocks" at some point. Electric guitars are always a pleasure on these and I find myself lilstening to more rock music!
May 3, 2017 at 12:58 AM Post #288 of 328
Yes, the XBA-300 works best on metal and rock, or anything with electric and acoustic guitar because of its dry tonality. Also I agree with you the bass gets a nice "oomph" when calls for it.

The XBA-300 reminds me of the JVC FXT90 - same grittiness and has that emphasis on guitars.

I have already in love with the XBA-300 and the XBA-100. I think Sony has finally tuned their XBA right where none of metallic tinge was heard and no distortion occurred when played at loud volume - these weaknesses are more prevalent on older XBA lines

I wish they bring back ( or revamped ) the XBA-30 in the market.
May 3, 2017 at 10:25 PM Post #291 of 328
I think Sony will not release the XBA-400 since they learned the 40 and the 4 were source-dependent. Instead I'd have the full-range + woofer + sub-woofer instead of a tweeter :ksc75smile:
May 4, 2017 at 5:20 AM Post #292 of 328
Can you tell if they're as or more bassy than the xba-a2 ?

I can't tell, I know the xba-a3 is regarded as bass heavy, while the xba-300 is clearly not.

I think Sony will not release the XBA-400 since they learned the 40 and the 4 were source-dependent. Instead I'd have the full-range + woofer + sub-woofer instead of a tweeter :ksc75smile:

Well considering the price range of these, if find acceptable that you need a low impedance source for the best results and I believe the whole sony balanced armature range is quite source dependent.
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May 9, 2017 at 9:38 AM Post #296 of 328
Anyone here ever tried Noble Audio IEMs or any other high end BA IEM? Are they worth their price compared to the xba-300?
I own the 300s, but not other ba iems (i have tried them out tho). Short answer is, if you want an analytical iem with tonnes of detail and technical performance, go for these, they give the best bang for buck. They have godly treble extension too. They are far more detailed than something like campfire orion. However, they do not have the musicality of brands like noble/campfire etc.
May 9, 2017 at 10:42 AM Post #297 of 328
I own the 300s, but not other ba iems (i have tried them out tho). Short answer is, if you want an analytical iem with tonnes of detail and technical performance, go for these, they give the best bang for buck. They have godly treble extension too. They are far more detailed than something like campfire orion. However, they do not have the musicality of brands like noble/campfire etc.

I have the xba-300 and love them, I was wondering if more expensive offerings could ally the details of these with more musicality. The Kaiser Encore seem to fit the bill, but they are $1800 IEMs :D
May 9, 2017 at 8:32 PM Post #298 of 328
I have the xba-300 and love them, I was wondering if more expensive offerings could ally the details of these with more musicality. The Kaiser Encore seem to fit the bill, but they are $1800 IEMs :D

Oh, there are quite a few options! One that comes to mind is the CA andromeda. I know it is often recommended to death, but it is for a reason. It is more detailed than the 300s, has godly extension on both ends, and is very very very smooth and musical :) it's very special and you must hear it in person to see what I mean. Can buy the b stock at 700usd if I'm not wrong. Jupiter is not bad too at 500 usd b stock. Also, there is the audeze isine 20 planar Magnetic iem costing 600 usd, it sounds like a full sized headphone and is in a class of its own. Imo, the 300s have more detail than twfks, so to get same (or more) detail mixed with musicality, you have to go 500 usd and above
May 18, 2017 at 4:36 AM Post #300 of 328
note to the xba-300 owners, if you find that the sound is too harsh and that it hurts your hearing at high volume, consider adding some EQ and reduce the 4Khz band. I goes a long way to smooth out the sound and allows you to increase the volume, hence increasing the bass.
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