SONY WH1000XM3 - better than QC35 in noise cancelling?

Sep 6, 2018 at 3:01 AM Post #31 of 2,082
Hello everyone. I'm in need of those kind of headphones due to my sickness. (ME/CFS).
I have no experience of them Before. so the question is which one do you Think is best for me?

I will NOT listen to Music, so I don't care about the sound quality. I will use them mainly to have silence around me when I'm outside my home. (very soundsensitive).

I've read about XM3, they say they are more quiet than the Bose 35 ii. But I need comfortable headphones to. Any experiense on the new XM3, are they more comfortable than XM2?

The XM3 with the larger batterylife and the USB-C seems more appealing..
Any suggestions?
The quietest I have ever had when I used my both my bose qc20 and qc15
Right now I have on my qc20 sitting in my car with the diesel engine running ac on high and the car stereo on vol 30 and I can hear the voices faintly , if I turn down to 20 , I can barely hear

So I would recommend getting qc20 or qc35 and another headphone
Sep 6, 2018 at 3:05 AM Post #32 of 2,082
First noise controll chart:

The last chart:
Black: default
Grey: passive isolation
Red: active isolation

Here is the noise canceling of Peltor X5A with SNR 37 dB !!!

The sony has much less noise cancelling

Thanks for the help!
I'm mostly concerned that the Peltor are to uncomfortable and bulky over the long term. Have a cheaper version and they put a lot of pressure on my jaw.
But I might try them out.
Sep 6, 2018 at 3:06 AM Post #33 of 2,082
The quietest I have ever had when I used my both my bose qc20 and qc15
Right now I have on my qc20 sitting in my car with the diesel engine running ac on high and the car stereo on vol 30 and I can hear the voices faintly , if I turn down to 20 , I can barely hear

So I would recommend getting qc20 or qc35 and another headphone
Thanks, that might be enough for me, and probably more comfortable.
Sep 6, 2018 at 5:40 AM Post #34 of 2,082
I got them yesterday.... so far I’m satisfied with the sound quality of the analog section but only used for about 30-60 minutes on a iPhone X with Apple Music and Tidal.

Before I had wireless headphones like:
Bose QC 35
Sony WH-1000XM2 (didn’t like the sound)
Beats Studio Wireless 3 (only for gym)
Sep 6, 2018 at 5:44 AM Post #35 of 2,082
I got them yesterday.... so far I’m satisfied with the sound quality of the analog section but only used for about 30-60 minutes on a iPhone X with Apple Music and Tidal.

Before I had wireless headphones like:
Bose QC 35
Sony WH-1000XM2 (didn’t like the sound)
Beats Studio Wireless 3 (only for gym)

How is comfort compared to the XM2? Is the sound quality that much different from the XM2? :-0 Wasn't expecting that. Also - do you find the improvements of ANC to be noticable? I'm getting mine sometime in the coming weeks and can't wait.
Sep 6, 2018 at 9:09 AM Post #37 of 2,082
What's the noise leakage like? It's one thing to have great ANC so you cannot hear the surrounding world, but it's another thing entirely to be blasting loud music out into an open office and annoying all your co-workers.
Sep 6, 2018 at 7:04 PM Post #38 of 2,082
Ok, so had these for a bit over 24 hours and have listened to them for about 3 hours at work and at the gym. Here's an overview:

Build, looks, and comfort

They fit slightly closer to the sides of my head, but the padding on the top of the headband is stiffer, making them sit higher on the head. Any aesthetic gains for wear are offset by this.

They do feel lighter, but they also feel cheaper. Less premium. The padding and the headband feel like they belong to a less expensive headphone.

They are plenty comfortable. Maybe slightly more than the previous model because the cups are bigger. The cups have similar foam to the headband. I don't care for it.

I do like the matte black cups, but they gave the band metallic paint, which looks cheesy. Matte black all the way around would have been ideal. I think they could have taken a lesson from the V Moda wireless on build quality. Those are beautiful headphones, but the drivers suck.

That said, the copper accents are similar to v moda rose gold, ie feminine and poorly thought out.

Overall, it's bit more comfortable and the cups fit my ears now, but there are trade offs. The headphone could use further refinement.


Seems about the same. Improvements are slight. Still noise at the gym, but not much and it's clear when compared to other non NC headphones. I noticed a mild improvement when deadlifting. Just as good as Bose, if not better.


The biggest ticket for me. It sounds... Better. Better clarity, and better base. Instead of just booming, it has a thud to it when I EQ it.

When I compare to DT 1770 with ES100, the 1770 is more detailed in the high end, and the bass has more body, with more detail in the mids, but doing an A/B between them, while they sound different, the 1770 is not that much better, meaning that the Sony improved over the last iteration. Is it amazing? No. Is it better? Yes.


Frankly, I have unrealistic expectations. I'll keep these, but I'll likely at least try the Lagoons when they drop later in the year. This is a step in the right direction, but I think it will take 2 more evolutions to really get it right. To tick every box, they may have to raise the price. We will see what happens.
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Sep 6, 2018 at 10:16 PM Post #39 of 2,082
I've tried it once from my friend's. The active noise cancelling felt comfortable compare to QC35 where I can feel some pressure. Really like the feature of cancelling only the noise but leaving the vocal from the surroundings.
Sep 7, 2018 at 1:45 AM Post #40 of 2,082
I’ve also owned the XM3 for 24 hrs. I have the XM2 and previously the XM1. I agree that the sound is much improved. Separation of instruments and dynamics especially bass are improved. Soundstage and highs seem the same. The background is pretty black with ever so slight hiss. The XM2 always has an audible background hiss that bothered me. I agree that the materials are a downgrade but I prefer the matte cups over the textured. I like the copper accents and don’t find them feminine at all. The plain black was too drab. Definitely need to spend more time with them. I have two flights next week and will report back on the ANC and further impressions.
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Sep 7, 2018 at 2:37 AM Post #41 of 2,082
NC is misleading in the sony video

In the video you hear NOTHING no machines, no voices

In reality, the reviews are talking about still hearinf voices.

I am very disappointed about sony
Sep 7, 2018 at 2:47 AM Post #42 of 2,082
The adaptive sound control still doesn’t switch fast enough between staying/transport and walking
Therefore you have this pumping/throbbing sound from the ANC on one or two cups depending how strong your steps are. It takes to too long to switch - more than a few seconds. With firmware 2.0.0
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Sep 7, 2018 at 4:45 AM Post #43 of 2,082
Comfort is much better, it’s lighter, less clamping force, getting less heat up inside. Maybe the most comfortable wireless headphone aside from the Beats S3W. Wired HP are a different story.
Sound wise it’s also much improved. The M2 I had for a few days just sounded wrong - maybe it was broken - I’d give it back.
The M3 sounds right, better then anything wireless so far. But I think it won’t reach a Beyerdynamic Amiron which is another league sound- and price wise.

Please don’t be so naive to think commercials reflect even the rudimentary of reality. Be mad at their advertising agency and/or management but not the engineers
Sep 7, 2018 at 6:28 AM Post #44 of 2,082
It is a fraud - similar to VW
You cannot do any marketing with false information.

Showing in the Video at 0:10 noise elemination to 0 (zero) and having a maximum of 25dB in voice-frequency is a fraud
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Sep 7, 2018 at 8:59 AM Post #45 of 2,082
I’ve also owned the XM3 for 24 hrs. I have the XM2 and previously the XM1. I agree that the sound is much improved. Separation of instruments and dynamics especially bass are improved. Soundstage and highs seem the same. The background is pretty black with ever so slight hiss. The XM2 always has an audible background hiss that bothered me. I agree that the materials are a downgrade but I prefer the matte cups over the textured. I like the copper accents and don’t find them feminine at all. The plain black was too drab. Definitely need to spend more time with them. I have two flights next week and will report back on the ANC and further impressions.

Okay, feminine may be overstated. I still have ptsd from the V Moda rosegold. I don't like that the logo is just paint, and the microphone accent is real copper. Doesn't match.

I do like them and they are an upgrade overall, but they aren't perfect. Uses them for calls yesterday and no one can hear me. That's a bummer.

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