Sony MDR-Z7M2 Headphone Thread
Dec 6, 2018 at 4:12 AM Post #451 of 2,461
How do you like them compared to the DT1990 PRO?

To early to say, would say that the Z7M2 is warmer sounding. The DT1990 also got that fun sound in the lower frequencies, while still being quite neutral. Z7M2 is less analytical in the sound sig but not by much, it's always easy to over describe the sound difference in headphones. Would call Z7M2 more fun sounding and more relaxing.
Dec 6, 2018 at 8:55 AM Post #452 of 2,461
Gone through the entire thread, the question remains: Does Z7M2 handle fast bass transitions the way it should for a serious headphone or does it feel totally (or to a lesser extend, but still) uncontrolled and loose just like Z7?

Listening to this through Z7........ .......makes me wanna head-butt the wall and be over and done with it but it's just sooo good and pleasant to listen to with its superior dark image clarity and resolution when the uncontrolled bass goes out of the way, so much better sounding than the HD650 overall to me.

I'm very happy with the surgical tape mod I did which killed most of the reflections inside the cup but the loose bass persists. If Z7M2 behaves at least like, let's say, the HD600/650 in terms of bass tightness I'll probably sell Z7 and pick up its revision despite the new sound sig!
Dec 6, 2018 at 10:39 PM Post #453 of 2,461
Has anyone else found this Z7M2 to be pretty sensitive as to how you have it positioned on your head? I’m finding it sounds best to me having the backside of my ear just barely touching the rear facing inside edge of the ear pads. So I guess you would say I have the headphones pushed towards my face until the backs of my ears touch the rear of the pads.

And I don’t know if it’s my ears or the headphones themselves but one or the other is very sensitive to the pressures inside the headphones while listening. Like try pushing one of the cups in towards your head while you’re listening and you’ll see what I mean. It changes the sound and volume drastically for me.
Dec 7, 2018 at 12:55 AM Post #454 of 2,461
Has anyone else found this Z7M2 to be pretty sensitive as to how you have it positioned on your head? I’m finding it sounds best to me having the backside of my ear just barely touching the rear facing inside edge of the ear pads. So I guess you would say I have the headphones pushed towards my face until the backs of my ears touch the rear of the pads.

And I don’t know if it’s my ears or the headphones themselves but one or the other is very sensitive to the pressures inside the headphones while listening. Like try pushing one of the cups in towards your head while you’re listening and you’ll see what I mean. It changes the sound and volume drastically for me.

With the Z7M2 I'm not experiencing that at all. With other headphones, sometimes something like that happens to me. I guess the Z7M2 fit me perfectly without any adjustment or modification.
Dec 7, 2018 at 4:12 PM Post #455 of 2,461
Just gonna throw in my inexperienced 2 cents.
So I ordered mine last week and have spent some time with them plugged in to my arcam rhead and topping d10 dac.

Unfortunately, I don't think they are for me.

Build and quality and comfort are top notch but sound doesn't cut it for my taste.

For reference my other headphones are Thx00, mobius and elex. I got these to replace my thx00 which are damaged in the hinges and cables.
Compared to my other cans the z7m2 just seem to lack some energy and liveliness. I tried Eqing up the 4 to 6k region based on the measurements and eqing up the bass. That helped a bit but the issue is more than Frequency Response.
Whenever i put my elex back, its just so so so much more fun and energetic. Maybe elex is not a fair comparison but I never felt my Thx00 and Mobius that dull when i switch to them from the elex.

That said, the sony's do have deep bass extension. SoundStage and seperation were solid for a closed back. They less closed sounding than my thx00. Detail and clarity seem decent.
But overall it is too laid back or tame compared to my other cans. I probably won't keep.
Dec 7, 2018 at 5:59 PM Post #456 of 2,461
Just gonna throw in my inexperienced 2 cents.
So I ordered mine last week and have spent some time with them plugged in to my arcam rhead and topping d10 dac.

Unfortunately, I don't think they are for me.

Build and quality and comfort are top notch but sound doesn't cut it for my taste.

For reference my other headphones are Thx00, mobius and elex. I got these to replace my thx00 which are damaged in the hinges and cables.
Compared to my other cans the z7m2 just seem to lack some energy and liveliness. I tried Eqing up the 4 to 6k region based on the measurements and eqing up the bass. That helped a bit but the issue is more than Frequency Response.
Whenever i put my elex back, its just so so so much more fun and energetic. Maybe elex is not a fair comparison but I never felt my Thx00 and Mobius that dull when i switch to them from the elex.

That said, the sony's do have deep bass extension. SoundStage and seperation were solid for a closed back. They less closed sounding than my thx00. Detail and clarity seem decent.
But overall it is too laid back or tame compared to my other cans. I probably won't keep.

I definitely get that. They are some of the most laid back headphones in the price range. It's this weird combination of both sounding huge thanks to the massive drivers and laid back at the same time. Gentle giant, I suppose. I appreciate the contrast vs the very kinetic D9200 though. Running them out of my iDSD Micro BL and activating the 3D+ switch, which generally goes unused in my other treble-happy headphones, is a godsend with these for desktop use.
Dec 10, 2018 at 12:56 PM Post #458 of 2,461
So these are on discount on a promo for $550 USD with FREE Kimber Kable. Is that a good deal on these? I've got an ifi Nano black label on the way.

From what I've seen & others have posted, yes that seems like a heck of a deal.

Regarding the ifi BL nano, I know many here on the site own and enjoy this device. Ifi generally speaking is a respected brand that seems to really produce some fine gear. Though I've never heard this device I can guess that it would provide the cans with plenty of high quality juice and let them shine. The kimbre kable, also thought to be a great addition. Hope this helps.
Dec 10, 2018 at 4:37 PM Post #460 of 2,461
So these are on discount on a promo for $550 USD with FREE Kimber Kable. Is that a good deal on these? I've got an ifi Nano black label on the way.

Sony does give cables along with headphones as sale packages. Still the Kimber is normally around $260, making that a special deal!

Have not heard the Kimber/Z7MK2 combo, but the cable adds a level of performance; a noticeable change in performance with everything it touches.

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Dec 10, 2018 at 5:24 PM Post #462 of 2,461
So these are on discount on a promo for $550 USD with FREE Kimber Kable. Is that a good deal on these? I've got an ifi Nano black label on the way.
It's an absolutely amazing deal and you should send them your money ASAP. I paid legit $900 for these cans and they're worth every bit of it. I'm thinking of getting that cable too. Buy it like now.
Dec 19, 2018 at 6:48 AM Post #464 of 2,461
Hi everyone!
I'm an owner of the original Z7. I have them since they released a few years back and I love them to bits. Driving it with Chord Mojo, for me this is extremely good combination.
I have only one problem with it though. It seems like everyone is praising the construction and build quality of the original Z7. I mostly agree, however there is one thing which failed on me. The soft bottom part of the headband is made out of some kind of synthetic leather thing. The outer layer of this material has started to "dissolve" so to speak. Little pieces started coming down. Now I can see the foamy stuff underneath. I could only found replacement ear pads, but couldn't find replacement headband for it :frowning2:
Do you guys know if the new M2 uses the same material for the headband? Someone mentioned in earlier post that it is lambskin this time, can someone confirm this? Does the cushioning of headband has the same material as earpads?

I'm really thinking of pulling the trigger, but this issue worries me... any info would be appriciated.
Dec 19, 2018 at 8:14 AM Post #465 of 2,461
Hi everyone!
I'm an owner of the original Z7. I have them since they released a few years back and I love them to bits. Driving it with Chord Mojo, for me this is extremely good combination.
I have only one problem with it though. It seems like everyone is praising the construction and build quality of the original Z7. I mostly agree, however there is one thing which failed on me. The soft bottom part of the headband is made out of some kind of synthetic leather thing. The outer layer of this material has started to "dissolve" so to speak. Little pieces started coming down. Now I can see the foamy stuff underneath. I could only found replacement ear pads, but couldn't find replacement headband for it :frowning2:
Do you guys know if the new M2 uses the same material for the headband? Someone mentioned in earlier post that it is lambskin this time, can someone confirm this? Does the cushioning of headband has the same material as earpads?

I'm really thinking of pulling the trigger, but this issue worries me... any info would be appriciated.

I don’t have an answer, but even the Z1R has a synthetic headband. The pads are lambskin but the headband is the same material you describe with the original Z7. I also have the original Z7 and find it better and better sounding all the time. For me the signature is remarkable.
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