Sony 3K or Senn 600 or Senn 650?
Sep 22, 2003 at 7:04 PM Post #16 of 225
I think markl is implying that R10 is not priced out of their market... because it does sound that much better... and it warrants that much more money

I can't say that for the R10.. obviously never heard one. However, I do suggest the same for the CD3K versus HD600.
Sep 22, 2003 at 7:10 PM Post #17 of 225
HD600: ~$230
CD3000: $375

what's four times about that
Sep 22, 2003 at 7:13 PM Post #18 of 225

Originally posted by lindrone
I agree with that... Sony CD3K and Senn 600's really aren't in the same league. Sony CD3K is really the next level above the Senn 600's.

True, they are open versus closed designs. However, from my experiences, it seems like although the Senns create a larger sound stage with its open design, the stage only extends from the left to the right.... and you do get the sense you are somehow separated, far away from the sound. It's a very laid back sound experience.

Sony CD3K is much more intimate, however, its soundstage not only extends from left to right, but front and back as well. It has a much more rounded sound extension. With a much more response bass and resolution. It is definitely not an "active" bass as say.. that I've noticed in Grados. It is a very, very neutral reproduction of what the sound is supposed to be like. As opposed to Grado's overly exciting nature, and Senns extremely laid back sound.

Perhaps when Senns 650 comes out, it will be a more adequate comparison between these two phones. However, there's no question which one of these phones is superior at the moment. If price is not an issue (they are in quite different price range as well), there's no reason not to go with CD3K.

Not to mention, the low impedence of the CD3K makes it a much more forgiving headphone than the Senns 600. Senns 600 takes a lot of power to drive to its full potential... Even then, a comparable set-up with a CD3K will sound better.

Sorry, lindrone. I take back what I said. I was just kind of mad with some of the things you said.
Sep 22, 2003 at 7:18 PM Post #20 of 225
Sorry fewtch, it looked like I barked at you a little there. I think I see what you are saying. BTW: I totally agree they are priced out of the headphone market, available to only a few of the most dedicated nut cases/addicts. I believe there is a market for headphones in the $800-$2000 range, though, and someday I hope we'll see as many cans in that range as we have wonderful amps to choose from. Now *that* would be headphone Nirvana.
Sep 22, 2003 at 7:25 PM Post #21 of 225
To musiclover:
I think lindrome just meant for this application the cd3000s were far superior.
Having no experience with either phone I am not in the position to say, however...
He is watching dvds and wants surround experience.
Senn users all agree that 600s are hard to drive, lack the 3000's intimacy, don't handle the range of musical styles as well,(rock,dance, etc) and don't neccesarily blow over the 3000 in the soundstage area.(though this could start the whole closed vs open soundstage debate)
From what I read of the origional post all these factors indeed make the 3000 a superior phone(in this application).
Especially since every dang movie soundtrack is all rock and dance music.(cept lord of the rings)
Sep 22, 2003 at 7:38 PM Post #22 of 225

Originally posted by AdamZuf
HD600: ~$230
CD3000: $375

what's four times about that

Where are you gonna get the CD3000 for $375? No fair using some unusual sale to compare prices; here's a fairer comparison as far as street prices go:

As far as the HD600, I've seen it gradually starting to be discounted more lately (or take the HD-580, essentially a more poorly built HD-600 with extremely similar sound).

Let's compromise and say the CD-3000 are about 3x more expensive, eh?
Sep 22, 2003 at 7:48 PM Post #23 of 225
Sorry dude, still unacceptable. I got mine for 350 shipped... I can barely accept that CD3000 is 2x as much HD600...

You dont even have to look far. Our beloved sponsor audiocubes has them for 379. And it's been that price for a while. So Adam is off by 4 dollars, you are off by a lot more than that...
Sep 22, 2003 at 7:52 PM Post #24 of 225

Originally posted by Habib
Sorry dude, still unacceptable.

Oh well...
Sep 22, 2003 at 7:55 PM Post #25 of 225

Originally posted by raif
To musiclover:
I think markl just meant for this application the cd3000s were far superior.
Having no experience with either phone I am not in the position to say, however...
He is watching dvds and wants surround experience.
Senn users all agree that 600s are hard to drive, lack the 3000's intimacy, don't handle the range of musical styles as well,(rock,dance, etc) and don't neccesarily blow over the 3000 in the soundstage area.(though this could start the whole closed vs open soundstage debate)
From what I read of the origional post all these factors indeed make the 3000 a superior phone(in this application).
Especially since every dang movie soundtrack is all rock and dance music.(cept lord of the rings)

Thanks for making me realize what a stupid thing I said. It's now edited.
Sep 22, 2003 at 8:01 PM Post #27 of 225
Cost is not a factor for sound quality. Unless we are talking about affordability, price/performance ratio. It's just that I dont think it's fair to skew the argument to make something look favorable.
Sep 22, 2003 at 8:35 PM Post #28 of 225

Originally posted by raif
Senn users all agree that 600s are hard to drive, lack the 3000's intimacy, don't handle the range of musical styles as well,(rock,dance, etc) and don't neccesarily blow over the 3000 in the soundstage area.(though this could start the whole closed vs open soundstage debate)

Um, "Senn users" don't all agree on those things.

I personally agree that the HD 600 are hard to drive. However, I don't agree on the "intimacy" thing. I personally find the HD 600 to be more "intimate" (I find the CD 3000 to be overly bright). I also find the HD 600 and CD 3000 to be about equal in the "handling a range of musical styles" area. In terms of soundstage, I find the HD 600 to be much more realistic, whereas the CD 3000 sound exaggerated to me, and thus not very realistic.

All that being said, to get back on topic
I agree that for movie soundtracks the CD 3000 are very good and might be a better bet.
Sep 22, 2003 at 8:54 PM Post #29 of 225

Originally posted by MacDEF
In terms of soundstage, I find the HD 600 to be much more realistic, whereas the CD 3000 sound exaggerated to me, and thus not very realistic.

maybe a bit, but to my ears, the HD600 are lacking much more then that exaggeration.
Sep 22, 2003 at 9:11 PM Post #30 of 225


Originally posted by tortie
With the hearo999 as the DTS processor/headphone amp, what would be a better headphone to use, a Sony 3K or Senn 600?

You may well be the first to review such a combination. Since the Hearo999 comes with it's own wireless headphone set, why not listen to them for awhile, post a full review, and possibly take the unit to a Meet or MiniMeet and compare it then? As the Hearo999 is an AKG product, in my estimation they may have 120 ohm outputs on the hardwired headphone output.

What is everyone's opinion of the 40 ohm CD3000 and 300 ohm HD600 out of 120 ohm outputs? Does the CD3000 tend to sound dark in such a configuration? Does the HD600 tend to sound bright (or brighter) in such a configuration?

Did you do a search for the Hearo999? Did you do a search for wireless reviews and opinions? There is at least one community member that likes Dolby Headphone technology. Perhaps he can chime in with opinions.



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