built M3 impressions and pictures.... WOW.
Apr 29, 2011 at 1:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 29


Headphoneus Supremus
Oct 20, 2009

[size=12pt]Please keep in mind and its owner, corey(fishski), never asked me to do this write up and i am in no way in business with him other than him building me my amp.  the experience was just so refreshing in this industry with his AWESOME CS, build quality, attention to detail, and great personality, i wanted to write this up. [/size]
[size=12pt] [/size]
[size=12pt]I have always disliked how the DIY amps look in general when compared to amps like the DecWares, Woos, and Schiits.  I like the polished look, although many on this site would say that sound quality is all that matters, i am not one of those people.  I want my gear to sound great and look great... i guess im shallow.  I read here and there about the m^3 amp but wasnt sure at first if it was a portable or desktop amp since there is another amp called the mini3.  I purchased my WA2 and was completely happy.  What more does any person need? 1 great amp, 1 source and maybe 2 headphones.  Well i thought it would be that easy...[/size]
[size=12pt]one day a very good friend of mine (through head-fi) Baka1969 mentioned that he was getting work done on his B22 amp and that he had the builder's m3 to listen too.  he said it was about 80% of his b22 which for 40-50% of the price is pretty dang good.  I decided that i wanted to try out a SS amp to compliment the WA2 and thought the m3 might make a good choice.  I was also considering the concerto and repurchasing the SR71B.   i emailed Corey and asked a few questions about him, his work, and the m3 amp in general.  [/size]
[size=12pt]i barely had any knowledge of how amps internally work.  he answered my questions with paragraphs, not just yes, no, i dont think sos.  he explained his position and what he thought and asked me what i thought and what i was looking for.  a lot of what he said flew over my head so i constantly asked for some clarification and he always explained things so i could understand.  He was absolutely 100% thorough with me, my questions, and his explanations.  i knew about 2-4 emails in that i was going to commission a build.  thats how confident i was that he would do a good job.  i commissioned the m3 and said he had "free reign on it".  essentially i said, make it the best m3 you can and he was excited to hear that.  each step, option, change, decision he passed by me and we talked about.  he took my input and told me his and we came to conclusions.  of course most of the amp itself is already setup as the layout and parts are all described on AMB's website but the face plate and certain upgrades were always discussed and we came to conclusions.  [/size]
[size=12pt]And now the sound...[/size]
[size=12pt]I have never heard another m3 so i cannot say if this m3 is better or worse than others, but i have a feeling, it is better than most.  [/size]
[size=12pt] Foobar2k > optical > Gamma2 DAC > KK Hero ICs > M3 with the AD8610 opamp > 4-con Norse cable > LCD2 [/size]
[size=12pt]I feel like the highs sound amazing on the m3 with the LCD2.  Its smooth and not fatiguing. The mids are clear and very balanced sounding. a little farther back sounding than with the WA2 but its not a bad thing. i feel like the separation and individualism given to each instrument and sound is better on the M3 than on the WA2.  the bass is lighter than i would like.  I am a closet basshead and i like thumping but you dont get that with the m3. That being said its still balanced across the board according to my ears.  Its not like the clarity is not a pseudo clarity because the bass is non-existent like some equipment but real clarity with balance. the m3 powers the LCD2 effortlessly and you can feel that it is effortless as you listen.  the volume knob for anyone that wants to know is at about 1030-11.  i dont have any other headphone to try it out to see if there is some noise with easy to drive phones. [/size]
[size=12pt]Foobar2k > optical > Gamma2 DAC > KK Hero ICs > M3 with the AD843 opamp > 4-con Norse cable > LCD2 [/size]
[size=12pt]Corey thought I would prefer this opamp because of my experience with tube amps... he was right.  the sound is slightly more full.  He said some clarity would be lost but its very little if any.  i suppose gaining in body might make it seem like clarity was lost but i am loving the sound from this amp with this opamp.  tad bit more bass but a little less than the WA2. The sound is still a little farther back than with the WA2 but its not a bad thing.  again, powering the lcd2 effortlessly.  I doubt ill be switching any opamps anymore... for me, this is it but i can see why some people would prefer the 8610.  [/size]
[size=12pt]Tube or SS guy?[/size]
[size=12pt]if i had the money, id keep both. in the future id plan a b22 built by corey but right now, money is not something i have.  were in some debt (nothing crazy but more than we have ever been in) and i feel like i need to do more for my family.  i decided i need to sell an amp.  after WEEKS of struggling between the m3 and the WA2, i decided to sell the WA2 in the coming week.  Does that mean im no longer a tube guy? hmmm who knows... i hope to own another tube amp down the road as good as the WA2 or possbily just buy it again.  its a work of beauty and sounds great.  but one has to go and in the end, the sound from the m3 was so great, i chose.  ill be sad...that WA2 was THE amp for me... the greedy me says to keep both and just struggle for a few months paying off this debt... maybe about 5 years i would have, but i feel like ive matured some and i need to do something to help.  [/size]
[size=12pt]if youre looking for an amp in this price range or for a b22 that you KNOW will look and sound great, shoot him an email and check out his new site.  [/size]


Apr 29, 2011 at 11:52 AM Post #6 of 29

Great write up David and I love the photos. That is one sweet looking amp.

Agreed, sweet looking front panel especially.
How much did it cost in the end?
Apr 29, 2011 at 9:27 PM Post #9 of 29

That's good, the sigma11 is pretty much a must have with the M^3. Would I be right to guess that it cost you about $600-700?

Yea i love the single chassis too! for the m3, single chassis is the way to go, and of course for the b22, id go dual.  i have an internal pic ill upload later along with a few more of my own photos. but really these photos do not do justice to this amp, its beautiful.  as for the cost, i can say it was NOT 700 but even if it was, id still be happy with it.  it essentially replaced a 1400$ amp (WA2 stock with all upgraded tubes). 
Apr 29, 2011 at 9:32 PM Post #10 of 29

That's good, the sigma11 is pretty much a must have with the M^3. Would I be right to guess that it cost you about $600-700?

i've asked David not to 'advertise' the price.  if you want a quote, please send me an email through the website. 
since i am a one man operation, i anticipate only being able to do about 8-10 builds a year.  i want to 'showcase' the AMB designs and allow the customer to have input to customize to their needs and general aesthetics - this takes time.  David failed to mention that it was basically he who designed the faceplate with my help. 
Apr 29, 2011 at 9:54 PM Post #11 of 29
Quote:Originally Posted by fishski13 

"i've asked David not to 'advertise' the price.  if you want a quote, please send me an email through the website. 
since i am a one man operation, i anticipate only being able to do about 8-10 builds a year.  i want to 'showcase' the AMB designs and allow the customer to have input to customize to their needs and general aesthetics - this takes time.  David failed to mention that it was basically he who designed the faceplate with my help."

I'll second fishski13's work as it was Corey that (re)built my beta22. Excellent quality and service. Click on the album in my sig to see pics. I also heard another one of his m^3 builds and it sounded great.
Apr 29, 2011 at 10:24 PM Post #13 of 29
i've asked David not to 'advertise' the price.  if you want a quote, please send me an email through the website. 
since i am a one man operation, i anticipate only being able to do about 8-10 builds a year.  i want to 'showcase' the AMB designs and allow the customer to have input to customize to their needs and general aesthetics - this takes time.  David failed to mention that it was basically he who designed the faceplate with my help.

Nice work man.  I know there's quite a few people out there who don't have the know-how, skills or time to do DIY builds.  This is a perfect solution for people in that situation.  Hope this goes well for you.
Apr 29, 2011 at 10:41 PM Post #14 of 29


i've asked David not to 'advertise' the price.  if you want a quote, please send me an email through the website. 
since i am a one man operation, i anticipate only being able to do about 8-10 builds a year.  i want to 'showcase' the AMB designs and allow the customer to have input to customize to their needs and general aesthetics - this takes time.  David failed to mention that it was basically he who designed the faceplate with my help. 

so untrue lol. modesty! if i designed it by myself id  probably have lazers shooting out of it and all kinds of nonsense.  but thats whats great and what i really appreciated. being able to bounce ideas off you and you thinking of ideas too and both of us designing something we both think turned out amazing.

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