so... who saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 tonite?
Apr 18, 2004 at 6:20 AM Post #31 of 61
Doug, you owe it to yourself to see Pleasantville if you haven't. I feel it's one of the most evil movies of all time. It takes everything and twists it and turns it upside down. I can't believe that it promoted adultery under the guise of "passion," as just one example. I see red whenever I think of that movie. I still can't believe my friends suckered me into paying good money to see it.

Kill Bill, however, I don't see as a movie that tries to promote bad behavior, as most action movies don't. There's always a sense of disconnect when we go see an action flick, and Kill Bill is no different. It's not trying to convince anyone of anything. That's why I'll probably go see vol.2 to get some closure on the story, even though I didn't like vol.1. Plus, it sounds better than the first movie from what everyone's been saying here. I must say the trailer looked cheesy though.
Apr 18, 2004 at 6:24 AM Post #32 of 61

Originally Posted by djmenace52
The brutality of the fight scenes is a nice welcome to the sterile fight sequences I had to sit through with the last two matrix's.

I actually wish it were toned down because it looked so fake, it distanced me from the whole thing. I wish it were more REAL
Apr 18, 2004 at 1:21 PM Post #33 of 61
I'm betting somebody already replied in relation to this... but..


I have no interest in these R rated movies anymore

Okay.... What. I won't even get into TV (I abhor TV), so let's stay on movies:

The best, I repeat, best movies i've ever seen are 90% R-rated. If you want me to name lists of philosophical, artistic, emotionally-moving titles I can PM you, i'm too lazy to write such a HUGE list this early in the morning.

Granted, gore and sex just to be gore and sex is pointless. But i've seen more of that in PG13s i've seen than R's. Why? Because the market takes gore and sex easily. People love gore and sex, so they aren't judged as harshly. It's just a fact of life.

Whereas, for example, i've seen an overall harmless movie get an R-rating because they said the "F-word" a few times. Uh oh, don't want to poison our children's little minds do we!
Ignore the fact that they all probably heard that word way before they turned the minimum age for admittance to an R-rating...

Also, movies with powerful messages have powerful imagery. These seem to generally get higher ratings easier, which is understandable.. don't want little kiddies watching The Devil's Advocate, lol. But, for me at least, i'd rather watch a powerful movie than stupid fluff or stupid carnality.

I think a lot of people are just really wierd about certain imagery... (not blaming or judging you, this is just something i've noticed...heck, there's even evidence of that in this thread) A good example is my father.. he watched American Beauty (IMO a very powerful and artistic film) and he hated it because of the scene where the Dad (Kevin Spacey) almost has sex with that girl (I think she was probably like 16). Granted, pedophilia isn't something I'm going to applaud, but they had it in the movie to make a powerful and worthwhile statement about his character. But my dad just couldn't get past the fact that "It's just WRONG." It should be noted that my father was brought up Mormon.

Suffice it to say - if you swear off R-ratings you really should just stop watching movies all together.. unless you're a grade-schooler or a 75-year-old Catholic.

***No personal offense to Catholics, I hate all organized religion equally
Apr 18, 2004 at 2:14 PM Post #34 of 61

awesome interview with tarantino, where he talks about the movie(s) and even about the passion of the christ. it really amazes me how he talks about movies so much and i swear i've never seen another director reference them the way he does during interviews. everytime i read an article by him, i end up adding to my list of movies that i need to buy/see. (mental note: Budd Boetticher... and the night of the hunter. check.)

Apr 18, 2004 at 2:21 PM Post #35 of 61

Whereas, for example, i've seen an overall harmless movie get an R-rating because they said the "F-word" a few times. Uh oh, don't want to poison our children's little minds do we! Ignore the fact that they all probably heard that word way before they turned the minimum age for admittance to an R-rating...

Ghost World is a good example.

As far as Kill Bill, I loved both of them. I saw the first Friday afternoon after work. Liked it so much that I immediately headed out to the theaters for two, which I liked even more.

In my eyes, these are trememdous films. Loved the choreography, black and white sequences, amime (in one) and comic scenes. The cinematography and use of music are unbelievably great. The acting, which will get overlooked by some, is more than a step above the usual in this type of film. The tips of the hat to Hong Kong's martial arts movies, anime, Spaghetti Westerns, and things like the TV series Kung Fu are great. Can't wait for volume II to come out on DVD.
Apr 18, 2004 at 2:37 PM Post #36 of 61

Originally Posted by oneeyedhobbit
He very carefully interweaves so many homages to old movies, and so many bits of creative genius.

Oh yeah, I forgot, watching old movies and taking scenes from them is the height of creativity....

He does it carefully too, wow, impressive. You know, when I wipe my anus after taking a dump I do it carefully.
Apr 18, 2004 at 3:31 PM Post #37 of 61
Saw it last afternoon, didn't really like it since it wasn't my kind of movie. Too much background storytelling and character development and not enough blood, violence, & killings. I wanted to see a triple digit bodycount and people being chopped up into bloody chunks like in Vol 1, but that's just me. Oh well, there's always The Punisher which I'm told has lots of blood & gore as well as a nice bodycount.
Apr 18, 2004 at 3:45 PM Post #38 of 61
dabeststax- Are you in a bad mood, or what? I'd encourage you to not make the kind of posts you're making.. it's that type of posting that will make HeadFi just like every other forum, IMHO.

I enjoy HeadFi because the people here are generally open, intelligent, etc. We have no 12 year olds spouting random crap whilst eating doritos and dancing to Micheal Jackson covers.

But with your posts in this thread.. spewing anger at a man and movie that MANY respect and value.. i'd be curious to see substantial evidence and reasoning behind your opinions.

Until then, shut up. It'll make things nicer here.

You know, it's like the old addage goes; "If you don't have anything nice (or useful in this case) to say, don't say anything at all." That's probably the only useful thing I got out of Sunday School.
Apr 18, 2004 at 3:51 PM Post #39 of 61
Saw it last night.
great movie, different from part 1 in that there is more character development.
As a whole, (both movies seen as one which is how they should be viewed)
this is a great job by QT.

As all of his movies, they are not for everyone and will get just as many nay votes as yays.
(but IMO this is what makes a good movie)
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:32 PM Post #40 of 61

Originally Posted by Sduibek
dabeststax- Are you in a bad mood....

It is just better to ignore posts like these; its the only way to kill a troll.

Oh yeah, I'm gonna try to see Kill Bill 2 tonight, if I finished my Econ project.
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:39 PM Post #41 of 61
I saw KB2 on Friday (sorry for the short form grinch).

I agree with many posts especially grinch's. It was different from the first film. Not nearly as fast and action-packed. What was interesting is that this volume relied instead an denoument rather than climax. It was subtle but evident and really worked. The end battle was substantial and brilliant. In fact, it could be the best end sequence I've ever seen.

Tarantino is unique in taking horrid human behaviour and making it appear on film. He demonstrates the callous behaviour of plenty of low-lifes only to be overshadowed by the goodness in simple things. A hamburger, a sunset, a film, a verse, a friend, a lover, a daughter.
Apr 18, 2004 at 11:22 PM Post #43 of 61
Just got back from seeing Volume 2.
I was a little disappointed. Suppose because I was expecting more of Volume 1's type of action & comedy.
Vol. 2 seemed a bit slow, but it was definitely worth watching.
Apr 18, 2004 at 11:53 PM Post #44 of 61

Originally Posted by Zanth
I saw KB2 on Friday (sorry for the short form grinch).

acronyms must die! it should be kb:v2 anyway.


Originally Posted by Zanth
Tarantino is unique in taking horrid human behaviour and making it appear on film. He demonstrates the callous behaviour of plenty of low-lifes only to be overshadowed by the goodness in simple things. A hamburger, a sunset, a film, a verse, a friend, a lover, a daughter.

that's a really good thing to bring up. in all of his movies, he seems to make the "bad guy" the main character(s), or at least good guys doing bad things, but does it with so much finesse that the viewer forgets the morality of the situation and just enjoys the humor/drama/action/etc.
Apr 19, 2004 at 12:15 AM Post #45 of 61
I caught it today, didn't like it one bit and thought it was seriously flawed in comparison to volume one. Too much boring dialogue, which in turn, made me lose interest in the whole story and the lack of action sequences really hurt this second half. To be honest, i think it was a waste of two hours of film that could have been condensed down to thirty minutes and made a good ending for the first volume.

There simply wasn't any need to make a Volume two.

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