Smyth Research Realiser A16 - Issues, Questions, Feature Requests, Tips and Tricks

Most important missing features (you have three votes)

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Sep 17, 2019 at 7:02 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 74


500+ Head-Fier
Aug 7, 2018
Munich, Germany
As I already said I wanted to start this thread to collect all the issues we encounter, questions that arise, and features that are missing, in a relatively compact form. So that maybe one person could sent this to Smyths on a regular basis, to prevent that every user (at least every headfier) sends extra E-Mails to Smyth.

I think the main discussion about those issues should take place in the other thread so that this thread don't get too confusing.

Already recognized by Smyth (see
1. Occasional stalling of the A16 requiring the power to be cycled. (FW 1.02. 1.05?)

2. Playing a CD source via HDMI or SPDIF suffers from excessive mute/lock time. (FW 1.02. 1.05?)
Happens mainly with PCM sources without video (also mp3, SACD). When pausing or skipping or another title starts the A16 abruptly loses the stream. When the stream comes back it takes 10 s to recognize it and reload the correct rooms (you can see this in the top menu that rooms are reloaded). With PCM sources with video (e.g. DTS converted to PCM by the player) it doesn't happen that often. Sometimes seems to happen also with bitstream.
Suggestion: A fixed PCM mode (8ch PCM via HDMI and 2ch PCM via SPDIF coax and optical) that the user can set the Realiser to, that never loses the stream and only mutes when bistream will be detected (because even with for example 2 s mute at the beginning of the music track you can't really enjoy listening to music).

3. HDMI inputs 3 and 4 appear only to operate as HDMI 1.4 rather than HDMI 2.0b (FW 1.02. 1.05?)

4. Possible lip sync issues. (maybe only FW 1.05?)

Other/new issues:
5. SVS Bass function seems flawed: If activated it introduces very strange distortions in the bass (sounds like the membranes of the headphone vibrate/wobble and/or the coils strike against the magnet, so could possibly damage the headphone!)
(reported by one user with FW 1.02 so far, needs to be further investigated)

6. Strange delay in the PRIRs/listening rooms when own PRIRs are stored in the permanent storage. When own PRIRs are deleted, delay seems to be gone (possibly FW 1.05, reported by 2 users, needs to be further investigated

7. Very loud buzzing noise over headphones! (Severe, could damage headphones and/or hearing), several reports, only one seems to be repeatable:
User A (FW 1.05) using optical out and external DAC.
Repeatable with UHD BD "Toy Story 2" in chapter 22 ("When She Loved Me" song), sending Dolby True HD bitstream (probably 7.1 instead of Atmos), being in Audio Meters Display. PRIRs factory BBC 9.1.6 and combined BBC 9.1.6 with A8 type imported PRIR. STOP on the player didn't stop the buzz.
- User B (FW 1.02):
No audio signal incoming, navigating through menus, machine-gun-like buzz suddenly occured.
- User C (FW 1.05): multiple times, at least once randomly, when doing nothing. Once on user B HP out after plugging in HP (but could be there before pluggin in of course).

- What happens in case of a No-Deal Brexit regarding shipments into the EU after the Brexit?
(EU customers already paid VAT via Kickstarter, but maybe charged again by customs after a No-Deal Brexit and with no invoice presentable customs might judge the value according to the current price of 4000$ which could end up in about 800€ VAT + duties!
How will you ensure that this won't happen (Kickstarter backers need evidence regarding the paid price and that VAT already has been paid, including your VATIN, kickstarter confirmation will surely not be sufficient.)

- As a kickstarter backer we don't get an invoice. How do we claim warranty, if necessary?

- When and how do the users that attended the different shows and had PRIRs measured get those PRIRs. It has been promised back then that those PRIRs will be pre-loaded onto the specific units, which is not the case. Some users travelled a long way just to attend a show and get a PRIR measurment done! (Maybe you just send them via E-Mail, would be the easiest I think)

- What exact azimuth and elevation angles does the decoder in the Realiser assume for the loudspeakers that will be measured? Does it follow the guidelines in the Dolby Whiteaper (, although these are also not exact. There have to be exact values that the decoder assumes I think. In Appendix B there are default angles mentioned, but they deviate from the Dolby recommendations. So if I can choose where exactly should I place my loudspeaker for creating a perfect PRIR? As far as I understand, the angles you enter in the PRIR sound room are just for info, the decoder does not remap the output to those angles, or does it?

Missing features that have been promised
- Browser/Web based GUI
- Asynchronous measuring mode (using BD, DVD) (High Priority!!)
- Output of measuring signals via HDMI
Both of the above features need to be 8ch LPCM (to measure systems without Atmos decoding capabilty) and Atmos/(DTS-X/Auro 3D) bitstream!

- Parametric EQs/Delay settings per (virtual loudspeaker) channel (also when doing PRIR measurements, to be able to measure systems with room corrections done via Realiser)
- Single (ONE) speaker measurement mode (leave the speaker in place, rotate the listener, as with the A8; also with 15 degree increments, should also work for top/overhead speakers)
- DTS decoding
- Lip Sync setting (different setting for every input source)
- Vertical Headtracking
- Exchange website
- Balanced headphone output mode
- HDMI Audio pass-through
- Hybrid SVS-AV mode (combine AV-only mode with SVS processing)
- Low latency mode
- Auro 3D capability
- (Illusonic upmixer?)

Corrections/Extensions to the manual
- (v091): Missing description of folder structure on SD card
- (v091): p. 44, chapter Audio bypass: Should be clarified what this means (the audio comes from Line in for example and video from the selected HDMI, what does it then mean that the HDMI audio signal will be switched as well?)
- (v091): p. 54: Typo: "The BACK key saves these settings are moves back to the previous preset configuration menu."
-> "are" should be "and"
- (v091): p. 56: Chapter 7.4 Audio Meters is misplaced. The following sub-chapters 7.4.1, 7.4.2 and so on should possibly be sub-chapters of 7.3.
- (v091): p. 58: Figures 7-14 and 7-15 are swapped (resp. the text references)
- (v091): p. 64: chapter "Finally, the low-frequency limit of the up-firing speaker being measured is set in lpf."
-> "lpf" should be "hpf" supposedly.
- (v091): p. 65: chapter 8.1.7: Wrong reference of Fig 3-28 (must be Fig 2-30 supposedly, there is no Fig 3-28 in the document)
- (v091): p. 77 and 79, chapter and Should be clarified what equal-loudness-80 and equal-loudness-20 refer to.
- (v091): p. 82: chapter 10.2.3: Missing description of options for Dolby Enabled speakers.
- (v091): p. 89: chapter 10.5: Note 2: Wrong reference of Fig 11-2 (presumably 10-1; there is no Fig 11-2)
- (v091): p. 90: Atmos Config 6 (2.2.2m): Ltm, Rtm missing
- (v091): p. 90: Atmos Config 42 (7.2.4h): Wrong, should be deleted
- (v091): p. 91: Atmos Config 45 (7.1.4): Ltr, Rtr missing
- (v091): p. 92: DTS:X Configs 31 to 36 (all 7.x.x): C missing
- (v091): p. 94: Multiple errors, not sure if all are found:
x.x.2t seem to have Ltm and Rtm, not Ltf and Rtf;
Missing PCM Configs in table: 7.1.2m, 7.2.2m, 7.1.2h
PCM Config 22 (7.2.2t) doesn’t exist.
Further missing PCM Conifgs: 7.1.4t, 7.1.4h, 7.1.6t, 9.1.2m, 9.2.2m, 9.1.2h, 9.2.2h, 9.1.4t
PCM Config 28 (9.2.2t) doesn’t exist.
- (v091): p. 98: Speaker 34 should be Rtm (not Ltm), speaker 36 should be Rtr (not Ltr); Lrs2 should be no. 43, not 44.
-(v091): p. 99: chapter 13: "The inertial sensor operates continuously but it can be also be stabilised" -> One "be" too much.
"NOTE: The word ‘calibrating’ will become visible on the menu line and the head-top LED with turn ORANGE“ -> "with" should be "will".
- (v091): p. 103: Fig 14-2 should be 14-6, Fig 14-1 should be 14-7, Fig 14-4 should be 14-8, Fig 14-3 should be 14-9; In the text no. 4. reference to Fig 15-7 should be 14-7.
- (v091): p. 104: Fig 14-5 should be 14-10, Fig 14-7 should be 14-11, Fig 14-6 should be 14-12.
- (v091): p. 105: No. 3. "see section GGGG" -> reference to correct section missing.
No. 4. Reference to Fig 15-12 should be 14-12
- (v091): p. 115: Reference to chapter 3.4.4 should be chapter 2.4.4
- (v091): p. 117: Appendix J: Bass Management should be Appendix K ( J is already Connections) and all subsequent appendices adjusted as well.
- (v091): p. 118: no. 3 "LFE (not used)" should be LPF

Feature requests (proposals)
- Send the remote codes of the A16 remote to Logitech that they can put them into their Harmony-Database
- Introduce a PRIR diagnostic function for S/N ratio and ITD similar to that in the A8, so "bad" PRIRs could be easily detected and re-measured.
- TWO speaker measurement mode (like ONE method but one ear level, one top/overhead)
- Allow VOLUME rocker key (and volume knobs on the unit) to function while in all screen display modes, not just while Speaker Map is displayed. At the very least it should be usable when Audio Meters page is in effect.
- Remote Control with key repeat functionality, meaning press e.g Volume up once and keep it depressed and Volume rises many dBs at a time etc. (the A8 remote does have this. Possibly limitation of hardware and not solvable).
- A turn on volume that you can set to a fixed value (or store per preset as is the case with the A8) and the A16 defaults to that set value when turned on. Otherwise it could happen that you leave a preset (or turn off the unit) at high volume and then go back to it and it may damage the headphones (or your hearing or both...)
- Proposal for SOLO and MUTE modes: Any loudspeaker in the speaker map that is mute should be displayed just with an empty box with a small outline. So you can easily see also from a distance which loudspeakers are playing (box filled with green/audio meter) and which are not (small outline). Compare to the A8 where white LEDs show speakers that are playing, and LED off shows a mute speaker.
No need for tiny red and white outlines that you can't see from two metres away.
Furthermore rename MUTE-mode to GROUP, and display the word SOLO or GROUP (or MUTE if you don't want to change the name) when solo-ing or muting in normal mode and TEST SOLO and TEST GROUP (or MUTE) when in TEST-mode.
So you can easily see from a distance which mode you're in (tells you what happens when you press a speaker key: will it go silent or play again?, whiche loudspeakers are playing, how many loudspeakers there are and if you're in normal or Test-Mode.
- Audio Meters Display should be easily accessible from speaker map display ("One click-Solution" back and forth, as with the A8).

Issue 2: Use analog line in (stereo line in tested, has some noise at higher volumes, multichannel needs to be tested but expected to work also)

Tips and Tricks
- Instruction videos:
- micro SD-card: FAT32 (max. 32 GB); Main Folder REALISER with two sub-folders PRIRS and HPEQS (plural 's' always included, not case sensitive), otherwise A16 won't store PRIRs or HPEQs on the card, see video
- For optical stabilisation of the headtracker you can put the set top also behind you, also turn the head top 180 degrees of course (at least works for horizontal head-tracking, vertical not yet tested, because not available until now)
- In-ear microphone placement when you have no 2nd person available: Use two mirrors, one on the wall and one hand-held: Hold the hand-held mirror in a 45 degree angle behind the ear and look at the reflection of that mirror in the mirror on the wall and you have a perfect view onto the side of your ear and ear canal.

To keep this a little bit under control I would say we discuss things in the other thread and if we agree, someone (me?) put it on the ("official") list. Maybe this is better than just everyone adds everything to this list.
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Sep 21, 2019 at 2:52 AM Post #3 of 74
3. HDMI inputs 3 and 4 appear only to operate as HDMI 1.4 rather than HDMI 2.0b (FW 1.02. 1.05?)

From the FAQ :

HDMI input 1 is HDMI 2.0 compliant and supports HDCP 2.2 authentication, all mandatory 3D formats, and 4k up to @50/60Hz. Inputs 2,3 and 4 are HDMI 1.4a compliant and support HDCP 1.4 authentication, all mandatory 3D formats, and up to 4k @24/30Hz.
Sep 21, 2019 at 3:02 AM Post #4 of 74
- HDMI Audio pass-through

+1 on this one at least at first get 2 channels stereo on HDMI OUT, this will me the most common home user simple setup A16+TV. requiring a HDMI switch for such simple setup is very annoying
+ HIFI HIRES computation mode 96Kh for stereo listening

I think using a network application to configure the unit would be mandatory, the remote usage is simply to much deterring and it will break with time and be difficult to replace rendering the unit useless unless you buy a universal remote and copy all features of the A16 remote in it
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Sep 27, 2019 at 3:38 PM Post #6 of 74
Some sources for trailer downloads:

edit: Forgot to link the page with test tones, although it's in german I think you will finde the correct files:,-Downloads-und-Testtoene/

although not every trailer that is labelled with Atmos seems to have Atmos inside, at least not on my Oppo.
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Oct 1, 2019 at 3:40 PM Post #7 of 74
Some Infos on the Rooms of the Factory Default PRIRs

The Surrey Uni and the BBC have open-source Dummy-Head measurements of those two rooms online that are in the A16 Factory Default PRIRs.
So there's the possibility that the Smyths took these measurements and somehow converted it to their PRIR-format. For the Surrey room that could be true (although I think there are more speakers in the PRIR than online), the BBC room however only has ear level speakers online. However the documents that describe the rooms in more detail may be interesting.

Here are the links:
- Surrey room:
- BBC room:

The BBC room has a speaker distance of only 2.1 m, and that you can hear in the PRIR (well at least I could). The Surrey room does have a greater distance, but that's not exactly described in the documents. I think by listening to it should be about 2.5 to 3 m.
Oct 9, 2019 at 4:18 PM Post #8 of 74
Update (v2)

Issues (Updates)
1. Occasional stalling of the A16 requiring the power to be cycled. (FW 1.02. 1.05?)
-> Probably solved with FW 1.70?

2. Playing a CD source via HDMI or SPDIF suffers from excessive mute/lock time. (FW 1.02. 1.05?)
Happens mainly with PCM sources without video (also mp3, SACD). When pausing or skipping or another title starts the A16 abruptly loses the stream. When the stream comes back it takes 10 s to recognize it and reload the correct rooms (you can see this in the top menu that rooms are reloaded). With PCM sources with video (e.g. DTS converted to PCM by the player) it doesn't happen that often. Sometimes seems to happen also with bitstream.
Suggestion: A fixed PCM mode (8ch PCM via HDMI and 2ch PCM via SPDIF coax and optical) that the user can set the Realiser to, that never loses the stream and only mutes when bistream will be detected (because even with for example 2 s mute at the beginning of the music track you can't really enjoy listening to music).

-> much better with FW 1.70 but still a small mute time exists that "swallows" the beginning of music tracks. Still some kind of fixed mode desired.

3. HDMI inputs 3 and 4 appear only to operate as HDMI 1.4 rather than HDMI 2.0b (FW 1.02. 1.05, 1.70?)

4. Possible lip sync issues. (FW 1.05?)

5. SVS Bass function seems flawed: If activated it introduces very strange distortions in the bass (sounds like the membranes of the headphone vibrate/wobble and/or the coils strike against the magnet, so could possibly damage the headphone!)
(reported by one user with FW 1.02 so far, needs to be further investigated)
-> Same problem with FW 1.70!

6. Strange delay in the PRIRs/listening rooms when own PRIRs are stored in the permanent storage. When own PRIRs are deleted, delay seems to be gone (possibly FW 1.05, reported by 2 users, needs to be further investigated
-> Probably solved with FW 1.70

7. Very loud buzzing noise over headphones! (Severe, could damage headphones and/or hearing), several reports, only one seems to be repeatable:
-> Should be solved with FW 1.70

8. White splash screen: After turning the A16 on the display shows only white and stays white. Turning off and on helps, but not always (one user had to unplug and replug the unit)

Questions (Update: reordered, descending from more to less important)
- What happens in case of a No-Deal Brexit regarding shipments into the EU after the Brexit?
(EU customers already paid VAT via Kickstarter, but maybe charged again by customs after a No-Deal Brexit and with no invoice presentable customs might judge the value according to the current price of 4000$ which could end up in about 800€ VAT + duties!
How will you ensure that this won't happen (Kickstarter backers need evidence regarding the paid price and that VAT already has been paid, including your VATIN, kickstarter confirmation will surely not be sufficient.)
-> As a hard brexit seems getting closer this is an important question for most users in the EU who are still waiting for the A16.

- When and how do the users that attended the different shows and had PRIRs measured get those PRIRs. It has been promised back then that those PRIRs will be pre-loaded onto the specific units, which is not the case. Some users travelled a long way just to attend a show and get a PRIR measurment done! (Maybe you just send them via E-Mail, would be the easiest I think)

- As a kickstarter backer we don't get an invoice. How do we claim warranty, if necessary?

- What exact azimuth and elevation angles does the decoder in the Realiser assume for the loudspeakers that will be measured? Does it follow the guidelines in the Dolby Whiteaper (, although these are also not exact. There have to be exact values that the decoder assumes I think. In Appendix B there are default angles mentioned, but they deviate from the Dolby recommendations. So if I can choose where exactly should I place my loudspeaker for creating a perfect PRIR? As far as I understand, the angles you enter in the PRIR sound room are just for info, the decoder does not remap the output to those angles, or does it?

Missing features that have been promised (Update: reordered, roughly descending from more to less important)
- Browser/Web based GUI
- Asynchronous measuring mode (using BD, DVD) (High Priority!!)
- Output of measuring signals via HDMI
Both of the above features need to be 8ch LPCM (to measure systems without Atmos decoding capabilty) and Atmos/(DTS-X/Auro 3D) bitstream!

- DTS decoding
- Exchange website
- HDMI Audio pass-through
- Hybrid SVS-AV mode (combine AV-only mode with SVS processing)
- Auro 3D capability
- Single (ONE) speaker measurement mode (leave the speaker in place, rotate the listener, as with the A8; also with 15 degree increments, should also work for top/overhead speakers)
- Lip Sync setting (different setting for every input source)
- Vertical Headtracking
- Low latency mode
- Parametric EQs/Delay settings per (virtual loudspeaker) channel (also when doing PRIR measurements, to be able to measure systems with room corrections done via Realiser)
- Balanced headphone output mode
- (Illusonic upmixer?)

Corrections/Extensions to the manual (no changes)
- (v091): Missing description of folder structure on SD card
- (v091): p. 44, chapter Audio bypass: Should be clarified what this means (the audio comes from Line in for example and video from the selected HDMI, what does it then mean that the HDMI audio signal will be switched as well?)
- (v091): p. 54: Typo: "The BACK key saves these settings are moves back to the previous preset configuration menu."
-> "are" should be "and"
- (v091): p. 56: Chapter 7.4 Audio Meters is misplaced. The following sub-chapters 7.4.1, 7.4.2 and so on should possibly be sub-chapters of 7.3.
- (v091): p. 58: Figures 7-14 and 7-15 are swapped (resp. the text references)
- (v091): p. 64: chapter "Finally, the low-frequency limit of the up-firing speaker being measured is set in lpf."
-> "lpf" should be "hpf" supposedly.
- (v091): p. 65: chapter 8.1.7: Wrong reference of Fig 3-28 (must be Fig 2-30 supposedly, there is no Fig 3-28 in the document)
- (v091): p. 77 and 79, chapter and Should be clarified what equal-loudness-80 and equal-loudness-20 refer to.
- (v091): p. 82: chapter 10.2.3: Missing description of options for Dolby Enabled speakers.
- (v091): p. 89: chapter 10.5: Note 2: Wrong reference of Fig 11-2 (presumably 10-1; there is no Fig 11-2)
- (v091): p. 90: Atmos Config 6 (2.2.2m): Ltm, Rtm missing
- (v091): p. 90: Atmos Config 42 (7.2.4h): Wrong, should be deleted
- (v091): p. 91: Atmos Config 45 (7.1.4): Ltr, Rtr missing
- (v091): p. 92: DTS:X Configs 31 to 36 (all 7.x.x): C missing
- (v091): p. 94: Multiple errors, not sure if all are found:
x.x.2t seem to have Ltm and Rtm, not Ltf and Rtf;
Missing PCM Configs in table: 7.1.2m, 7.2.2m, 7.1.2h
PCM Config 22 (7.2.2t) doesn’t exist.
Further missing PCM Conifgs: 7.1.4t, 7.1.4h, 7.1.6t, 9.1.2m, 9.2.2m, 9.1.2h, 9.2.2h, 9.1.4t
PCM Config 28 (9.2.2t) doesn’t exist.
- (v091): p. 98: Speaker 34 should be Rtm (not Ltm), speaker 36 should be Rtr (not Ltr); Lrs2 should be no. 43, not 44.
-(v091): p. 99: chapter 13: "The inertial sensor operates continuously but it can be also be stabilised" -> One "be" too much.
"NOTE: The word ‘calibrating’ will become visible on the menu line and the head-top LED with turn ORANGE“ -> "with" should be "will".
- (v091): p. 103: Fig 14-2 should be 14-6, Fig 14-1 should be 14-7, Fig 14-4 should be 14-8, Fig 14-3 should be 14-9; In the text no. 4. reference to Fig 15-7 should be 14-7.
- (v091): p. 104: Fig 14-5 should be 14-10, Fig 14-7 should be 14-11, Fig 14-6 should be 14-12.
- (v091): p. 105: No. 3. "see section GGGG" -> reference to correct section missing.
No. 4. Reference to Fig 15-12 should be 14-12
- (v091): p. 115: Reference to chapter 3.4.4 should be chapter 2.4.4
- (v091): p. 117: Appendix J: Bass Management should be Appendix K ( J is already Connections) and all subsequent appendices adjusted as well.
- (v091): p. 118: no. 3 "LFE (not used)" should be LPF

Feature requests/proposals (Update: Added new proposals, reordered from more to less important)
- Easier way to select presets: Eithe by pressing number keys on the remote (e.g. press PA+1 for user preset 1; PB+3 for user preset 3, and so on)
or with a selection menu, proposal: In Speaker map display press enter, a list of presets appears, with the arrow keys you can browse through the list and with enter you select the new preset. The list should contain max. 4 (5) items per screen page so that you can still read it from few metres away. The presets should have names beside the numbers in the list).
- Easier way to select inputs: For example with a selection menu with max. 4 or 5 entries per screen page so you can read this from few metres away. Enter the selection list, browse via arrow keys to an entry, press enter to select the input.

- A turn on volume that you can set to a fixed value (or store per preset as is the case with the A8) and the A16 defaults to that set value when turned on. Otherwise it could happen that you leave a preset (or turn off the unit) at high volume and then go back to it and it may damage the headphones (or your hearing or both...)
- Send the remote codes of the A16 remote to Logitech that they can put them into their Harmony-Database
- Allow VOLUME rocker key (and volume knobs on the unit) to function while in all screen display modes, not just while Speaker Map is displayed. At the very least it should be usable when Audio Meters page is in effect.
- Remote Control with key repeat functionality, meaning press e.g Volume up once and keep it depressed and Volume rises many dBs at a time etc. (the A8 remote does have this. Possibly limitation of hardware and not solvable).
- Introduce a PRIR diagnostic function for S/N ratio and ITD similar to that in the A8, so "bad" PRIRs could be easily detected and re-measured.
- TWO speaker measurement mode (like ONE method but one ear level, one top/overhead)
- Proposal for SOLO and MUTE modes: Any loudspeaker in the speaker map that is mute should be displayed just with an empty box with a small outline. So you can easily see also from a distance which loudspeakers are playing (box filled with green/audio meter) and which are not (small outline). Compare to the A8 where white LEDs show speakers that are playing, and LED off shows a mute speaker.
No need for tiny red and white outlines that you can't see from two metres away.
Furthermore rename MUTE-mode to GROUP, and display the word SOLO or GROUP (or MUTE if you don't want to change the name) when solo-ing or muting in normal mode and TEST SOLO and TEST GROUP (or MUTE) when in TEST-mode.
So you can easily see from a distance which mode you're in (tells you what happens when you press a speaker key: will it go silent or play again?, which loudspeakers are playing, how many loudspeakers there are and if you're in normal or Test-Mode.
- Audio Meters Display should be easily accessible from speaker map display ("One click-Solution" back and forth, as with the A8).
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Nov 10, 2019 at 5:18 PM Post #10 of 74
With the Smyth Realiser A16 hopefully arriving tomorrow I started to study more via the videos and the manuals. A big surprise for me was this:

This menu (Figure 5-8) allows the user to set descriptors for four different headphones using the alpha-numeric keyboard to insert text, and to adjust the level of bass signal sent to the headphone outputs. These headphone descriptors can be added to any HPEQ file measured for these headphones, allowing particular HPEQ files to be readily identified.

Why only four? I got some headphones here I wanted to try out with the A16 before maybe even selling some of them. My idea was to be able to directly compare them all. Any idea if Smyth could easily increase this number to 8?
Nov 11, 2019 at 12:40 AM Post #12 of 74
With the Smyth Realiser A16 hopefully arriving tomorrow I started to study more via the videos and the manuals. A big surprise for me was this:

This menu (Figure 5-8) allows the user to set descriptors for four different headphones using the alpha-numeric keyboard to insert text, and to adjust the level of bass signal sent to the headphone outputs. These headphone descriptors can be added to any HPEQ file measured for these headphones, allowing particular HPEQ files to be readily identified.

Why only four? I got some headphones here I wanted to try out with the A16 before maybe even selling some of them. My idea was to be able to directly compare them all. Any idea if Smyth could easily increase this number to 8?

Totally agree, A8 was not restricted like this. I have already maxed my 4.

@audiohobbit Would you be so kind to add to your list for Smyth?
Nov 11, 2019 at 7:19 AM Post #13 of 74
1. I don't know why I don't get alerted of new posts in this thread?
2. those posts shouldn't be here but in the other thread.
3. As I understand it, those entries are only for naming your HPEQs. You can enter the name, create HPEQ for this HP and then delete/overwrite this name with another HP name and you still have the HPEQ in the memory (has to be copied to permanent memory of course) and could use it in any preset you like.
There is for example the factory HPEQ of the HD800 (with user John Doe I think?) that can be used in any preset even if an HD800 is'nt entered in this menu anymore.

So please try this first before "complaining".

As I understood it it is only for convenience when naming PRIRs and HPEQ so you don't always have to enter all the details which is rather annoying via remote control.
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Nov 13, 2019 at 5:19 PM Post #14 of 74
1. I don't know why I don't get alerted of new posts in this thread?
2. those posts shouldn't be here but in the other thread.
3. As I understand it, those entries are only for naming your HPEQs. You can enter the name, create HPEQ for this HP and then delete/overwrite this name with another HP name and you still have the HPEQ in the memory (has to be copied to permanent memory of course) and could use it in any preset you like.
There is for example the factory HPEQ of the HD800 (with user John Doe I think?) that can be used in any preset even if an HD800 is'nt entered in this menu anymore.

So please try this first before "complaining".

As I understood it it is only for convenience when naming PRIRs and HPEQ so you don't always have to enter all the details which is rather annoying via remote control.

to 1. No idea.
to 2. Which posts?
to 3. This is a great tipp but it would be still more convenient to have the chance to name more.

So please try this first before "complaining".

I do not see this as complaining but constructive ideas. Thought this is what this thread is about.
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Nov 20, 2019 at 2:07 PM Post #15 of 74
Issues solved

1. Occasional stalling of the A16 requiring the power to be cycled. (FW 1.02. 1.05?)
-> Probably solved with FW 1.70/1.75 ?

2. Playing a CD source via HDMI or SPDIF suffers from excessive mute/lock time.
-> solved with FW 1.75
From the 1.75 update document:
Previously when playing CDs or DVDs over HDMI or SPDIF and jumping or transitioning audio tracks,a momentary audio stuttercould be heard as the track beganplaying. This issue was investigated by MDS and theirsolutionhas now beenimplemented in firmware rev1.75. Consequently the‘AutoMute’feature introduced in rev 1.70 is no longer required. However,it remains in the menu as a general purpose programmable mute timer. For now, please keep ‘Auto Mute’ at the minimum 50ms value.

3. HDMI inputs 3 and 4 appear only to operate as HDMI 1.4 rather than HDMI 2.0b (FW 1.02. 1.05, 1.70?)
-> solved with FW 1.75

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