SinglePower SDS/XLR photos!
Mar 22, 2005 at 12:24 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 85

tom hankins

Headphoneus Supremus
Mar 13, 2003
Well my upgrade is almost complete! The system is sounding really great. I have gone wild and sunk $9K into my new source and got the SDS/XLR recently also.
Now I'm saving for the Qualias and a new transport to go with the Audio Aero. Then I will send the SCD-1 off for mods and that should do me for a few years.(I hope) The biggest improvment over the SDS (old one) system is this amp is super fast and much cleaner sounding with bass thats just way, way, way, deep. The soundstage on most recvordings now goes far beyond my ears to both the right and left. The depth is about the same. This system also has much increased detail over the other. I'm back to listening.

Back of SDS/XLR Amp:


Amp and Sony SCD-1:


6 Gauge Locking Umbilical Cord:


System on Boltz Rack:


Audio Aero DAC and SDS/XLR Power Supply:

Mar 22, 2005 at 12:40 AM Post #4 of 85

Originally Posted by tkam
Wow that is an amazing setup you have there congrats

Thanks...Now if I could just get the phones away from my girlfriend. She just gave the system a nice complement. She listened for a minute and then said it was the most non headphone sounding system I've had.
Mar 22, 2005 at 12:47 AM Post #5 of 85

Originally Posted by PATB

Congrats on the killer setup. BTW Tom, why the Qualia? I would imagine the SDS XLR/HD650 combo with your SCD-1/Audio Aero combo should be more than enough to take no prisoners.

This is the first time I have wondered if the grass might be greener. The senns sound unbelievable right now. The increased soundstage and speed from the amp, and the amount of treble energy this DAC is giving me is really sweet. I'm going to pick up an Audio Magic mini digital stealth this week for the DAC and SCD-1. That should clean up the sound even more.
Mar 22, 2005 at 12:50 AM Post #6 of 85
What an awesome set up! Knowing Singlepower, it must sound divine! I love your hokey puck mod too! Congrats! BTW, how much does your whole rig weighs?
Mar 22, 2005 at 12:59 AM Post #7 of 85

Originally Posted by go_vtec
What an awesome set up! Knowing Singlepower, it must sound divine! I love your hokey puck mod too! Congrats! BTW, how much does your whole rig weighs?

I guess around 200lbs???? It does sound great. It also has every possible input and output going. I have the SCD-1 and the Audio Aero both running balanced into the amp and can also run two single ended sources. When you run the single ended inputs it converts the amp from balanced to two seperate SDS amps so I can use two different phones through the 1/4 inch jacks. There is a selecter switch on the side of the amp for switching in between sources. Hopfully someday it will act as my preamp since it also has this function.
Mar 22, 2005 at 1:10 AM Post #8 of 85
Tom's right, I've been monopolizing the headphones for a bit! Wow. Amazing that it all sounds so terrific - brand new! It really has great soundstage, and is so airy the only way I know I'm listening to headphones is because I feel them on my head. Great bass already. Imagine what it'll be like all burned in!!!
And since it's set up so that Tom and I can also run 2 pairs of headphones out of it, I can actually listen to my own Senns instead of the sound leaking out of his!

Kudos to Mikhail, another great product from Single Power!

I just can't say enough good things about this amp!! (And Tom's really happy too!)
Mar 22, 2005 at 1:21 AM Post #10 of 85
Congrats, Tom (and stargirlga). That's what I need. No, not the amp, not the source, not the DAC. The girlfriend who is hip to the whole headphone rig thing and enjoys the music it produces as much as I do! It's really good to hear that your system has come together so well.
Mar 22, 2005 at 1:44 AM Post #11 of 85

Originally Posted by tkam
Wow that is an amazing setup you have there congrats

Ditto here. That has to be the best looking amp in existance. The case is so beautiful. If it sounds half as good as it looks you are set.
I know you have been waiting for a long time so I am glad the amp was worth the wait.
Mar 22, 2005 at 3:18 AM Post #12 of 85

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
Congrats, Tom (and stargirlga). That's what I need. No, not the amp, not the source, not the DAC. The girlfriend who is hip to the whole headphone rig thing and enjoys the music it produces as much as I do! It's really good to hear that your system has come together so well.

I am a very, very, lucky man, to have such a woman.
Mar 22, 2005 at 3:24 AM Post #13 of 85
Ahhh, an audio-friendly girlfriend...the ultimate upgrade

Congrats, Tom - all around.
Mar 22, 2005 at 3:45 AM Post #14 of 85
Nice set up tom......

maybe one day we can try it out .
Mar 22, 2005 at 3:50 AM Post #15 of 85

Originally Posted by tom hankins
I guess around 200lbs????

Holy Jeez Tom, you win the weight award hand down! Don't you feel a little silly with all that amp driving one little set of headphones?
Seriously Tom, I'm glad to see you finally got it, you've been waiting a long time for that baby, I hope it lives up to your imaginings!


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