Shure 535 and bad/loose cables getting bad

May 23, 2013 at 2:58 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


100+ Head-Fier
Apr 8, 2011

The sound is jumping in and out on the left channel and it's the cable that is beginning to get bad. It's the third one when using Shure in-ears and the second one on these particular phones.

Is there anyway i can fix it? I am getting tired of Shure bad quality cables.
May 24, 2013 at 4:55 PM Post #2 of 7

The sound is jumping in and out on the left channel and it's the cable that is beginning to get bad. It's the third one when using Shure in-ears and the second one on these particular phones.

Is there anyway i can fix it? I am getting tired of Shure bad quality cables.

clean the connection with alcohol wipe, or something along those lines let it dry and reattach the cable. over time this kind of cable connection can get dirty and cause these shorts you are talking about.
after cleaning the connection make sure you hear a good solid click between the earpiecre and the cable. its a snap in sound you are looking for.
this is one of the main reasons i hate the 535. the sound isnt bad, the cable design and connection design sucks.
May 29, 2013 at 6:08 AM Post #7 of 7
i wouldnt use alcohol on the bud itsself,but would around the connection on the cable

Well i changed to a new cable and i still have the clipping sound on the left bud. When looking at the contact on the bud itself it's almost green. The goldplated colour has almost totally vanished. I've used them alot to day the least.
Should i dip a q-tip drenched in alcohol in there to clean it?

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