Show us your vintage headphones!
Aug 13, 2022 at 5:46 PM Post #2,926 of 3,154
The K240DF is still the best vintage AKG among many others AKGs I also own. I took the picture andom and it turned out better than I first thought.

Aug 14, 2022 at 2:06 AM Post #2,927 of 3,154
You wouldve looked period with a Casio.
How do you like the CD900st? I had one (about 10 years ago) and used as my portable.

I think it's still pretty good for what it is, have always heard the CD900ST was a cut above the 7506/V6 but never had put it to the test, I'd have to find where I've kept my 7506. The CD900ST sounds surprisingly pleasant and doesn't seem to have that grainy edge that one might associate with this class of Headphone. Tonality isn't great but, it is surprisingly enjoyable. The treble is in check and there is nothing significantly annoying anywhere across the response.
If only Sony had experimented by putting one of their Heritage Bio-Cellulose drivers inside the thin chassis of the Monitor line-up.

But hey, who is Sony to listen to the pleas of an enthusiast!
Aug 16, 2022 at 5:27 AM Post #2,928 of 3,154

I always thought the silver button ones were vintage 900st but i guess it didn't have the st in it.

Anyone know if they truly sounded better or just hype based on the rarity?

Though IIRC these have some special "vaporized diamond" coated membrane.

As for this whole 7506 vs 900st I have this strong feeling some of it has to do with this micron glass behind driver




Seems 7506 does not have it. So perhaps if one wants a true comparison, you can get the micron glass part and stuff into the 7506

I would be really shocked if they tuned one studio monitor completely different than the other. I wonder why they don't put the micron glass for the 7506.

Sony does indeed do weird things!


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Aug 21, 2022 at 5:55 PM Post #2,929 of 3,154
Very nice vintage AGK K340

These look mint!
The K340 are my endgame too.
There is some "magic" happening there that I can't listen in any other headphones. I can't describe it perfectly, and it's not only in the superb detail or in the excellent soundstage and imaging.
Aug 30, 2022 at 3:20 PM Post #2,930 of 3,154
Back in 1990 when I was in high school, I bought a pair of Realistic Pro 60’s from my local radio shack. They were awesome and lasted until 2016 when one of the drivers failed. They are either a rebadged Koss HV/X or Koss HV/pro. Not sure which. The HV/X specs are 15 to 35,000 frequency response,100 db SPL sensitivity, 100 ohms while the HV/pros specs are 15 to 22,000 K frequency response, 92 db SPL, 85 ohm. (I guess I need to check the ohms with my multimeter.) Last month I found a pair on eBay for $3.00 with $12.00 shipping. I restored them with just stuff I had around the house. The cable was shot, with no electrical continuity at the sleeve. I made another cable for it from some Belden XLR cable and a rope. I used some Grado salad bowl type cushions that I had as the pads were gone and Koss doesn’t sell them anymore. Got them back to working again, missed having my old ones around.

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Aug 30, 2022 at 3:55 PM Post #2,931 of 3,154
Back in 1990 when I was in high school, I bought a pair of Realistic Pro 60’s from my local radio shack. They were awesome and lasted until 2016 when one of the drivers failed. They are either a rebadged Koss HV/X or Koss HV/pro. Not sure which. The HV/X specs are 15 to 35,000 frequency response,100 db SPL sensitivity, 100 ohms while the HV/pros specs are 15 to 22,000 K frequency response, 92 db SPL, 85 ohm. (I guess I need to check the ohms with my multimeter.) Last month I found a pair on eBay for $3.00 with $12.00 shipping. I restored them with just stuff I had around the house. The cable was shot, with no electrical continuity at the sleeve. I made another cable for it from some Belkin XLR cable and a rope. I used some Grado S cushions that I had as the pads were gone and Koss doesn’t sell them anymore. Got them back to working again, missed having my old ones around.

Tastefully restored 👌
Sep 7, 2022 at 4:08 AM Post #2,935 of 3,154
Just like that sleepy lion in the jungle, a new pair of headphones is always only a-whim-away. In this instance the whim compelled me to buy a pair of Onkyo HP-200. I couldn't find many details except their inclusion in Onkyo catalogues from 1979 & 1980 in which it appears to be the favoured child of an Onkyo trio consisting of the HP-200, HP-100 & HP-50; 200 ohms nominal impedance and 101 dB sensitivity with an RRP in West Germany of 140 DM sometime between 1978 and 1980 (which works out to about $80 USD in 1979 which allowing for inflation, comes to approx $320 USD in today's money). btw, it would be an interesting project to track the RRP of headphones across the years.

Anyway, has anyone heard the Onkyo HP-200? I couldn't unearth any impressions so gambled by buying these for $40 AUD (about $27 USD) from eBay. Once these have arrived I will report back with a comparison to a pair of HD600 driven by SPL Phonitor. Any tips on replacing perished pads would be most gratefully received.

HP-200 1.jpg

HP-200 specs.jpg
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Sep 7, 2022 at 9:08 AM Post #2,936 of 3,154
These look mint!
The K340 are my endgame too.
There is some "magic" happening there that I can't listen in any other headphones. I can't describe it perfectly, and it's not only in the superb detail or in the excellent soundstage and imaging.
Team K340 here also. I have yet to find a HP that will image like these. That's coming from a former K1000 owner.

Stock Bass light/ slightly EQ'd = 😍
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Oct 6, 2022 at 8:29 PM Post #2,939 of 3,154
according to pioneer's catalogue, SE100 uses a very unique two way electret transducer and thus very HIFI, afaik it is the only two way electret/estats every produced up to date. Pioneer later made a supra-aural estats called SE1000 which I sadly missed a chance to get my hands on. Sound? Keep in mind that my pair's pads are degraded, pretty typical "estats" sound, bright and clean but lacks bass. Really enjoyable but I think I prefer good old Sony for now.

Someone posted the catalogue of SE100 on reddit so here's the link:

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