Shanling M0 - Smallest Hi-Res Portable Player - New Firmware V3.6
Sep 14, 2019 at 12:43 AM Post #5,573 of 6,428
What bug?
Memory leak or whatever it's called (when the screen becomes unresponsive). And you have to restart, sometimes once, sometimes many many times. Yesterday I was resetting it for like 10 min before it let off and it was the last straw.
On their website they have links for the different firmware revisions.
Thanks. I checked there before writing my post and didn't see it. Turned out my adblock blocked that archive part lol
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Sep 14, 2019 at 11:05 AM Post #5,574 of 6,428
I also reverted to an older version because I use the BT receiver quite often.

@Shanling is it possible to have EQ while being used as a BT receiver in a future update?

What changed in regards to the BT support? I didn't have any issues with it, but i don't use EQ, so maybe there's that.

Memory leak or whatever it's called (when the screen becomes unresponsive). And you have to restart, sometimes once, sometimes many many times. Yesterday I was resetting it for like 10 min before it let off and it was the last straw.

That happened to me only when trying some DSD files, but I only used them for testing purposes, since I don't plan on using these on the go anyway. But yeah, this is something they need to look into,. This only happened to me when using the Artist search, using the folders was fine.
Sep 14, 2019 at 8:35 PM Post #5,576 of 6,428
iBasso DC01 was connected to Shanling M0, but the battery lasted only about 2 hours.
The AC adapter and DC01 were connected via a PD compatible adapter, but only those who recognized first could use it.
Can this be used simultaneously in firmware?
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Sep 15, 2019 at 8:29 PM Post #5,577 of 6,428
iBasso DC01 was connected to Shanling M0, but the battery lasted only about 2 hours.
The AC adapter and DC01 were connected via a PD compatible adapter, but only those who recognized first could use it.
Can this be used simultaneously in firmware?

In the user manual, it's described that the M0 wasn't meant to be used with DACs/amps that aren't self powered. I believe your dongle falls in that category.
Sep 15, 2019 at 9:19 PM Post #5,578 of 6,428
If anything, on 3.1, i wished i could send commands to my smartphone using the double and triple clicks, but I know this has been discussed, and hope Shanling will put out another great update soon.

That's unfortunately bug that was introduced around time software team added lockscreen/animations for BT receiver. Still awaiting fix for this stupid problem.

Main thing is to buy from a reputable retailer. I always buy from Amazon (the company, not the marketplace).

With SD Cards, if it looks to good to be true then it most likely is. Avoid 'bedroom cowboys' as they are going to be reprogrammed rejects and will give a much lower capacity than stated (if they work at all). Good brands that I have used include Samsung, Sandisk, Kingston, Transcend, Integral...

With Amazon and their different fulfillment ways, even buying directly from Amazon is not completely safe. We recommend to buy from oldschool reliable places(mainly trusted camera shops or big electronics chain stores).

I have an issue, the seal on the SD card door has snapped. It isn't a major problem but it is annoying because the door will not stay shut. Does anyone know where i can get a replacement?

Normally we partner with Shenzhen Audio for shipping of spare parts. Will check with them to put in also replacement card covers. (but it can take a little while).

@Shanling is it possible to have EQ while being used as a BT receiver in a future update?

Not likely.

iBasso DC01 was connected to Shanling M0, but the battery lasted only about 2 hours.
The AC adapter and DC01 were connected via a PD compatible adapter, but only those who recognized first could use it.
Can this be used simultaneously in firmware?

Unfortunately M0/our system is not built for such connection.
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 16, 2019 at 9:35 AM Post #5,580 of 6,428
Normally we partner with Shenzhen Audio for shipping of spare parts. Will check with them to put in also replacement card covers. (but it can take a little while).
Can I get a replacement for my defective USB cable (see previous post, it was what was keeping me from uploading files directly)?

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