Sensaphonic 2X-S initial impressions
Sep 30, 2004 at 6:57 PM Post #32 of 47

Originally Posted by wolfen68
Note that I stated "live music" not "live recording". To me the golden standard is too have your system sound like live you're right there. The UE-10 "may" represent this better since in my experience live music is flavored the way I described earlier.

I see what you mean. I personally agree that you should feel a type of "live presence" in your music through a combination of studio recording and a good sound system. However, I don't know if you can ever reproduce a true "live" feel to the music without the visceral impact of... well, speakers. Given that, 2X-S has more visceral bass than the UE-10 Pro, that gives it a more "live" presence than enhanced treble, imo.

Overall, I still think that UE-10 is more of a "monitor" sound. Instead of hearing the subwoofer and the speakers, you hear bass drums as if you're sitting next to the drummer without any mic at all. Instead of hearing the singer in front of you (as would be in a concert), you hear the singer right next to your ear. Some people like that type of sound, some don't... but I certainly don't think that sound is a realistic representation of what people hear at a concert. UE-10 Pro is more like what the musician wants to hear for their own monitoring reasons, and 2X-S is more of what you hear at a concert after the microphone, sound board, and speakers are all involved.

I used to hold up good sound system against live experience as the "golden standard" as well... however, over time I just feel more and more that studio recording gives you a completely different type of experience than live performances. Live performances also lack in other sense compare to studio recordings. I've been to many live performances where the presence of music is great, but the lyrics are almost indecipherable.
Sep 30, 2004 at 7:17 PM Post #33 of 47
I don't really use concerts as my gauge for audio success. Like you say/imply, most of them are deficient in one way or another. Real live music that grabs my attention is small performances without amplification that sound like....well, real sound. Like a choir in a church, or a friend playing guitar on your living room couch. I went to Van Halen this summer, and like I stated in a past thread, that concert sound had none of these "real sound" qualities. It just seemed loud, muddy, and congested to my budding Head-fi ears.

Often, I listen to music and experience a disorientation due to the fact that some note or sound sounds so real, that it startles me into instinctively looking around the room for the source of the sound. This phenomena is always neat when it happens....and it happens a lot with my UE's.

I would be in heaven if every song/note I listened to made me feel like I...was....right....there.
Sep 30, 2004 at 7:52 PM Post #34 of 47

Originally Posted by wolfen68
I don't really use concerts as my gauge for audio success. Like you say/imply, most of them are deficient in one way or another. Real live music that grabs my attention is small performances without amplification that sound like....well, real sound. Like a choir in a church, or a friend playing guitar on your living room couch. I went to Van Halen this summer, and like I stated in a past thread, that concert sound had none of these "real sound" qualities. It just seemed loud, muddy, and congested to my budding Head-fi ears.

This I agree 100% with... there's nothing quite like an acoustic performance in a small/medium size venue with nothing else involved. Worst is when big rock bands tries to fill huge stadiums and just have these huge speakers cranking that muddies over everything.


Often, I listen to music and experience a disorientation due to the fact that some note or sound sounds so real, that it startles me into instinctively looking around the room for the source of the sound. This phenomena is always neat when it happens....and it happens a lot with my UE's.

This happens more with me with the 2X-S than the UE-10 Pro. I'm thinking about maybe getting an UE5c one day though... just to see if UE5c has more musical qualities than UE-10 Pro. Anyway, just ponderin' & thinking about it.
Sep 30, 2004 at 8:31 PM Post #35 of 47

Originally Posted by lindrone
I'm thinking about maybe getting an UE5c one day though... just to see if UE5c has more musical qualities than UE-10 Pro. Anyway, just ponderin' & thinking about it.

Oh my God!
Lindrone you are beyond crazy! I mean it in a good way, obviously.
Sep 30, 2004 at 8:33 PM Post #36 of 47

Originally Posted by gorman
Oh my God!
Lindrone you are beyond crazy! I mean it in a good way, obviously.

Yeah.. but still just thinking about it though... actually I'm going to start another thread about another "problem" I'm having with the UE-10 Pro right now.. and maybe I can talk them into replacing it with an UE5c instead...
Oct 5, 2004 at 5:52 PM Post #37 of 47
Big D... do you have more impressions on the comparison between the two IEMs? I'm curious to read what you think about them.
Aug 5, 2005 at 6:07 AM Post #38 of 47
Hello with all,

I am a new member registered on this Forum

I would like to pose to some questions with you specialists
, I am reflecting for a purchase either for "Sensaphonics ProPhonic Soft 2X", or "Ultimate Ears EU-10 Pro"

My question is mainly about the "Sensa" and I wonder which is the solidity of these long-term ear-phones (I specify that I am very careful).
I speak about the ear-phone itself inside as well as fixing of the cable.

A negative point (for me) it is that one cannot have the cable of the "Sensa" in black
but only of only one color

It is really a question which worries me to be able to decide to me, especially that the "Sensa" seems to me really softer and pleasant in the ears for long use compared to the "EU-10"

A point interesting for the "EU-10" it is the fact that the cable is replaceable if it is damaged. What think about it?

Please help-me

Best regards,

Aug 5, 2005 at 6:58 AM Post #39 of 47
I wish I had the cash to spend on two sets of $600+ earphones

I am still trying to get the money for some custom molds for my e4c's

BTW how much do custom molds cost (and how long do they take to make), including an audiologist visit?
thanks headphones than you have ever had-all of the cash in your wallet.

No one ever gave me the official greeting, so I am sure I give it to anyone who is new.
Aug 5, 2005 at 2:05 PM Post #40 of 47

Originally Posted by Swiss-BJ
Hello with all,

I am a new member registered on this Forum

I would like to pose to some questions with you specialists
, I am reflecting for a purchase either for "Sensaphonics ProPhonic Soft 2X", or "Ultimate Ears EU-10 Pro"

My question is mainly about the "Sensa" and I wonder which is the solidity of these long-term ear-phones (I specify that I am very careful).
I speak about the ear-phone itself inside as well as fixing of the cable.

A negative point (for me) it is that one cannot have the cable of the "Sensa" in black
but only of only one color

It is really a question which worries me to be able to decide to me, especially that the "Sensa" seems to me really softer and pleasant in the ears for long use compared to the "EU-10"

A point interesting for the "EU-10" it is the fact that the cable is replaceable if it is damaged. What think about it?

Please help-me

Best regards,


Yes the sensas cable only comes in clear but the ear pieces come in many colors. It's probably is best to get clear to match. I have all black ue10 but I actually prefer the clear sensas because they don't stand out as much. They also dissappear in your ears.

The ue10 replaceable cable is an advantage but how often are you going to replace the cable. I have Grado RS-1 that don't have replaceable cable and it doesn't make a difference. I know in a portable setting the cable can get caught but the sensas cable is very strong and durable. The ue10 does come in a longer length which is nice.

The sensas are much softer and isolate better. They are much more comfortable when lying down. In normal use there is not that much difference but a small advantage going to the sensas. The advantage goes to the ue10 for easier insertion and removel.

As far a sound quality, if you have a way of giving the sensas a slight treble boost, I think they sound better than the ue10's on a flat eq. The sensas have better rhythm, bass punch, lowend texture, warmth, balance, and just musical enjoyment. The ue10 has deeper bass and higher highs with a little more detail but doesn't sound as balanced in the mids. The bass also has a weird puffiness to it. Like I can feel the pressure of the bass but not hear the detail. I found myself now disliking the sound more and more the longer I've been using the sensas. It's kinda of stange since I used love the sound and preferred it the sensas at first. As I said, the sensas just need a slight treble boost to sound their best.

I think the sensas are very durable. The actually bounce when you drop them on a table. You just need to clean out the bores daily or evey other day and put them in a case when not in use. I use Cable Turtle: but you can find other good cases. The pouch the comes with them is really too small and the waterproof case is more for long term storage. When I need to quickly put them away, I pop the earpiece in the cable turtle and let the cords hang out.
Aug 15, 2005 at 2:05 PM Post #42 of 47

Originally Posted by Swiss-BJ
Very thanks for your help and info


I just wanted to add one more thing regarding long term use. I've had the sensas for a little over a year but may have only used them for 6 months since I've was mostly using the ue10 after I got them. I just started using the sensas again for maybe a month straight and now I am having problems with the right driver. The whole right side is starting to short out when I put I little pressure on them. I have been really carefull with them and always put them back in the Cable Turtle. The other problem is the sensas only has a 6 months warranty so if it does completely go out, I have put out my own money. I believe someone said it's about $150 to fix just one side.

Another thing to note is that this is the second set I've had short out on me. The first time it happen was when one of the first sets didn't fit right and I was using so much pressure and twisting to get in my ears. That made sense since it was excessive force and they replaced in with a much better fitting set. The current ones fit perfect and don't require any force to get it.

I believe this problem is due to the soft material. I may be the only one or not, but it's something to consider. Someone also had this problem with a soft material ue10. Now they only sell hard shell to non-musicians.

As far a sound quality, I've come to the conclusion that even if you prefer one over the other, once you've been listening for a while, it all sounds great. I even found where one sounds better depending on the song.

So based on my experience, I am no longer recommending the sensas.
Aug 15, 2005 at 2:48 PM Post #43 of 47

Originally Posted by iamdone
I just wanted to add one more thing regarding long term use. I've had the sensas for a little over a year but may have only used them for 6 months since I've was mostly using the ue10 after I got them. I just started using the sensas again for maybe a month straight and now I am having problems with the right driver. The whole right side is starting to short out when I put I little pressure on them. I have been really carefull with them and always put them back in the Cable Turtle. The other problem is the sensas only has a 6 months warranty so if it does completely go out, I have put out my own money. I believe someone said it's about $150 to fix just one side.

Another thing to note is that this is the second set I've had short out on me. The first time it happen was when one of the first sets didn't fit right and I was using so much pressure and twisting to get in my ears. That made sense since it was excessive force and they replaced in with a much better fitting set. The current ones fit perfect and don't require any force to get it.

I believe this problem is due to the soft material. I may be the only one or not, but it's something to consider. Someone also had this problem with a soft material ue10. Now they only sell hard shell to non-musicians.

As far a sound quality, I've come to the conclusion that even if you prefer one over the other, once you've been listening for a while, it all sounds great. I even found where one sounds better depending on the song.

So based on my experience, I am no longer recommending the sensas.


Sorry to hear about the sensas, wished they worked out for you. Well you have the rs-1s and UE-10s to fall back on. I still haven't decided if the attack in the mids in the Rs-1s is better then the UE-10s. Figure you are right though. Ever thought about getting the MS-pros?

Again.. what about a call into Sensas and telling them your situation.
Aug 15, 2005 at 3:35 PM Post #44 of 47

Originally Posted by chrisfromalbany

Sorry to hear about the sensas, wished they worked out for you. Well you have the rs-1s and UE-10s to fall back on. I still haven't decided if the attack in the mids in the Rs-1s is better then the UE-10s. Figure you are right though. Ever thought about getting the MS-pros?

Again.. what about a call into Sensas and telling them your situation.

That's not a bad fallback, is it.

I love the sound of my RS-1 so I have no desire to check out the MS-pros or even the PS-1 or HP-2's. I like having a fun and exciting headphone. I can get into the ue10 and enjoy the all the swirling sounds and technical performance but I don't find them exciting enough. They sound great for the slower stuff but not so much on the faster ones. This was the same problem I had with the hd650/zu. A great headphone but just not the right choice for most of my music.

Maybe I'll call sensas. I just don't want to deal with it since I can just use the ue10. I think I'll have to get another mold made since they are supposed to shrink after a year. I just a big pain and when I first got them, I had to go through 4 sets to get it right.

I think I'm done buying headphones. I'm focussing my next purchase on a better source like the Bel Canto Dac2.
Aug 15, 2005 at 4:30 PM Post #45 of 47
I didn't notice that other people had experienced a short as i did. You are the third that i have heard of, now (me included).
Just posted a thread on my experience, and the method sensa is using to deal with this situation.

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