Sennheiser veil appreciation thread
Jan 9, 2006 at 6:04 AM Post #31 of 78

Originally Posted by CJC252
What exactly is "veil"?


They are worn at funerals too.
Jan 9, 2006 at 10:13 AM Post #33 of 78
My HD555 have a more laid back sound than my HD650. I don't know if others feel the same. To put this into perspective, imagine going to listen to a classical music concert. The HD555 puts you towards the back of the hall, sometimes even outside the doors of the concert hall! The HD650 has much less of this veil and concert hall wise, you're put right in the middle of the audience, about 20 rows back from the stage. The HD650 has a wider soundstage, if any at all! I don't really believe in headphone soundstage, but the HD650 has better instrument separation and adds an airiness, spaciousness to music.
Jan 9, 2006 at 10:15 AM Post #34 of 78

Originally Posted by milkpowder
My HD555 have a more laid back sound than my HD650. I don't know if others feel the same. To put this into perspective, imagine going to listen to a classical music concert. The HD555 puts you towards the back of the hall, sometimes even outside the doors of the concert hall!

Ditto with the AKG K501, which I like to joke puts you back in the janitor's closet.
Surprising so many people find Senn HD6x0 laid back, with all the cans out there that are much less forward.
Jan 9, 2006 at 12:30 PM Post #35 of 78
Hmmm, sounds to me like the OP and a chunk of these posts might fit well over at my HD580 appreciation thread, linked in my signature. Perhaps a visit over there might be worth the trouble?

Jan 9, 2006 at 12:50 PM Post #36 of 78

Originally Posted by fewtch
Surprising so many people find Senn HD6x0 laid back, with all the cans out there that are much less forward.

I can listen to abrasive music on my HD650's all day, and forget that they're even on my head when I'm done. Laid back? Yeah. In a good way.

Certain other cans being even less forward doesn't invalidate the observation in regard to the HD6x0. It's relative, but some cans just have particular characteristics.. and HD6x0's don't exactly grate on your ears
Jan 9, 2006 at 4:22 PM Post #37 of 78
I figured out this veil thing and it must have been started by a Grado owner.I just dumped my sr60 for an hd555 and i will admit i was put off at first by its polite,laid back sound as compared to the all out sonic assult of the sr60.Yes in a way the hd555 did sound veiled but soon all changed.I could not stand the ear ringing and high treble response of the grado which showed itself in week 2 of my ownership.Yes it was exciting at first but it made long listening a chore.
I went with the hd555 because i read it was good to use with dolby surround for films.I burned it in for 200 hours and then it really showed itself.I love the large soundstage and the clear,detailed but not aggressive quality.I am totally in love with this sound with all kinds of music and its not too bad with movies,It doesnt reproduced a full 7 speaker set up but it does a pretty good job of sinking you into the sonics of a movie.In conclusion,no there is no veil.its just another,more accurate and less colored sound presentation that suits my listening habits.All in the ear of the beholder
Jan 9, 2006 at 6:27 PM Post #38 of 78
Hmmm... this must be some sort of viral thing, it's certainly the season for it. I just bought a pair of Sennheiser HD497's to replace the broken SR60's that had been serving as PC headphones. Mainly got them for their configuration (non-swiveling earpieces, light weight), certainly not their appearance... but I did want to try the Sennheiser sound, and for $30something they seemed just the thing. But I wasn't expecting to like them so much. They're giving me second thoughts about my MS1's, even.
Jan 9, 2006 at 6:39 PM Post #39 of 78
The veil is definitely a good thing. The veil allows for a very comfortable, laid-back sound that does not fatigue the ears. For extended periods of listening (eg. 2 hours and above), a non-fatiguing sound signature is a must. For shorter, more condensed listening, the veil is often a drawback. For example, for most rock recordings, one wants to be in the music so to speak. The veil takes away this on-the-stage-with-the-performers aspect of the recording and places you a couple rows back. This is undesirable. I tend to think that this is the reason why Grados are just so good for rock. Hence, I would still recommend Grados for rock. For the rest of the reportoire, eg jazz, classical, movies, etc, a relatively veiled, wide-soundstaged pair of headphones like the HD580/600/650, K601/701, DT770/880/990, would be the most desirable.
Jan 9, 2006 at 10:00 PM Post #40 of 78
Honestly. This is pretty funny. Grado vs Senn. ATI vs nVidia. I have 600s and really don't hear the purported veil. I bought them becacuse I thought they were more detailed than the 580s, but fit far better than the Grado's on my likely oddly-shaped head. They get me into the mix really well, and respond in a good way to better amplification, etc. The veil threads will never go away, but I sure wish they would.
Jan 10, 2006 at 12:28 AM Post #44 of 78

Originally Posted by markot86
I saved the rock for last, thinking that there would be absolutely no way I would get this far. How did they do?

Fantastically! I must say, anyone absolutely worried that senns and rock are a big nono; expell your fears and actually try the combination; I guarantee you will be tapping your foot and rocking out hardcore.

I can see the rest of your post, but I think a guarantee's out there. While some people enjoy the Senns for rock, I think it's generally acknowledged that there are better choices out there for that genre. I know with my hard rock and metal I though the HD-650 was a particularly dull choice. How long did you audition these?


Originally Posted by NotJeffBuckley
It's a way for trolls to prey on buyer insecurity.

Do you think that sounds somewhat like a trolling comment itself?

An analogy I can think of is that the veil sounds like when you go to a Amphitheatre show, but you're not in the seating portion of the arena yet (say walking up and outside of it). You can hear the music, but there's a lack of immediacy and distance between you and it. Then when you get into the arena, it's clear and immediate (which I find Grados better for, at least with my musical preferences).
Jan 10, 2006 at 12:34 AM Post #45 of 78

Originally Posted by Blitzula
Do you think that sounds somewhat like a trolling comment itself?

No, I think it's an accurate statement. To say that the presentation is farther from your ears than a supraaural headphone is accurate. To say that there is a rolled off high treble response in some frequencies is accurate. To say that there is a moderate midbass and midrange hump is accurate.

To say that they are "veiled" implies a negative connotation and begs people to defend their purchase.

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