Sennheiser IE800 IEM's
Apr 15, 2012 at 10:29 AM Post #62 of 7,998

I disagree. Hmm.. let's see headphones that has massive sound stage - HD800, K701, etc. They have no veil whatsoever.

I don't know if you ever played with subtle reverb dsp, you don't realize it's reverb , but it impacts on soundstage.  I'm not saying that sennheiser rely on this to provide soundstage, but I'm suspicious.
Apr 15, 2012 at 11:23 AM Post #63 of 7,998
Anyway, I wouldn´t start making fun of the IE 800 without having heard them. People were making jokes about the AKG k3003 because of the price, but now many repected members consider them to be one of the best IEM´s around.

Well spoken.
The "veil" is what gives the impressive soundstage, annd people are asking for it

I disagree. Hmm.. let's see headphones that has massive sound stage - HD800, K701, etc. They have no veil whatsoever.

I'd rather call it laid-back mids than veil, but they surely do contribute to the IE8's spacious soundstage. In direct comparison the new IE80 sounded slightly more mid-forward and clearer, when I A/Bed them to my old IE8, but at the cost of soundstage size. At least with the IEMs I've heard, better mids clarity most often translates into a sense of closeness and intimacy that's just not in line with big venue acoustics.
@extrabigmehdi, interesting thought about subtle reverb, so it's possible that the IE8's "poor damping" and "plastic echo" are there by design?
Anyway, those dual vents on the IE800 will most likely compromise isolation, but they look promising w/r/t soundstage.
Apr 15, 2012 at 1:24 PM Post #64 of 7,998
Can't say about Sennheiser's other products, but for the one I own I don't think the IE80's are overpriced (bought $325). Not at all for the 2 yr warranty, build quality, replaceable cable (aftermarket cables also available) and of course the sound quality. The sound is bloody genuine and doesn't fail me with whatever the stuff I throw at it. It never makes me fatigue for as long as I want to listen to music. That's ridiculous.

Where did you find them for $325? Is that usd?

Yes that was in usd and bought from razordog in the US. Now they sold out.
Apr 15, 2012 at 1:57 PM Post #68 of 7,998
Anyone else think they are ugly?

You are not alone ... I think they're ugly too. And I think those "twin exhausts" will look daft sticking out of people's ears.

This make me wonder what there target audience is? There daft looking, almost surely poor isolation which means there not going to be portable but people are not going to choose these over there full sized cans for at home use? So where do these fit in?
Apr 15, 2012 at 2:20 PM Post #69 of 7,998
I think they are beautiful, a bit artistic in fact. that ceramic housing looks luxurious compared to metal ones.
Apr 15, 2012 at 2:25 PM Post #70 of 7,998
It looks really cool to me with the twin vents. The cable looks sexy and wish my IE80 has that cable now.
Apr 15, 2012 at 3:33 PM Post #72 of 7,998

Yeah, but the great thing about the 80s is that you can use any cable you want. Disappointed that this option wont be available on the 800s


I am only concerned about the unforeseen accidents which may unexpectedly cut or damage the cable. Don't care much about using aftermarket cables.
Apr 15, 2012 at 3:47 PM Post #73 of 7,998

I am only concerned about the unforeseen accidents which may unexpectedly cut or damage the cable. Don't care much about using aftermarket cables.

I agree 100% with this here.  I wish they would have found a way to get removable cables on these :p 
Apr 15, 2012 at 3:59 PM Post #74 of 7,998

I agree 100% with this here.  I wish they would have found a way to get removable cables on these :p 

The cable for my IE80 has already weathered a few minor accidents. I am not that particularly worried in this case knowing that an aftermarket cable is always an option.
The decision for a fixed cable may well be a business decision by Sennheiser to force the customers to use their cables only.
Apr 15, 2012 at 5:35 PM Post #75 of 7,998
What bothers me is that they've discontinued the senn IE7, which offered a decent and more affordable alternative to IE8.
I guess , that since most people bought top of the line IE8, sennheiser reasoning must have been, "let's release something even more expensive,
and see how far we could push things".
If a majority of people buy the IE800, they will discontinue it, and release the IE8000, at twice the price, and less accessories.

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