Jan 28, 2020 at 3:28 PM Post #2,973 of 4,493
It's for guys who buy 820s to play from their DAPs ;)
Feb 1, 2020 at 8:34 AM Post #2,975 of 4,493

Now Sennheiser holds a special place in my heart. So for me it's hard to bash a new product of there's but here I go. So I was able to listen to the hd820 today and I have to say that I'm really bummed out. I honestly didn't like them at all. They sounded muffled and compared to the HD800S I would say definitely the HD800S is the better buy. More detail, more cripsness. I didn't get a wow factor from the hd820 as I did with the hd800s honestly it really made me want the hd800S more after spending time with both. I really wanted to like these but they just didn't offer a good bass response, and yes being a closed headphone did hurt it a lot. Now I learned so much from this experience, first and foremost there are a ton of people on the hype train here saying these sound better then the hd800S but if this headphone is trying to be a closed back version of a hd800S then how on earth is this supposed to be better then that headphone to begin with? I am questioning now if people that leave comments on these really heard them at all to begin with. Honestly I prefer the sony mdrz1r. (so if you're someone who hates those headphones steer clear from my views) I had my Walkman with me the wm1A and they did a okay job powering them. I then used sennheisers hd820amp and it again just didn't wow me. If I'm being honest here spend less and get the hd800S I feel like the hd820 would be a great $1000 headphone but to me the hd800s wins. I walked in thinking I will pre order these but instead I purchased the HD800S. I will say this because I don't wanna leave on negative terms. The build quality was amazing on the hd820, they also looked and felt incredible. And they didn't leak as much to my surprise compairing them to my z1r. All in all in the end to me the HD800S wasn't meant to be closed up and contained, it was meant to be opened and set free. I spent about 2 hours with the setup and I hope this helps anyone that was interested in these.
I have a question.
did u listen hd820 with sony nonEU DAPs zx500 / zx300 / wm1A / wm1Z?
do these DAPs provide enough power to drive hd820 properly? (balanced/ high gain)
I mean loud enough so that sub bass vibrate through ur head when u listen to edm music.
please, share ur experience, comrades!
who tried hd820 with those sony daps?
yesterday I tried hd820 with AK sp1000m. too quiet sound. (we did not find hi gain option, if it was there at all)
Feb 1, 2020 at 9:47 AM Post #2,976 of 4,493
Yeah I use the 4.4 with my Sony WM1Z
hi,does wm1z provide enough power to drive hd820?
what about other sony nonEU DAPs zx500 / zx300 / wm1A / wm1Z?
do these DAPs provide enough power to drive hd820 properly? (balanced/ high gain)
I mean loud enough so that sub bass vibrate through ur head when u listen to edm music.
please, share ur experience
yesterday I tried hd820 with AK sp1000m. too quiet sound. (we did not find hi gain option, if it was there at all)
Feb 2, 2020 at 9:35 AM Post #2,977 of 4,493
I haven't tried it and I wouldn't try it. The 600/800 really need an amp.
Feb 2, 2020 at 9:41 AM Post #2,978 of 4,493
I powered my ex 820 with wm1a in High gain and work vert well,perfect loud..an advertisment..change cable (i bough 4.4 pure copper),and 820 Will shine
Feb 2, 2020 at 12:32 PM Post #2,979 of 4,493
So as many know, the hd820 requires a seal around the ear for proper bass response. I have never had a problem getting a bass response that slightly exceeds that of the hd800s so I have never had cause to complain. However I just happened to press the cups against my ears and noticed the bass level went up quite obviously . In fact if I kept the cups pressed the bass was exaggerated and bloated.

This leads me to believe that everyone will hear this headphone differently as it's not just about seal but ear size too. None of my other headphones vary so extreme as this one.
Feb 2, 2020 at 12:37 PM Post #2,980 of 4,493
So as many know, the hd820 requires a seal around the ear for proper bass response. I have never had a problem getting a bass response that slightly exceeds that of the hd800s so I have never had cause to complain. However I just happened to press the cups against my ears and noticed the bass level went up quite obviously . In fact if I kept the cups pressed the bass was exaggerated and bloated.

This leads me to believe that everyone will hear this headphone differently as it's not just about seal but ear size too. None of my other headphones vary so extreme as this one.
I had the same experience with hd820. i pressed the cupps to boost sub-bass. then I have just correct width regulator to make them fit tighter.
Feb 2, 2020 at 12:41 PM Post #2,981 of 4,493
I powered my ex 820 with wm1a in High gain and work vert well,perfect loud..an advertisment..change cable (i bough 4.4 pure copper),and 820 Will shine
thanks, maybe u know if some tried hd820 with zx500 or zx300?
why did u sell them? ("ex 820")
Feb 2, 2020 at 1:47 PM Post #2,982 of 4,493
hi,does wm1z provide enough power to drive hd820?
what about other sony nonEU DAPs zx500 / zx300 / wm1A / wm1Z?
do these DAPs provide enough power to drive hd820 properly? (balanced/ high gain)
I mean loud enough so that sub bass vibrate through ur head when u listen to edm music.
please, share ur experience
yesterday I tried hd820 with AK sp1000m. too quiet sound. (we did not find hi gain option, if it was there at all)

I surprised about running the 820 in high gain. Despite it being 300 ohm, it's sensitive to the point for me that I either run in low or normal gain on my sources and it's more than enough volume. On my iFi Micro BL, I have to set the IEMatch on or it's too loud. I was surprised as a typical IEM user that 300 ohm would need a lot more push but it hasn't been so in my experience. Are there others with this experience?
Feb 2, 2020 at 2:02 PM Post #2,983 of 4,493
So as many know, the hd820 requires a seal around the ear for proper bass response. I have never had a problem getting a bass response that slightly exceeds that of the hd800s so I have never had cause to complain. However I just happened to press the cups against my ears and noticed the bass level went up quite obviously . In fact if I kept the cups pressed the bass was exaggerated and bloated.

This leads me to believe that everyone will hear this headphone differently as it's not just about seal but ear size too. None of my other headphones vary so extreme as this one.
Feb 2, 2020 at 2:03 PM Post #2,984 of 4,493
So as many know, the hd820 requires a seal around the ear for proper bass response. I have never had a problem getting a bass response that slightly exceeds that of the hd800s so I have never had cause to complain. However I just happened to press the cups against my ears and noticed the bass level went up quite obviously . In fact if I kept the cups pressed the bass was exaggerated and bloated.

This leads me to believe that everyone will hear this headphone differently as it's not just about seal but ear size too. None of my other headphones vary so extreme as this one.
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Feb 2, 2020 at 6:39 PM Post #2,985 of 4,493
This method had heeled with the seal of the hd820

Lol. What a thing to have to do. But I am convinced I already get a good seal. I think the bass just gets stronger the more you compress the pads, making the chamber smaller. If I hold the cups tightly against my head, the bass is bloated and far too much.
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