Sennheiser HD800 Appreciation Thread
Dec 24, 2011 at 5:21 PM Post #2,461 of 6,607
Well olander, if you're right, then that's good news for me because it would mean my NFB12 would be perfect for the HD800. That said, I'll try to listen for myself to different amps to see if I hear a difference, because I definitely hear a difference even with my SRH940 between computer out and my NFB12.
Dec 24, 2011 at 5:23 PM Post #2,462 of 6,607
I'm saying that people exaggerate the importance of a good amp in combination with the HD800, based on my experience, and that I can't relate to the reviews of the BCL that I've read. The sound I'm listening to is very good, the best I've heard, but it's not due to my amp/dac; it's because of the awesome HD800. Considering that my dac/amp would total to more than a brand new pair of HD800s, I would say that people need to be careful when they spend their money.
I'm going to try and listen to my HD800s out of other amplifiers when the opportunity presents itself to see if there's anything wrong with my gear, though.
Edit: I can't lie about what I'm hearing, but I would like to be able to appreciate a good amplifier the way many on this forum do, which is what I need help with. I'm pretty sure that the difference is there, but I really don't hear it.

Trust me it's there, mostly in terms of control, resolution, frequency extension and detail. 
Dec 24, 2011 at 6:23 PM Post #2,463 of 6,607
The most glaring difference is that the detail and soundstage just disappears on the E9.


I don't understand how amps affect soundstage but my E9 gives my HD800 a small soundstage the size of my closed T40RPs. The E9 powers Fostex Orthos well but for some reason does not mix well with the HD800.
Dec 24, 2011 at 7:06 PM Post #2,464 of 6,607

 Considering that my dac/amp would total to more than a brand new pair of HD800s,

A dac/amp can total way more than a new pair of HD800s,  my setup just for the dac/amp portion, cost enough to buy three.  Even a USB converter can run you almost as much as one costs.  It's up to the user of the level they want to achieve.  If you like it straight out of your iphone, you will save a lot of money but i feel is wastes the potential of the HD800, i would run a cheaper headphone that is easier to drive and get better sound for less money in that case.
Dec 24, 2011 at 7:10 PM Post #2,465 of 6,607
A dac/amp can total way more than a new pair of HD800s,  my setup just for the dac/amp portion, cost enough to buy three.  Even a USB converter can run you almost as much as one costs.  It's up to the user of the level they want to achieve.  If you like it straight out of your iphone, you will save a lot of money but i feel is wastes the potential of the HD800, i would run a cheaper headphone that is easier to drive and get better sound for less money in that case.

Agreed, running an HD800 out of an iPhone seems like a waste of an HD800.
Dec 24, 2011 at 7:21 PM Post #2,466 of 6,607
Unless you run a iphone CLAS+Continental/SR-71B, HP-P1 or hm-801 you won't understand what it means to drive the HD800 in portable use. Heck my sansa clip+ can power the HD 800s enough to hear them but it doesn't come anywhere near close to the level of detail and soundstage of a real portable set up like my past hm-801. I expect my incoming Bifrost and WA2 to even further my musical experience over my past hm-801. You don't buy a high end can unless you are willing to spend the money for a proper DAC and Amp. It was such a downgrade when I had to drive my HD 800s from my laptop that I had no problem spending $1400 for a mid tier set up for my HD800s after I had to return my hm-801.
Dec 24, 2011 at 7:28 PM Post #2,467 of 6,607
Check my signature to see what I'm running it with. I'm not running it out of my iphone, I'm saying that when I do, I would find it hard to distinguish them during a blind test.
Dec 25, 2011 at 6:23 AM Post #2,468 of 6,607

So you're basically saying I'm just about as well off buying an HD800 alone and running it out of my laptop audio jack, as getting a high end amp for it?

Maybe he's saying his VDAC makes his BCL sound like an iPhone.
Dec 25, 2011 at 10:19 AM Post #2,469 of 6,607

I'm thinking about replacement cable (10ft) for HD800. And I have no opportunity to listen to any...
So, I need help. Which cable will be the most optimal?
Cable Pro Reverie - 639$ (it looks good)
Alo Audio Copper 18 - 695$
Alo Audio SCX 18 - 710$
Stefan Audio Art E-Series - 599$
Stefan Audio Art Endorphin - 749$
Does any of them really worth so much money?
And how do they sound?
Does anyone use any of these cables?
Please, share your experience!
Thanks in advance.

Which did you decide to get?
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:40 PM Post #2,471 of 6,607
Tried it and it actually works lol Doesn't sound too good but it works.

You are very generous 'cause there is any interest to have a HD800 on an iphone, barely enough to have 1 / 10 of the actual rendering,lol.
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:56 PM Post #2,472 of 6,607
 I am yet to hear a portable amp rig that even gets the HD800 strolling in it's stride.
 Plenty more devices to audition in future but the list so far includes :-
 * Fostex HP-P1
 * Ray Samuels P51 Mustang
 * Furutech ADL Cruise
 * ALO Continental Tube V2
 All were just way off the mark.
Dec 25, 2011 at 11:19 PM Post #2,474 of 6,607

 I am yet to hear a portable amp rig that even gets the HD800 strolling in it's stride.
 Plenty more devices to audition in future but the list so far includes :-
 * Fostex HP-P1
 * Ray Samuels P51 Mustang
 * Furutech ADL Cruise
 * ALO Continental Tube V2
 All were just way off the mark.

Have you tried the sr-71b? The HD800 sounds quite good with the 71b when used balanced.
Dec 25, 2011 at 11:24 PM Post #2,475 of 6,607

Have you tried the sr-71b? The HD800 sounds quite good with the 71b when used balanced.

Been meaning to! Figured it was the final frontier ~ if Ray Samuel's flagship portable at $770AUD
could not deliver then all would be lost. Good to know.

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