Sennheiser HD800 Appreciation Thread
Jun 30, 2009 at 6:50 PM Post #1,711 of 6,607

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What amp are you using them with at present, Rob?

I'd also like to know how you have them situated on your head. Your ears should be in the middle but slightly closer to the front, and the headphones need to be rotated with the headband angled more towards your forehead. If you get all this right, you will hear the soundstage and center image come into perfect focus, and as well treble will soften, and the midrange and bass will bloom.

Yeah, I have been doing that - with my ears close to the back of the HD800, the sound is just plain BAD - it's blisteringly bright. But I do find the "issue" persists, even with them situated as you described.
Jun 30, 2009 at 7:07 PM Post #1,712 of 6,607

I'd also like to know how you have them situated on your head. Your ears should be in the middle but slightly closer to the front, and the headphones need to be rotated with the headband angled more towards your forehead. If you get all this right, you will hear the soundstage and center image come into perfect focus, and as well treble will soften, and the midrange and bass will bloom.

I'm sorry, but this is just getting plain ridiculous! It's like me trying to convince the chick at the bar last night that, well if you squint your eyes, and use your peripheral vision and have a couple of shots of tequila I look like Brad Pitt!

Maybe it aint his cup of tea (?) ... Geeeebus!
Jun 30, 2009 at 7:38 PM Post #1,713 of 6,607

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah, I have been doing that - with my ears close to the back of the HD800, the sound is just plain BAD - it's blisteringly bright. But I do find the "issue" persists, even with them situated as you described.

"blisteringly" ??? I never heard it described that acutely ... now I'm getting a SA-5000 flashback
Jun 30, 2009 at 8:00 PM Post #1,714 of 6,607
Still no helps. :p

So far I managed to cut the cable, and I see four smaller cables (two big ones and two small ones).... Hmmm, are these two small ones shields?
Jun 30, 2009 at 8:11 PM Post #1,715 of 6,607

Originally Posted by bergman2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"blisteringly" ??? I never heard it described that acutely ... now I'm getting a SA-5000 flashback

Try pushing the HD800 as far forward as they go so that your ears are touching the back of the pads and tell me what you hear

The sound is MUCH better with the HD800 centered to slightly to the back of your head (or ears to the front of the cans, if you will).
Jun 30, 2009 at 8:21 PM Post #1,716 of 6,607

Originally Posted by wnmnkh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Still no helps. :p

So far I managed to cut the cable, and I see four smaller cables (two big ones and two small ones).... Hmmm, are these two small ones shields?
Jun 30, 2009 at 8:23 PM Post #1,717 of 6,607

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Try pushing the HD800 as far forward as they go so that your ears are touching the back of the pads and tell me what you hear

The sound is MUCH better with the HD800 centered to slightly to the back of your head (or ears to the front of the cans, if you will).

That is how I have come to settle on them as best for me (literally touching the backs of my ears) - shows we all just have to find our own sweet spot.
Jun 30, 2009 at 8:45 PM Post #1,718 of 6,607

Originally Posted by johnwmclean /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok feifan, like your comeback. Just trying to keep a level playing field, both good and not so good aspects should be taken into consideration and discussion.

Hey, johnwmclean. I like your wild ass Aussie diatribes. Keeps the discussions in perspective. LOL! Without humor like yours these forums would be deadly. For the same reason, I'm getting a kick out of Greggf's surveys on the HD650 vs K701. The man's got a wild sense of humor. Seriously, after you cut through all the rational head-fi crap, what's left is passion for an art form -- audiophile headphones and their accompanying paraphernalia. And artists aren't anything if they're not insane!
Jun 30, 2009 at 9:20 PM Post #1,719 of 6,607

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But I am certainly not the only person who has suggested that the HD800 has some anomalies in it's treble response...there is a whole thread on it. Again, that doesn't mean the people who hear it that way are necessarily right...but it's more than just me that does.

On the one hand we have the HD800 proselytizers who've heard the light and are shouting "Hallelujah!" And on the other we have those who've listened and hear only glimpses of the light or don't hear it at all.

So who's right?

Paradoxically, we may all be right.

And I don't think the reason is a big secret. Bottom line is that we all agree that we come to the trial with our own gear and assumptions. So even if we're listening with the same lineups and sources, what we hear may still be completely different because of underlying rifts in assumptions. "Bright" for one person may be "revealing" for another; "bass shy" for one may be "accuracy and layering" for another.

Seriously, can you think of a single pair of cans that's considered "perfect" by everyone? Short of universal consensus, I think the only recourse we have is testimony: WHO says they're great makes a significant difference. For example, if Tyll says they're great, I tend to give his impressions a lot more weight than Joe Blow's. In my book, he's a straight shooter. Reliable.

But this doesn't mean that I buy everything Tyll says. (Pun intended.) I'll keep my eyes and ears open and reach a decision that ultimately makes sense to me alone. In this regard, I don't think I'm any different from most or all head-fiers.

So while all this extreme talk is entertaining, it's also educational. After hanging around in Head-fi for a while, we develop a crap detector that's pretty efficient, and it helps each of us to process all the noise to emerge with a pretty close approximation of the truth that suits us personally.
Jun 30, 2009 at 9:23 PM Post #1,720 of 6,607
Outstanding post, Feifan, and I completely agree.
Jun 30, 2009 at 9:58 PM Post #1,722 of 6,607
people who have looked at the stock HD800 cable disassembled (cable makers mostly) have not been complementary of it. of course, that is convenient for them -- but still, i would not be surprised if there was a lot of truth to it as well.
Jun 30, 2009 at 10:27 PM Post #1,723 of 6,607

Originally Posted by feifan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
On the one hand we have the HD800 proselytizers who've heard the light and are shouting "Hallelujah!" And on the other we have those who've listened and hear only glimpses of the light or don't hear it at all.

So who's right?

I’m a crossdresser, one night revealing the next bright.
Jul 1, 2009 at 12:39 AM Post #1,724 of 6,607

Originally Posted by feifan /img/forum/go_quote.gif

And I don't think the reason is a big secret. Bottom line is that we all agree that we come to the trial with our own gear and assumptions.
Short of universal consensus, I think the only recourse we have is testimony: WHO says they're great makes a significant difference.

Actually, both TTVJ and Headroom offer a 30 day money back, no questions asked guarantee. You might consider ths another recourse.
Jul 1, 2009 at 12:40 AM Post #1,725 of 6,607
Say, balanced HD800 is yet another big step over single-ended HD800.

The most noticable improvement is on bass response, while treble is a little bit more controlled.

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