Sennheiser HD660S... Finally a successor for the HD650?
Apr 23, 2018 at 8:17 PM Post #3,151 of 9,638
Hey MF,

did you miss me?
figured you would.
its probably my wit or my Pic, but it could be my videos that called you home.
I dont read the review you offered as an attack.
I read it as fiction.

So, Ok, im proud to know it only took yo 2 days of Google hunting to find a negative review of the Senn HD660S.
Of course they are out there, just like there are negative reviews of the painting of the Mona Lisa that criticize it for being "too small". :)
And, the reviewer has a "thing" for the hyped bass response of the HD650, therefore this negates him from being able to accurately respond to and review the sonic bliss as provided by the HD660S.
His entire POV is related to comparing the 660S to the 650S, and this is a newbie-novice reviewer's mistake, as you actually need to talk about how they SOUND, of themselves.
And sure, I appreciate "context", but in his case, ..........................
His "thing" is to rate the 660s, as compared to his personal fanboy pièce de résistance HD650s, which is a FAIL, because these headphones dont sound anything like his favorites.
I actually hear him sucking his thumb as he sits in his crib whining......."no no no, deese dont sound like my bass, ".....,,,,,,,,,,,, continues to suck thumb....
And here is another clue this reviewer is clueless and perhaps slightly deaf...= these headphones do not have extra sparkle on top....they have instead, a lot of finesse and clarity, that some novice reviewers who are bass heavy 650 listeners will not recognize as clarity, because they are so use to listening to the out of balanced low end of the (HD650), that when this is not available in their ear cups, they then misread these non bass heavy sonics as "sparkle on top".
Listen, sparkle on top is anything Beyer makes, anything Audio Technica makes, or perhaps anything that AKG makes...but Sennheiser did not create extra treble "sparkle" within this headphone.
I would liken their sound, if compared to a set of speakers, as sounding like Dynaudio BMs.

Now, I can't speak to their ability to compare contextually to an HD812 or HD820, as I dont buy headphones in that price range.
The reason being...... I can afford it, but I cant afford the disappointment of not being pleased in proportion to the price I paid for them, and so, there is no need for me to try that trick upon myself.
See, there really is the law of diminishing returns, within the realm of headphone buying, whereby the law teaches that at some point, the extra that you are getting for all that money, is not the musical part, but it just more bass or treble or build quality, nice box, and the right to brag.
That "3%" rule really does apply when you get past $5-800, and step into the "couple of thousand" arena., as your money spent, is, in my opinion, very very seldom going to give you the value in sound, in equal value.
You will get a better box, better drivers, but only a slight increase in SOUND Quality.
And for some, its worth it.
And if I see a new headphone that costs a stupid amount of money, and I have to have it, then I will.
But not yet, has anything caused me to pull that trigger.
I do like Focal speakers, and so, maybe I'll buy something expensive Focal to clasp to my cranium, at some point.

The Senn HD660S, Is a $500 Masterpiece that is going to please professional listeners, and people who enjoy recording, and all the rest.
Your reviewer, said these sound "decent", and yet, being that they sound better (in context) then his HD650, then what does that say about his favorites or his ability to be a reviewer????

Just one word comes to mind after reading all those episodes : pathetic... both of you actually. No one wins.
Apr 23, 2018 at 8:27 PM Post #3,153 of 9,638
Well, thank you of course.
Im happy to reply, and if I can once again imbue you with a "chuckle" then the pleasure is of course, all mine to give.
I do try to exhibit a sense of humor here, along with of course, a perfect understanding of what everyone needs to be using:)
I have great ears, and an amazing ability to know what is "good", no matter the subject., regarding a host of things in this world.
I am, a aficionado..
Ummmmm, lets see, where were we.....

You are a Brit? this would explain why you are familiar with Abby, I would presume?
I actually like Trident better, regarding the history of its output, but, that does not mean its better, however, for my money, and my ears, Trident offered really fine music and I think that on this side of the pond, in general, its not given its DUE.
I think that Alan Parson's did some killer work at Abby, that has mostly been forgotten, unfortunately.
So, anyway, Maybe its in your Bio here ?????????, where you are currently situatied on the Globe, but I'll just presume to assume you submit to a Queen whose name is not Freddie:).
And MF, I think you are in the narrow margin to not willingly admit that the HD650s are all about the bass, as everyone who reviews these cans can't get past the fact that they offer too much bass, but not in a negative context, ... just in an overabundance context.
I would wager you a few imaginary Euros that you can go and read the first 10 "pro" reviews of the HD650 as per Google, or talk to your "leading engineers" who like this set of Headphones) , and every one of them when summarizing the HD650's balance, will state that the bass is big, exuberant, dominating, too much, not exactly balanced with the rest, ...ect.
CNET would be a fine place to start, as I think that one is on your side of the Pond?
But no matter, the HD650 is a classic, we agree, yet with a bottom that is too large to be in balance, but otherwise, not the best results will be found trying to mix with it, tho im sure that you know people who do, and I know people who would not touch it in a mixing or mastering situation.
You know, the Yamaha NS10s prove that if you are willing to learn the product, then you can use it to mix.......So, in the case of the HD650s, if a person learns what they do wrong, then he/she/IT can certainly compensate with EQ when using them to mix and master, if someone is actually going to try to finish the process with headphones, which, ......mmmmmmmmm, I would not suggest.
So, I guess its a Mexican Stand-off betwixt us regarding your fanboy product.
And yes, I am absolutely a fan of the HD660S......HUGE.
I almost passed on them tho, as the first review I read was TYLL's..... but I looked around a bit more and everyone else was applauding them with a standing ovation, so, once I saw so many of these type reviews, I tried a set, and now im convinced.
You bet.

So, I hate to see you hit and run, but, if that is your best, then im happy to have been able to usurp all your incoming...

And for the sake of headphone lovers who want to hear fine sounding vids on youtube, but can't find many on one site, I have created my Channel there, whereupon I have just created 2 more fine sounding videos, and I'll now attempt with words to expose you and your HD 650s to them, in the genteel spirit of fun and head games.

Its Abbey not Abby (a girl's name I believe) . Once is a forgivable mistake but to keep misspelling it is just lazy or plain stupid/ 'a bit thick' as we say

Edited for racist slur. Sorry :)
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Apr 23, 2018 at 8:29 PM Post #3,154 of 9,638
Just one word comes to mind after reading all those episodes : pathetic... both of you actually. No one wins.

Come now Pete... why so unhappy?
Having a bad day?
Need a hug?

Learning to adopt a sense of humor in life, will make your life a whole lot easier to face. :)
See, Pete, Humor in life, a sense of humor, is like oil in the engine of your automobile.
As running your engine without oil, is simile to running yourself in life without a sense of humor.

You would be very surprised to discover, that about 100% of the readers of this Thread, regarding my posts, read them, because they are on one hand interesting, but on the other hand, kinda humorous.
Silly, in a fun kind of way.
They get it, so, would you please get it also....
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Apr 23, 2018 at 8:34 PM Post #3,155 of 9,638
Its Abbey not Abby (a girl's name I believe) . Once is a forgivable mistake but to keep misspelling it is just lazy or plain stupid.

I don't know... Americans?!?! :)
Do you want to know what it is...
Its my spell checker that is inside my Mac.
It takes a correct spelling of a word, and incorrectly spells it and I dont notice it all the time.
Ive become the spell checker for my spell checker.
So, when I wrote Abbey, my Mac's spell checker corrected it to the English version of the girl's name, and not just once, apparently.
It if does it again, regarding "Abbey" then you have my most humble apology.
Apr 23, 2018 at 8:40 PM Post #3,156 of 9,638
Its Abbey not Abby (a girl's name I believe) . Once is a forgivable mistake but to keep misspelling it is just lazy or plain stupid.

I don't know... Americans?!?! :)

Hey now...don't lump us Muricans all together!

Actually, it's...Abby...Someone

Apr 23, 2018 at 8:41 PM Post #3,157 of 9,638
I used a DT150 for years.

I think ‘pros’ look at these things in a very different way to Hi-Fi people and it’s not always a great endorsement for any headphone.

The DT150s.
So cool., so retro.
The first time I saw those, once I took them out of the box, I was reminded of the Red Baron and his Fokker Dr1 Dreidecker.
I could just see him flying his big Red machine above the English Countryside, grey sash flapping, listening to KISS ALIVE 1 ("Strutter") while using the the DT 150s strapped to his head. :)

OK then,
Time seems to fly when I'm here entertaining the eager troops.
But I really must be going, as I need to practice my guitar(s), and the clock is staring at me.


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Apr 23, 2018 at 8:54 PM Post #3,158 of 9,638
I was being a bit :) pedantic as usual. As for the 'American' comment (now removed) . I have relatives in Connecticut (think that's how you spell it) and they are actually quite normal. Sorry for any offence.

As for the headphones HD600 is pretty flawless for me but will consider the 660 if and when I upgrade to something like a Sony ZX300 (balanced). I think it would be a good 'portable' around the house combination
Apr 23, 2018 at 9:02 PM Post #3,159 of 9,638
I was being a bit :) pedantic as usual. As for the 'American' comment (now removed) . I have relatives in Connecticut (think that's how you spell it) and they are actually quite normal. Sorry for any offence.

As for the headphones HD600 is pretty flawless for me but will consider the 660 if and when I upgrade to something like a Sony ZX300 (balanced). I think it would be a good 'portable' around the house combination
For the record, Sennheiser USA is in Connecticut.
Apr 23, 2018 at 9:36 PM Post #3,160 of 9,638
I was being a bit :) pedantic as usual. As for the 'American' comment (now removed) . I have relatives in Connecticut (think that's how you spell it) and they are actually quite normal. Sorry for any offence.

As for the headphones HD600 is pretty flawless for me but will consider the 660 if and when I upgrade to something like a Sony ZX300 (balanced). I think it would be a good 'portable' around the house combination

None taken...just couldn't resist the opportunity to make a shameless movie reference...especially when folks are so Sirius and all! :ksc75smile:
Apr 24, 2018 at 4:18 AM Post #3,161 of 9,638
funny that, mine also dont have harsh treble.

Honestly I have no real complaints on the HD 660 S treble, in fact I found it slightly better than the HD 650’s. On occasion I found the upper mids can be a bit hard on certain systems and recordings though, that is where I personally liked the HD 650 more, the upper mids. I thought the HD 650 did midrange better overall as I found it a bit more effortless and natural. The HD 650 could do with a little less midbass, better bass articulation, and more sub-bass. Bass wise the HD 660 S is better but honestly still a weak point as they do still lack some sub-bass and Bass articulation.
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Apr 24, 2018 at 12:26 PM Post #3,162 of 9,638
Hey MF,

did you miss me?
figured you would.
its probably my wit or my Pic, but it could be my videos that called you home.
I dont read the review you offered as an attack.
I read it as fiction.


And if I see a new headphone that costs a stupid amount of money, and I have to have it, then I will.
But not yet, has anything caused me to pull that trigger.
I do like Focal speakers, and so, maybe I'll buy something expensive Focal to clasp to my cranium, at some point.


For me, it would be sass, wit, pic, and profile credentials, though not necessarily in that order.

Check out the Aeon Flow.
Apr 24, 2018 at 4:08 PM Post #3,163 of 9,638
Honestly I have no real complaints on the HD 660 S treble, in fact I found it slightly better than the HD 650’s. On occasion I found the upper mids can be a bit hard on certain systems and recordings though, that is where I personally liked the HD 650 more, the upper mids. I thought the HD 650 did midrange better overall as I found it a bit more effortless and natural. The HD 650 could do with a little less midbass, better bass articulation, and more sub-bass. Bass wise the HD 660 S is better but honestly still a weak point as they do still lack some sub-bass and Bass articulation.

Lovely response, wish I could agree with you concerning your comparison and analysis of the 660S's mids vs the mids of the 650s.
I feel exactly the reverse.
BUT, regarding your understanding of the 650s bloated mid bass, which is the reason their low end sounds so overcooked, ..we are ..........unison agreed.

And, the bass response in the 660S, is kinda big.
People who are worried about this amazing product's lack of bass, need to breath deeply and relax..........and chill.
Sure, it does not have Audeze LCD-4 Planar Bass, but, its no low end slouch.
My favorite reviewer, and one whom is typically very accurate, (Z-Reviews), was amazed that this Senn can deal with monster bass as related to video game bottom end.
I dont use mine when I play AION, but, I do use these a lot, and my satisfaction is well documented here..
A word of warning if you decide to tune into Z-Reveiws.
He's a bit profane, and uses a lot of profanity, and is as far as I can tell, addicted to Cartoon Porn.
But, he is quick witted and entertaining, discerns sound using world class gear, and is a highly skilled listener-reviewer.
He loves the 660S, as I do.

alrighty then..
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Apr 24, 2018 at 4:23 PM Post #3,164 of 9,638
I was being a bit :) pedantic as usual. As for the 'American' comment (now removed) . I have relatives in Connecticut (think that's how you spell it) and they are actually quite normal. Sorry for any offence.

As for the headphones HD600 is pretty flawless for me but will consider the 660 if and when I upgrade to something like a Sony ZX300 (balanced). I think it would be a good 'portable' around the house combination

Oh, .. no hurries and no worries.
I was actually not kidding about my Mac spell checker.
Its a freak show, that rewrites my posts behind my back, that I really need to disengage from my existence.
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Apr 24, 2018 at 5:01 PM Post #3,165 of 9,638

Lovely response, wish I could agree with you concerning your comparison and analysis of the 660S's mids vs the mids of the 650s.
I feel exactly the reverse.
BUT, regarding your understanding of the 650s bloated mid bass, which is the reason their low end sounds so overcooked, ..we are ..........unison agreed.

And, the bass response in the 660S, is kinda big.
People who are worried about this amazing product's lack of bass, need to breath deeply and relax..........and chill.
Sure, it does not have Audeze LCD-4 Planar Bass, but, its no low end slouch.
My favorite reviewer, and one whom is typically very accurate, (Z-Reviews), was amazed that this Senn can deal with monster bass as related to video game bottom end.
I dont use mine when I play AION, but, I do use these a lot, and my satisfaction is well documented here..
A word of warning if you decide to tune into Z-Reveiws.
He's a bit profane, and uses a lot of profanity, and is as far as I can tell, addicted to Cartoon Porn.
But, he is quick witted and entertaining, discerns sound using world class gear, and is a highly skilled listener-reviewer.
He loves the 660S, as I do.

alrighty then..

The dynamics are better on the HD 660 S but to me it lost some of that analog smoothness and subtleness to it's mids the HD 650 has. I don't necessarily like the HD 650 more but I do find it has some strengths over the HD 660 S. I actually like the HD 660 S more overall as it suits my listening habits better and I have headphones I consider better and like more than either.

I don't like planardynamics generally, the mids and treble never sat right with me. I'm familiar with Z-reviews, it seems pretty obvious he's a bit of an otaku. I have mixed opinions, sometimes I agree with him and other times I don't.

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