Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Jan 28, 2015 at 6:11 PM Post #22,486 of 46,562
Thanks for the advice. I am worried about amp requirements, as well. After the tube-spree I just went on, I am restricting my can search to those that will nicely compliment my OTL amp. I read Skylab's review of the Beyer T1 and that could be a winner, but I really want cans that compliment the HD-650s without too much overlap, from a sound signature standpoint.

From what I've read, I would agree - but see above...

Actually, the T1 might be a wonderful complement to the Sennheisers. I think Brooko has said as much as well. I would think your amp would be perfect for them but I really am speaking outside the purview of experience.
Jan 28, 2015 at 6:28 PM Post #22,488 of 46,562
I think the T1 is a no brainer.  One of Jack Woo's go to headphones during amp developments is that very Beyer headphone.  And when properly, they will make your heart drop....

+1 the T1 can be just epic and must certainly offer the best performance to price ratio now it can often be found heavily discounted its stunning with a well matched tube amp the HD650's would soon be gathering dust.
Here's a perfect example. Have a listen to this on YouTube and then find yourself a lossless copy and listen again. This kind of music, rather than the fireworks sometimes held up as exemplars, is what I am really striving for...

 Oh man now your talking Melody on Vinyl out of a hot rodded Crack with a premium GEC 6as7g tube to my mind it really doesn't  get any better for this type of music imho.
My modified Bottlehead Sex which is in so many ways a better amp than the Crack can not serve up Melody like the Crack can its just sublimely glorious.
Jan 28, 2015 at 7:23 PM Post #22,490 of 46,562
If i listen to dubstep and hip hop and trap but do not like alot of bass but a more balanced sound but having the bass still there, should i stick with the hd650 or go with the Denon AHD600?

If you can afford or already have a decent amp then go for the HD 650. It will only improve as you upgrade.
Jan 28, 2015 at 7:51 PM Post #22,491 of 46,562
No offence mate but sometimes on head-fi it's almost like a technical exercise. Your link goes damn low and I think I can hear the 650's struggle a bit but, and it's a mahoosive but, I don't really listen to that kind of music. Ever! I'm beginning to sound like my dad so I'll shut up right now.

You think you sound like your dad? Everybody on here listens to dubstep and I don't even know what it is. And somebody mentioned "trap"?
Jan 28, 2015 at 8:33 PM Post #22,494 of 46,562
If i listen to dubstep and hip hop and trap but do not like alot of bass but a more balanced sound but having the bass still there, should i stick with the hd650 or go with the Denon AHD600?

I can attest that the AH-D600 has bass that is very good and will hit lower than the 650. Those music styles you listed are designed for subwoofers. To recreate that experience with a headphone it requires either a more bass centric design and/or equalization to get the perceived balance.

I used to have the D600 and if those were the only styles I listened to id go with the d600

That said I ended up keeping the 650 over the Denon's. I have another bass orientated headphone now, and it's more portable than the 600s. Overall the 650 is better than D600 for tonal accuracy. The D600 is quite good especially with those styles and is extremely comfortable unless you have a really small head. Try it out
Jan 28, 2015 at 10:10 PM Post #22,495 of 46,562
I can attest that the AH-D600 has bass that is very good and will hit lower than the 650. Those music styles you listed are designed for subwoofers. To recreate that experience with a headphone it requires either a more bass centric design and/or equalization to get the perceived balance.

I used to have the D600 and if those were the only styles I listened to id go with the d600

That said I ended up keeping the 650 over the Denon's. I have another bass orientated headphone now, and it's more portable than the 600s. Overall the 650 is better than D600 for tonal accuracy. The D600 is quite good especially with those styles and is extremely comfortable unless you have a really small head. Try it out

Thanks! But is how much bass is there with the ahd600? Cause i just want the bass to be there but now overpower anything else you know?
Jan 28, 2015 at 10:18 PM Post #22,496 of 46,562
Here's a perfect example. Have a listen to this on YouTube and then find yourself a lossless copy and listen again. This kind of music, rather than the fireworks sometimes held up as exemplars, is what I am really striving for...

hi zorrofox... i listen to a lot of domestic japanese music, so it's hard for me to find a reference stick on other's music taste in correlation to their headphone because my music collection made me an odd duck. but i listen to Melody Gardot a lot. Well a lot in the past but still, i'm familiar with her music.
Quick question for you personally, have you listened or owned an hd600? Does hd650 evokes more emotion (and do more justice) to Melody Gardot for you personally?
well that and, will you categorize my magni 2 uber as a decent amp for the hd650?
i really dont think i can import bottlehead crack anytime soon as the 40% import charge is out of my reach..
Jan 28, 2015 at 10:32 PM Post #22,497 of 46,562
For the youtube audio quality discussion, I think it used to be that you audio quality used to change depending on the quality of the video.  i.e. lower quality had a lower bit rate than HD.  But as of a few years ago all audio is compressed to 192 kbps at HD video setting (IIRC, correct me if I am wrong). You can test this by changing the same video to different streaming qualities.
Jan 29, 2015 at 1:38 AM Post #22,499 of 46,562
Nobody asked a question about whether the audio fidelity of YouTube streaming is tantamount to the audio fidelity of another format. The point here was to show the song, to link the song, to share the song with another head-fi member because he cannot just link a flac file to another use on head-fi. It is a quick and convenient way to share the song, and I am guessing that was the real point, rather than making an implicit claim that all YouTube files surpass those of lossless files. 

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