Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Apr 29, 2013 at 7:13 PM Post #12,017 of 46,600
I thought you were a big fan of the Lyr? The reason i am leaning toward the lyr is i get a bit of the tube sound and it's a good upgrade path.

Sorry, I read that post too quickly and didn't see that the lyr was mentioned as an option. The lyr the best pairing particularly when nice tubes are employed. 
Thanks for pointing that out. 
Apr 29, 2013 at 8:37 PM Post #12,018 of 46,600
Where did you hear that amps have lower distortion at higher gains?  

Gain on amps sets the level of strength at the pre-amp stage.  It's physically impossible to lower the distortion of the input signal the more you alter it before amplification at the power amp section.

Yes, the lower gain have less distortion than the higher gain
Apr 29, 2013 at 9:06 PM Post #12,019 of 46,600
Oh my... I always thought the idea that a headphone's sound would change by adjusting the gain on the amp was balony, but... just now I was feeling a little dissatisfied with my HD-650's bass output, and when I realized the gain was at the 10db level, I kicked it up a couple of notches to the 20db level, and the bass all of a sudden opened up. 
Am I imagining things? I must admit I'm adjusting the volume by hand to level the volumes when comparing different gain levels. But the difference definitely seems there (and that's why I'm asking here just to confirm!). 
It's not like the bass got an immediate bump, as if I was EQing them, but, the bass just seems little more forward, and seems like a more "there". Does anyone share similar experiences? Observations? Btw, I'm using a Matrix M-Stage amp. 

On my BCL i find the mids/vocals moved forward on higher gains...making my d7k less recessed, 
Apr 29, 2013 at 9:38 PM Post #12,020 of 46,600
yay I just got a preowned fiio e09k to use with my 650's and man, i'm a happy boy. Sounds fantastic and for < $100 it keeps the wife AND mortgage happy :) such a great bang for buck imo. If your thinking of a good priced amp very well suited for the 650's then e09k is a worthy one to check into
I currently have it running with an old ibasso for dac but I'll probably get the dockable Fiio E07k dac to go with the amp
Apr 29, 2013 at 9:46 PM Post #12,021 of 46,600
Sorry, I read that post too quickly and didn't see that the lyr was mentioned as an option. The lyr the best pairing particularly when nice tubes are employed. 

Thanks for pointing that out. 

Sweet, lyr it is. Should I get the bifrost dac to ago along with it? Figure if I am going all out, might as well do it proper! Right now I have an audioengine d1 as my amp and dac. I would be lying if I said having the bifrost and lyr stacked doesn't make me want to choose the bifrost instead of another dac...
Apr 29, 2013 at 10:00 PM Post #12,022 of 46,600
I really like the bifrost. It's outstanding even when compared to other more expensive dacs I've owned. Schitt has just released an upgrade card that you can choose as an option when ordering. It adds $70 to the ticket. Mine is on the way as we speak. 
 I'll plan to report back on it later. 
Apr 29, 2013 at 10:13 PM Post #12,023 of 46,600
I really like the bifrost. It's outstanding even when compared to other more expensive dacs I've owned. Schitt has just released an upgrade card that you can choose as an option when ordering. It adds $70 to the ticket. Mine is on the way as we speak. 

 I'll plan to report back on it later. 

I'll look into that. Can you explain the whole lyr destroying headphones thing to me? Is this something I need to worry about and how do I avoid it?
Apr 29, 2013 at 10:41 PM Post #12,024 of 46,600
^^ Just don't plug any high impedance hp's into the lyr period. Anything that is easy to drive should not be plugged into the lyr. If you do, first there will be smoke and subsequently flames...seriously. 
If you have easy to drive hp's like denon d2k line and iem's, then you really want the Asgard 2 because it has a gain switch and will be fine for hi and low impedance hp's. K? 
Apr 29, 2013 at 10:51 PM Post #12,025 of 46,600
i always zero the volume on the LYR before i switch far so good. :p
Apr 29, 2013 at 10:52 PM Post #12,026 of 46,600
^^ Just don't plug any high impedance hp's into the lyr period. Anything that is easy to drive should not be plugged into the lyr. If you do, first there will be smoke and subsequently flames...seriously. 
If you have easy to drive hp's like denon d2k line and iem's, then you really want the Asgard 2 because it has a gain switch and will be fine for hi and low impedance hp's. K? 

Wait...don't you mean don't plug in LOW impedance hp's into the lyr? I will be using this just for the HD650's. Anything i need to know, so I don't ruin my HD650's?
Apr 29, 2013 at 10:56 PM Post #12,027 of 46,600
^^ Sorry I usually end up screwing up something when I get tired. Don't plug efficient hp's into the lyr. There be a relay mute on the lyr as well to prevent potential damage so you should be set. PM me if you need help with tubes. 
Apr 29, 2013 at 11:27 PM Post #12,029 of 46,600
I have been around audio equipment for over 30 years and I was taught to always turn down the volume before turning off any audio equipment. This is the best way to protect your equipment from potential harm. Just my thoughts.
Apr 29, 2013 at 11:52 PM Post #12,030 of 46,600
I have been around audio equipment for over 30 years and I was taught to always turn down the volume before turning off any audio equipment. This is the best way to protect your equipment from potential harm. Just my thoughts.

Does anybody know if I can hook up some audioengine A2 speakers to lyr's outputs? i dont want to blow them

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