Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
May 24, 2023 at 2:40 PM Post #45,901 of 46,600
May 25, 2023 at 6:37 PM Post #45,902 of 46,600
What are your impressions of the 6xx balanced vs. SE? I have a Topping A90 and am considering purchasing a balanced cable.

Thanks to everyone for all the feedback - I bought a cheapo balanced cable of Amazon to drive my HD6XX's via the Topping A90. The HD6XX is being driven with much more authority relative to SE mode on the A90. Better dynamics, more low-end extension. I'm getting far more enjoyable kickdrums from my metal music. The cans feel far more impactful. I wish they were more detailed though! I also use Mitch Barnett's EQ filter, for reference. Takes the sharp 4-6k of the HP out of the picture.

When I posed the above question to the group, I received one response which I have to echo definitely rang true - run your amp in its most optimized form! The A90 is optimized around balanced operation, so it makes sense to use my cans with the A90 in balanced mode and that my cans would sound better when run in balanced mode using this amp.

Thanks again.
May 26, 2023 at 9:26 PM Post #45,903 of 46,600
Thanks to everyone for all the feedback - I bought a cheapo balanced cable of Amazon to drive my HD6XX's via the Topping A90. The HD6XX is being driven with much more authority relative to SE mode on the A90. Better dynamics, more low-end extension. I'm getting far more enjoyable kickdrums from my metal music. The cans feel far more impactful. I wish they were more detailed though! I also use Mitch Barnett's EQ filter, for reference. Takes the sharp 4-6k of the HP out of the picture.

When I posed the above question to the group, I received one response which I have to echo definitely rang true - run your amp in its most optimized form! The A90 is optimized around balanced operation, so it makes sense to use my cans with the A90 in balanced mode and that my cans would sound better when run in balanced mode using this amp.

Thanks again.
I got the one on drop for $15 from eBay. Works great and feels nice too
May 29, 2023 at 10:28 AM Post #45,905 of 46,600
How well does the HD650 pair with the Objective2?
I own only four headphone amplifiers: a (Mayflower) Objective 2, a Bravo V2 (with Gold Lion tube), an original Fragonfly (DAC + Amp), and an iFi Audio Uno (DAC + Amp). None of them work as well with my HD6XX as the output of my Denon PMA-600NE. The Objective 2 works very well with my HD58X, and (in my limited experience), I prefer the combination of the O2 with the 58X to the O2 with the 6XX. Maybe my best combination is the Hifiman HE400se with the iFi Audio Uno. Of course, this is just my opinion.
May 29, 2023 at 7:36 PM Post #45,907 of 46,600
As much as we like UNO, ZEN CAN is a much better fit for HD6XX.
I never had the good fortune to hear the ZEN CAN. I can just say that I like the combination of the Uno with the Hifiman HE400se better than the other combinations I tried with the headphone amplifiers (and DAC+Amps) I own, including the O2/6XX combination. My previous best pairing was the O2/58X combination. This is purely subjective. It is possible that there is a novelty factor at work, since I have not owned the Uno for a long time. It is also possible that some of this is DAC dependent. Also, a small correction: I also own an inexpensive Donner DAC+Amps, but I retired it.
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May 30, 2023 at 6:58 PM Post #45,909 of 46,600
I found the soundstage of the HD600 good , but the sound was kinda lacking in instrument weight and timbre.
I also find it a bit sibilant compared to my 1990. Yes I agree with Josh Valour. The 1990 is bright but not sibilant. The HD600 is more sibilant.
May 31, 2023 at 2:44 AM Post #45,910 of 46,600
I found the soundstage of the HD600 good , but the sound was kinda lacking in instrument weight and timbre.

All I can say is that, as far as Senns HD 600 are concerned, these aspects are very much amp dependant :)
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May 31, 2023 at 3:47 AM Post #45,911 of 46,600
Comes this from the little differences between 2kHz and 5kHz?
Graphs (screenshots) are from 'solderdude'

HD660S HD650.png

Q: Why show anything over 20K ?

I've worked in data analysis for > 30 yrs. My experience is "what the eyes have seen, the brain will not forget." The first impression from the graph showing the over 20k response is very different from the quick mental take-away had the graph only shown the audible range.

One is "both headphones are bouncy at the high end, but within one vertical unit."

The other is "drops off abruptly by 4+ vertical units at the very top, especially the green line [HD650]."

People make those assessments BEFORE they look at the detail of the unit markings on the axes. It's human nature.
Jun 14, 2023 at 2:12 PM Post #45,913 of 46,600
I found a brand new HD600 to not be quite sibilant, but rather strident in the 3.5khz range. It bothered me a lot when I tested it for 2 weeks and had to sell it since I listen to 80% female vocals, it was bothering me enough to reduce the volume to really low levels. But now that I'm on a marble HD600 with mildly used pads, it just sounds right. I mainly did the trade for the looks and feel, but I already have some plans to mod it.

I also found a set of HD650s for $75 and I'm about to pull their arm for this crazy deal. I would've passed at $200, but I have no self-control for anything under $100.

Edit: I just bought them lol, gotta put new pads on, but so far I like them more than the 6XX.
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Jun 14, 2023 at 8:03 PM Post #45,914 of 46,600
Edit: I just bought them lol, gotta put new pads on, but so far I like them more than the 6XX.
Great deal at $75! Curious to know what audible attributes made you like the 650 vs. 6XX. My understanding is that everything should be the exact same between the two.

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