Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Sep 25, 2006 at 6:33 AM Post #31 of 46,600

Originally Posted by akwok

Of dynamic cans, I have owned: Sennheiser HD650, Audio Technica L3000, Headphile K3000, Grado RS-1, Grado HP-2, AKG K701 & K1000, Sony SA5000. I recently needed to repurchase a dynamic headphone, with a $1500 budget on the headphone itself, and after thinking it through I decided to buy the HD650. That should be enough to show what I think of the HD650,

The K1000 was a close call though, but nobody had Aleph 3s on Audiogon to sell (Canman sold his a day before I was 100% sure I wanted an Aleph). If one pops up though, I'll buy the amp first, then the headphones - I probably won't sell the HD650, though.

The HD650s were the first headphones I loved, so I guess it has some sentimental value

You're my budget systems hero.
Sep 25, 2006 at 11:06 AM Post #34 of 46,600
Hope I will have put aside enough money for the HD650 at about christmas. Would've achieved "half way" already if there wasn't that #grr@ speed ticket last month...
Sep 25, 2006 at 12:04 PM Post #36 of 46,600
I prefer to speak of result in sound (all the components: source->cable->amp->cans)... and yes, the best I had is with HD 650 as headphones. There are two ways for the best result in sound with HD 650:

1) Balanced
2) SE 300B

just my two cents...

Equinox cable is recomended (IMHO).
Sep 25, 2006 at 12:12 PM Post #37 of 46,600

Originally Posted by Zorander
Another happy user of the HD-650.



Yup.....MS2i for rock and HD650 to get my classical collection back out of the closet. Looks like a winning combination indeed!!
Sep 25, 2006 at 1:56 PM Post #39 of 46,600

Originally Posted by ken36
Bought them-Sold them-Bought them again.

Well, that does it; HD650 will be my complementary classical cans.

"Bought them-Sold them-Bought them again" is the primary quote which got me hooked on MS2i!

....this was easy!!

....uh....and the sound helped.
Sep 25, 2006 at 2:02 PM Post #40 of 46,600
It is not my favourite headphone ever (these "accolade" goes to DT880, HE60 and some Grados), but I have to admit that the HD650 is an astonishing good sounding headphone and a true reference for balanced and naturally detailed sound.

I sold and re-bought them many times... so I finally realized that I need one pair of the top Senns always in my setup.

But it is difficult to bring it to their true potential, it needs (for my experience) very sinergic source and amps, tipically expensive ones (I wish it was not so...

Sep 25, 2006 at 2:38 PM Post #41 of 46,600

Originally Posted by amartignano
It is not my favourite headphone ever (these "accolade" goes to DT880, HE60 and some Grados), but I have to admit that the HD650 is an astonishing good sounding headphone and a true reference for balanced and naturally detailed sound.

I sold and re-bought them many times... so I finally realized that I need one pair of the top Senns always in my setup.

But it is difficult to bring it to their true potential, it needs (for my experience) very sinergic source and amps, tipically expensive ones (I wish it was not so...


You're elected my ULTIMATE budget systems hero.

In fact, I've realized the opposite - that the HD650 doesn't need "expensive" stuff to shine, nor certainly "very synergic". It merely needs good, natural sounding stuff, and by good I mean good (that doesn't imply expensive, nor cheap). Many audiophiles don't even realize that though their systems surely are expensive, they're not truly good..

P.S. amartignano, once I used to be, and buy, (almost) like you
Sep 25, 2006 at 2:41 PM Post #42 of 46,600
As a side note, finding out the real good stuff, at whatever price level, requires talent.
Sep 25, 2006 at 2:54 PM Post #43 of 46,600

Originally Posted by Andrea
In fact, I've realized the opposite - that the HD650 doesn't need "expensive" stuff to shine, nor certainly "very synergic". It merely needs good, natural sounding stuff, and by good I mean good (that doesn't imply expensive, nor cheap). Many audiophiles don't even realize that though their systems surely are expensive, they're not truly good..

Which amplifier do you use with your hd650?
Sep 25, 2006 at 2:55 PM Post #44 of 46,600

Originally Posted by amartignano
(I wish it was not so...


Last side note - perhaps it's just me but you didn't sound convincing there
Sep 25, 2006 at 2:56 PM Post #45 of 46,600

Originally Posted by alfie
Which amplifier do you use with your hd650?

I went through quite a few, current ones are in my sig. Of course I have some budget restraints as of today, but honestly I'm happy with what I have, anyway.

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