Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Jan 11, 2011 at 3:59 PM Post #2,191 of 46,554
Steve, I can't speak for the Denon D2000 never wore it, but the HD650 did loosen up after about 24hrs.  The HD650 cup is deeper than the ATH A700 headphone, so the driver shouldn't be touching your ears.  Unless your ears are big that the ear cup is bending your ears, the clamping will loosen up after about 24hrs if you clamp it against something that can extend the ear cup for a while. 
Here is how I loosen up the headphone:

Jan 11, 2011 at 8:43 PM Post #2,192 of 46,554
prtuc2, the clamp on the HD650 can be loosened up by putting each bad on the E9 (like the E9 was wearing the cans)? Do you also have a glasses case in-between the right pad and the E9? It's hard to tell by the photo..about how many inches of space do you have from pad to pad to stretch them out? You've found success this way?
Jan 11, 2011 at 9:32 PM Post #2,193 of 46,554
The width of the E9 is just about 4 inches, but to loosen up on normal size head you need about 6 inches, I place a glass case on the right pad as you see on the image to extend the headphone out to about 5 inches which is about right for me since I got a narrow face.  I suggest something long and flat so it doesn't touch inside the ear pad damaging the driver or change the shape of the ear pad. 
So far it is working better each day for me the clamping effect is less and less.  First day I had the headphone on about 5mins and today is the 4th day I had it on my headphone about 4hrs.  Do apologize for the bad quality image.
Jan 11, 2011 at 9:50 PM Post #2,194 of 46,554
Don't worry about it, your advice is well taken! I'm going to do this myself...although I think I have an average head. Not sure. I'm hoping my 650s arrive Friday...I ordered them from sonic and have been speaking with them on the phone. Anyone here ordered from Sonic?
Jan 11, 2011 at 10:03 PM Post #2,195 of 46,554
Just had a serious problem: clamping force inadequate during head banging session, I had to take it down a notch or they would have flown off my head.
Not cool.
Test for yourself at your own risk:  Tourette's - Nirvana - In Utero

Absolutely sick.  
I might have to take back what I said about this can not rocking out well, it seems I spoke too soon.  
Jan 11, 2011 at 10:14 PM Post #2,196 of 46,554
About the clamping, I read somewhere back in this very thread about how one can actually bend the metal bands (but most definitely NOT any part of the non-metal part of the headphone band) above each ear piece to loosen it to taste.  The metal is very strong and flexible so one can apply a fair amount of force to it.  But in order to bend it safely, you first extend/adjust the earpieces so the maximum amount of metal band is exposed.  Once fully extended, bend one side at a time applying pressure to only the exposed metal part of the head band.   And you must only be holding it by the metal part of the band while you do this.  I bent each side of mine gradually, a little bit at a time, over a period of several days to make sure I didn't over do it.  You don't need to bend it so much that you can actually see that it's been bent.  You just apply just enough pressure to loosen the power of the clamping force by a little bit. And do the same thing to each side. Then try the headphones again for several hours.  They should feel a little looser.  But if they are still too tight, just bend them the same way some more.  As long as you are holding on to only the metal and only applying pressure to the metal, there should be no danger of anything breaking.
Anyway, I suggest searching this thread on how to do the above and just use some common sense when doing it.  It totally fixed the too strong clamping issue for me.
Another thing I do to help keep the clamping from getting too strong again is to use something to spread the phones apart while I'm not using them.  I found a small rectangular box that is about 7 and 3/4 inches long that is just perfect for this.  When I'm done using the 650's for the day, I place this box between the ear cups but keep it resting above them (just above the foam so it doesn't compress anything) and this keeps the headphones spread just enough so they don't tighten up on me again.
I should note that it is impossible to visually tell that I have done anything to my HD650's.  If you bend it so much that you can see it, you've bent it too much, imo.
Jan 11, 2011 at 10:17 PM Post #2,197 of 46,554

I ordered Tuesday of last week.  They shipped Wednesday.  Got them Monday afternoon.  I'll PM you.
The HD650s are very comfortable on my head, sure they clamp a bit but it hasn't hurt yet, and I quite like the taut fit.  

I got them before I left for work yesterday so I left them burning and was able to take a proper listen in the AM.  I don't have an opinion on burn-in but it cannot hurt so if the sound will eventually change for the better, I'll be even more satisfied than I am now.  But as my first purchase of full-size cans, these are exactly what I was looking for.  Here are some random thoughts:
I can tell they have a massive potential held back only by the Audio GD Fun.  I'm in love with how "safe" the sound is.  It's so involving, as counter-intuitive as that sounds (I'll leave it at that for now).  The way they're not beating your head with either treble, or bass or mids is phenomenal.  I'm hearing a lot of clarity in the treble, it may be a weeee bit rolled off but it's perfect for my tastes, all I ask from treble is clarity, detail and not forwardness.  Which artist do you know that does cymbals best?  Exactly.  What about a vocalist?  Easy.  I find the mids and lows fully satisfying clarity wise.  The only thing I want at times is more fullness.  The good thing about the Fun is that that's a matter of switching op-amps.  I'm now using the neutral op-amp they call the "earth" module.  I also have the "moon" module which is supposed to be more tube-like and I think that may solve the fullness issue.  If it wasn't for rock music, I'd be 100% satisfied with my set-up.  But because of how congested some heavy rock passages can seem (I'm looking at you Black Sabbath), I'm playing with the idea of getting a good dac, which I assume would add better separation amongst other things.  The soundstage is lovely.

This doesn't sound right. There was a guy in one of the Audio-GD threads complaining of the same thing until it was determined his 1/"4 plug was a poor fit and he had to make sure it was "properly" inserted. I laughed at this until I found it to be the case with one of my adapters.
As I've stated before, Audio-GD gear sound great out of the box but they are also infamous for their long burn in time and every Audio-GD owner will testify to this (even the non believers like me). I did not have the HD650 at the time but from memory, what improved with Earth was the smoothness of the highs where it became less etched/grainy, and perhaps better bass control, but the fullness of the sound was always there. Moon as it burned in became less congested in the mids and instrument separation improved. But again it was still pretty damn good to begin with.
Are you playing lossless files? The Fun is quiet revealing and so is the HD650, so any deficiencies you hear is likely due to something further up the chain.
Also, the Fun is a great DAC. Don't just take my word for it. Read up on the WM8741 in the Dedicated Source Components section or the various Audio-GD threads.
Jan 11, 2011 at 10:21 PM Post #2,198 of 46,554
Depeche Mode is SICK on the HD650. His voice is amazing (so powerful) and the HD650's showcase it very well.
Jan 11, 2011 at 10:26 PM Post #2,199 of 46,554

Just had a serious problem: clamping force inadequate during head banging session, I had to take it down a notch or they would have flown off my head.
Not cool.
Test for yourself at your own risk:  Tourette's - Nirvana - In Utero

Absolutely sick.  
I might have to take back what I said about this can not rocking out well, it seems I spoke too soon.  

Since pairing the HD650 with Moon I've been rediscovering early nineties grunge. The sound of distorted guitars is one of the HD650's strengths. It baffles me when people say it's not suited for rock music.
Jan 11, 2011 at 10:29 PM Post #2,200 of 46,554
Since pairing the HD650 with Moon I've been rediscovering early nineties grunge. The sound of distorted guitars is one of the HD650's strengths. It baffles me when people say it's not suited for rock music.


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