Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Mar 28, 2014 at 7:51 PM Post #16,501 of 46,600
  My HD 650 is also going to arrive in the next few days but my PC DAC and amp ain't. I too can't wait to get my hands on a good amp and DAC my portable one is decent but I am afraid it won't sound as good if I paired it with a tube amp. Do you guys have any amp/dac or seperate components for my HD 650? my budget is around $350

Sorry to bother you guys but I still need someone's recommendation on my amps and dac, also do you think this will sound good through my DX 50 -> PB 2?

Mar 28, 2014 at 7:54 PM Post #16,502 of 46,600
The Bottlehead is a very popular amp on these forums. I very recently heard one at the SoCal meet and would have to agree that the synergy between the two is definitely there. That being said, I love my 650's out of the Valhalla, and of course the Mjolnir is stunning.  
Mar 28, 2014 at 8:49 PM Post #16,506 of 46,600
I would be quiet interested in hearing some of the schiit products they seem to be very popular and have a loyal following.  Over here in the UK the distributer/dealer has just swapped the dollar sign for a pound sign which effectively puts them in direct competition with some stiff opposition over here and also you need to factor in the feeling your being royally ripped off compared to the prices in the US which will be an obstacle to purchase for many.
Mar 28, 2014 at 9:06 PM Post #16,507 of 46,600
  I'm torn between upgrading to a bottlehead from my vali, or getting a bifrost upgrade from my modi. 

There are those who would say that the Vali scales surprisingly well.  Not to say it is any better or worse than the BH, but it is a surprisingly good amp and I'd say you will get more bang for your buck upgrading to a better DAC.  An amp can only be as good as the source that feeds it.
Mar 28, 2014 at 9:11 PM Post #16,508 of 46,600
  So I should just keep the vali, but upgrade to a higher DAC, btw do any of you guys EQ your set up?

modi/crack here ... EQ=tube
P.S. I don't have vali but I do have Crack (I'm very satisfied and love this amp) , I'm not looking to upgrade anytime soon...crack is more then just an amp can have a lot of fun upgrading,modding ,etc and the synergy is there ..would I recommend it ? heck yes ! 
Mar 28, 2014 at 9:13 PM Post #16,509 of 46,600
  There are those who would say that the Vali scales surprisingly well.  Not to say it is any better or worse than the BH, but it is a surprisingly good amp and I'd say you will get more bang for your buck upgrading to a better DAC.  An amp can only be as good as the source that feeds it.

I would say that tube will give more bang for the buck and make noticeable difference since he already have pretty good DAC ,just my 2C
Mar 28, 2014 at 9:49 PM Post #16,511 of 46,600
  I would say that tube will give more bang for the buck and make noticeable difference ,just my 2C

I respectfully disagree.  Sure swapping tubes can make a noticeable difference in how things sound, but it is more akin to EQ.  It might change the flavor more to your liking, but it can't actually improve the quality of the signal beyond what the DAC puts out.  I thought the Modi was a nice DAC, a little bright without a whole lot of depth to the sound, but nonetheless a very good value.  I find my HDP to be clearly better and it is hardly a world beater.  To my ears, it has better detail retrieval, better space around the notes, and more three dimensional sound than the Modi.  It provides a higher quality base to start with for amplification.  Having heard better DACs, I am sold on the importance of having a good one in the chain.  I'm not saying you have to spend a ton, but when $500 or more is in the balance (Crack plus speedball plus upgraded tubes), and someone already has a Vali, I think it makes more sense short term and long term to get a better DAC.  You don't have to really go beyond a Bifrost Uber or Concero before the law of diminishing returns kicks in pretty strongly at this level.  Of course, just my 2 cents as well.
Mar 28, 2014 at 9:49 PM Post #16,512 of 46,600
Originally Posted by HPiper /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Without an adequate amp the money you spent on the HD650 is wasted because you will never hear what they are truly capable of.

That's not entirely true. 
Even though I listen with my North Star DAC and GS-1 amp, the O2 transportable sounds and measures as good anything mentioned here and it's really cheap to build or buy. 
Another 650s portable worth mentioning is the Portaphile V2 Maxxed, which is my favorite power failure amp.  Here's a pic I took by flashlight during one of the NY blackouts.... (the blue cable is acting as the FM antenna, pulling in a station from 42mi away)

the Portaphile V2 Maxxed is half the size of the O2, runs off a single 9V battery and only lacks the very last bit of resolution of the O2.

  So should I spend more on a better DAC than an amp?

Before you spend any more money, you might want to pick up a cheap O DAC and O2 amp as a basis of comparison. 
Once you hear this level of resolution, it will be hard to settle for less.
Mar 28, 2014 at 9:52 PM Post #16,513 of 46,600
  So the modi really isn't that bad?

It isn't bad at all.  Just if you have both the Modi and the Vali and you want to upgrade, I think the Vali is a better amp than the Modi is a DAC.  The Vali improves with better sources, while the Modi will hold back a better amp.  I say this having owned the two as well as other DACs and other amps, including a Bottlehead S.E.X. 2.1.
Now if you are seduced by the nearly endless customizations you can do to the Crack, that is a whole other issue and possible addiction :)
Mar 28, 2014 at 9:54 PM Post #16,514 of 46,600
Before you spend any more money, you might want to pick up a cheap O DAC and O2 amp as a basis of comparison. 
Once you hear this level of resolution, it will be hard to settle for less.

He already has a Modi and Vali, which are basically equivalent if not better, particularly with the HD650 in my experience.

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