Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Jan 31, 2014 at 9:59 PM Post #15,617 of 46,600
Yeah, I didn't care for the Grado SR325i out of the Asgard 2 so much that I sold them.  Bright amp and bright headphones normally don't match too well; at least in my opinion.  However, I can't say that I miss the Grado's all that much.  The HD650 is so flexible, I haven't found anything that I don't enjoy on them.  This includes EDM, too.

I had the same feeling but then I went to a heaphone meet and tried out the Grado after not having them for a while and fell in love again :p it's complicated with me and Grados
Jan 31, 2014 at 10:03 PM Post #15,618 of 46,600
I'm just hoping I can go to this upcoming meet and not get that upgrade-itis itch.  I really hope I don't hear a headphone I just feel I have to have.  It's gonna be dangerous...
Jan 31, 2014 at 10:08 PM Post #15,619 of 46,600
  I had the same feeling but then I went to a heaphone meet and tried out the Grado after not having them for a while and fell in love again :p it's complicated with me and Grados

one "grado" i regretted selling is the MsPro...its so captivating, like i was transported out of body momentarily in some songs,  listening to this can.
Feb 1, 2014 at 1:01 AM Post #15,620 of 46,600
It depends you are talking about what kind of "Transient", Decay Transient or Attack Transient, the decay follows the attack though. 

ROFLMAO!  You think this is like a NASCAR or something...I think V8 Supercars are better!
Also, those CSD charts do not seem to tell me anything at all about what is going below 1 khz...what about Middle C?  Probably more than 70 percent (very likely much more) of the audio energy from music is below 1 khz.
Making general sweeping statements of a headphone with a CSD plot will inevitably lead to incorrect assumptions and conclusions...This has already occured.
Feb 1, 2014 at 4:54 AM Post #15,621 of 46,600
So, I finally decided to pull the trigger on these bad boys. Let the missus be mad for a while, I don't care. My body is ready. 

Feb 1, 2014 at 8:10 AM Post #15,622 of 46,600
  So, I finally decided to pull the trigger on these bad boys. Let the missus be mad for a while, I don't care. My body is ready. 

Just have her listen to her favorite song through them.  Problem solved....gratz btw!
Feb 1, 2014 at 8:56 AM Post #15,623 of 46,600
I must say that just reading about the synergy between the HD650 & BHC......this combo has slightly appeared on my radar.
Feb 1, 2014 at 9:38 AM Post #15,624 of 46,600
  So, I finally decided to pull the trigger on these bad boys. Let the missus be mad for a while, I don't care. My body is ready. 

Better to ask for forgiveness, then permission.  That's what I always say...
...sorry gotta go, my wife has a honeydew list for me.
Feb 1, 2014 at 9:41 AM Post #15,625 of 46,600
  ah hd650 my first true high-end headphones, remember the first day i got em 5 years ago, music ! now after these 5 years together, and many other flagships, in terms of music enjoyment, they are always there to amaze and make me feel like the first time, once a flagship, always a flagship !
these must be the best 2nd hand can bargain, mine still looks like new ! ~more or less...  sound even better tho... mind you...
can't wait for my conductor to arrive, and plug them in, and yes take some photos too, love that contrast !

my hd650 was bought bnew 6mos ago...
on the other hand, am the 2nd owner of the ha-160...
spent too many hours reading reviews to replace my magni and finally came up with this classic yet awesome amp...
nice synergy these two!
Feb 1, 2014 at 1:56 PM Post #15,626 of 46,600
Just have her listen to her favorite song through them.  Problem solved....gratz btw!

So true...Whenever I let girls listen to my headphones...I always break it down between the HD650 and K701 - for research sake...they have all preferred the HD650 over the K701. 
Feb 1, 2014 at 3:20 PM Post #15,628 of 46,600
Ha! Well that's prolly why they all prefer the HD650...I did my job well to make them relaxed...high fives...second base here we go!
Feb 1, 2014 at 4:50 PM Post #15,629 of 46,600
This afternoon I've spent with the Crack and 650 with a nice 5998. 
 I've heard lot's and lot's of high end hp's and gear. The ONLY time that I have been more jaw dropping impressed was at the Atlanta meet with the Stax 007 mkii on the blue Hawaii. 
Good grief boys this is some incredible schiit. 
Feb 1, 2014 at 4:59 PM Post #15,630 of 46,600
  This afternoon I've spent with the Crack and 650 with a nice 5998. 
 I've heard lot's and lot's of high end hp's and gear. The ONLY time that I have been more jaw dropping impressed was at the Atlanta meet with the Stax 007 mkii on the blue Hawaii. 
Good grief boys this is some incredible schiit. 

Wow, that is saying something.....pretty dang impressive, I guess.

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