Sennheiser HD600, Creek OBH-11SE or ASL Head DT/OTL
Aug 30, 2002 at 6:00 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


Headphoneus Supremus
Apr 25, 2002
Ontario, Canada
Finally decided on going with the safety choice. Sennheiser HD600 it is, at a huge $230 new

That said for mostly rock such as Dave Matthews Band and a range of music from jazz such as Holly Cole to hard rock such as Popa Roach which amp would provide more detail and speed when paired with HD600? Keep in mind that I pretty much listen to anything except classical, country and pop.

The source is likely going to be the Sony SCD-C333ES. Is it's headphone jack sufficient? I've tried the one on the Sony DVP-S7000 and it puts out far more power than I could use. Or rather I think they do. With the give me buds that came with my Sony PCDP on the PCDP I have to play it at 4-6 to get reasonable levels. On the DVP-S7000 though I can't go passed 1 before it gets unsafely loud.

Anyway let me know what you guys think would be my best option for what I'm after. Or maybe I should just run the Senns alone with the SCD for a while to enjoy the amp more when I do get one?

Aug 30, 2002 at 6:43 AM Post #2 of 18
I would suggest getting an amp. Chances are you'll be able to drive the 600's with your receiver, but you'll get much better fidelity with a dedicated amp. I have Creek OBH-11 and I'm very happy with it. Look into Musical Fidelity Xcan v2 and various offerings from headroom.
Aug 30, 2002 at 8:29 AM Post #4 of 18
A really good match with the HD 600: the Meier Audio Corda Headamp-1 – with a 3-step crossfeed filter and a neutral, very accurate and clear reproduction.

Aug 30, 2002 at 12:32 PM Post #5 of 18
These two are my only choices. I'll agree there are probably better choices out there but readily available and under $300US? I think these are my only two choices except maybe the HeadRoom Little which looks rather over priced in comparison.

Aug 30, 2002 at 6:18 PM Post #8 of 18

Where is the Head-OTL available at that price? I've been thinking about purchasing it but all I've seen, US or Canadian, came out to $330 US.

Would greatly appreciate any direction.

Aug 30, 2002 at 7:31 PM Post #9 of 18
$260 US for a new MG Head OTL is a great price! With an $80 difference to the Corda it's not a fair fight, get the MG Head. Take the $80 difference and get some of the tubes that Nick Dangerous recommends. JJ/Telsa EL84's at $20 a pair and then get some 3-mica 5751's and you should be very well setup for the same price as an assembled Corda.

I have both the Corda and the MG Head OTL. I really like the MG Head and the ability to mess with the tubes.

The Corda is very business like and if you wanted something that doesn't need to be tweaked or aren't a compulsive collector or tweaker then it'd be a better choice.

Either one is a leader in it's own category and should sell for more than the asking price.
Aug 30, 2002 at 11:10 PM Post #10 of 18
I've had both set-ups. They both sound great with the right tubes. I think the Creek livens up the HD's. Tough call. I would suggest listening to both.
Aug 30, 2002 at 11:19 PM Post #11 of 18
Lextek, this quote "Creek livens up the HD's" just turned the favour in Creek's court. This is exactly the kind of pairing I'm looking for.

Aug 30, 2002 at 11:40 PM Post #12 of 18
Creek vs. MG Head OTL = tough call?

This is why everyone should use their own ears... we all hear differently. I must say that of the two, I repeatedly found the Head to be the better match with Sennheiser headphones by a Grand Canyon-like degree. It was no contest.

(not trying to be sarcastic, Lex
Aug 31, 2002 at 12:00 AM Post #13 of 18

"Creek livens up the HD's"

Yeah, let's hear it for the lowly, downtrodden Creek plus Sennheiser combo!

Seriously, I have never heard the MG Head at all. From what I understand it pairs well with the Senn's also, reportedly even better with the right tubes ($$$), albeit resulting in a different type of sound. I imagine a warmer "tube" sound, or at least more so than the Creek which obviously is solid-state. Like lex, I appreciate the brightness and detail of the Creek when paired with the Senns. Others may not or just prefer something else.

The Creek is also far, far less expensive than the ASL, not even factoring in the tube-rolling part. For the difference in price you may want to go for one of the replacement cables for the Senns.

Just thoughts...
Aug 31, 2002 at 2:03 AM Post #14 of 18
"Like lex, I appreciate the brightness and detail of the Creek when paired with the Senns."

Oh uh 'bright' is definitely not something I can live with. There is a big jump from musical detail and bright. Use the wrong term maybe?

"The Creek is also far, far less expensive than the ASL, not even factoring in the tube-rolling part."

Huh? Creek SE is $290, Head $260. I miss something in this morning's math class?

Sigh back on the fence and not good timing. It looks very likely that'll be keeping my current source which doesn't have a jack of any sort.

Aug 31, 2002 at 2:51 AM Post #15 of 18
For me, the term "bright" is synonimous with "musical detail" in the upper audio frequencies, and speaks of a simliar, if not the same, type of audio quality. Whether such a quality is more or less "accurate" in it's portrayal of the musical recording is another story. Perhaps you do not have the same definition or use. My apologies for any confusion or misleading.

As far as price is concerned, I am referring to the standard Creek OBH-11 which lists for $199 and can be found as low as $179 US new, even less used. Nowhere before did you mention the slightly more expensive SE model which is different.

In either case, the MG Head retails at $329 US for the current OTL version. I do not know where you can get it for $260 US brand new, but I suggest you jump on it ASAP. Perhaps you have found someone still selling the older non-OTL "DT" model? Either way, tube rolling can easily put you over the $400 mark.

Be careful when comparing apples and oranges.

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