Sennheiser HD 700 Impressions Thread
May 11, 2023 at 4:29 PM Post #9,196 of 9,329
That is a bit surprising to hear. Do you live in a really humid climate? I bought them mine back when they were still newly released, and both are still in great shape all these years later (and I do listen to them fairly frequently).
First acquired them when living in Japan than moved to San Diego. Yeah, the HB started flaking black gu. I needed to peel off the HB. The pads aged quickly. I actually threw the HD700 in the garbage than retrieved it because I chose to purchase the Dekoni nuggets and pads. The cable came after.
May 11, 2023 at 4:39 PM Post #9,197 of 9,329
First acquired them when living in Japan than moved to San Diego. Yeah, the HB started flaking black gu. I needed to peel off the HB. The pads aged quickly. I actually threw the HD700 in the garbage than retrieved it because I chose to purchase the Dekoni nuggets and pads. The cable came after.
Very interesting! So, how long do you think you have had them? I have had some that I considered tossing, but I never have the "gumption" to do so... That's funny. :wink:

Yeah, the stock cable is almost as bad as a stock Focal cable... LOL

I replaced that one as soon as I was able. I DO still have the factory cable, but I have not used it since I got the new (balanced) cable.
May 11, 2023 at 10:54 PM Post #9,198 of 9,329
Good set of cans, but a bit harsh on higher treble tho. Can be sharp at times. If you can deal with that then great. But they have a lot of competition at their price point.
May 12, 2023 at 12:45 PM Post #9,199 of 9,329
But they have a lot of competition at their price point.
This is very true. Lots of good stuff has come out since the day of the HD700 in their prime. Having said that, I think they still hold up very well in todays (higher tech) gear.
May 28, 2023 at 9:24 AM Post #9,200 of 9,329
Good set of cans, but a bit harsh on higher treble tho. Can be sharp at times. If you can deal with that then great. But they have a lot of competition at their price point.
Right. I spent a lot of time, effort and money to get a likeable sound out of the HD700. Almost gave up on them (with the stock cable and before the StefanAudioArt mod) due to harshness which really shows up on choral works such as Brahms' German Requiem if one likes that sort of thing. The GUCraftsman 6N single crystal copper headphone cable got rid of the harshness. I use the pre-outs of my Topping PRE90 rather than an amp as this seems to deliver greater clarity. Comfort-wise the HD700 are great!
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Jul 4, 2023 at 1:55 PM Post #9,202 of 9,329
Right. I spent a lot of time, effort and money to get a likeable sound out of the HD700. Almost gave up on them with the stock cable and before the StefanAudioArt mod due to harshness which really shows up on choral works such as Brahms' German Requiem if one likes that sort of thing. Then I had C3 Audio re-tip (with dual 2.5mm plugs) my stiff as a board Acoustic Revive HD800 cables and a near miracle occurred. Practically all harshness was gone and I finally was able to enjoy these pups on all my recordings. Recently, I bought from amazon the GUCraftsman all 6N copper ($160). Love it. Moving away from the stock cable was a big step forward but finding the right amp was even more important. I use a S.M.S.L. HO200 solid state amp in balanced mode which sounds okay for movies and tv but, for music, I go to my all tube Decware amp with NOS Telefunken EL84 power tubes and WE 422A rectifier. It is amazing. It is nice to have the HD700 to switch to when pressure from headbands and ear pads on my other headphones kicks in. Comfort-wise the HD700 are great!
Cable, pads, and source (DAC/amp/DAP) all matter in making HD700 sound the best it can be.

I recently bought the OIDIO Mongrel Cable (Litz copper) for the 700. Should have bought it much sooner. It's not stiff at all, very pliable, flexible, and lightweight. Improves the SQ of the 700, taming the 700's peaks. It looks awesome too. Highly recommended.

HD700 remains the most comfortable headphone I've ever tried or owned. It will never leave my collection just because of comfort. Of course, sound quality is also amazing in my opinion, or I wouldn't have kept it for this many years.
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Jul 4, 2023 at 2:13 PM Post #9,203 of 9,329
Cable, pads, and source (DAC/amp/DAP) all matter in making HD700 sound the best it can be.

I recently bought the OIDIO Mongrel Cable (Litz copper) for the 700. Should have bought it much sooner. It's not stiff at all, very pliable, flexible, and lightweight. Improves the SQ of the 700, taming the 700's peaks. It looks awesome too. Highly recommended.

HD700 remains the most comfortable headphone I've ever tried or owned. It will never leave my collection just because of comfort. Of course, sound quality is also amazing in my opinion, or I wouldn't have kept it for this many years.
I'm right there with you on this. I use a Hart Audio pure copper modular cable. And these do indeed sound best (of the sources I possess) on the DX300 with Amp13 (Nutube) amp card. Amazing sound to them. I might even go as far as saying that the HD700 are even more amp picky than the venerable OG HD800.
Jul 15, 2023 at 1:02 PM Post #9,204 of 9,329
Refurbished my Sennheiser HD700 headphones by replacing the ear pads ($81), Headband cushion ($29), and getting Moon Audio's 10-foot balanced Black Dragon cables ($370). For the price of those cables, I could have bought the above phones, but I wanted my HD700 phones as I simply love their spaciousness. Something I not sure the 660S2 could match.


Anyway, listening to these now, that was money well spent. Mainly listen to music, mostly jazz but just about anything. These phones sound better than when I first got them, even after break in (if you believe that sort of thing). Bass response is slightly improved, soundstage is about the same as with the original cable (now destroyed).

BTW, what Moon Audio aims to do is match their cables to your headphones, and the Black Dragon cables are tailor made for the HD700 phone's sound signature... Here their aim was to tone down the highs, specifically around the 7k freq. as the biggest complaint around these phones is they're too bright. They certainly did that, and without killing the soundstage. Overall, they are warm sounding with a bit more detail compared to the original cable.

The killer is the expense; though do note the base price of the Black Dragons for the HD700 is $275 for a 5-foot cable with a single TRS end. I paid $370 for a 10-foot balanced cable with dual TRS connectors to work with my Teac UD-503 DAC. As shown below. Though the cables shown there are from Surf Cables. I paid $160 for a 6-foot cable, but to be frank, they never moved me. I still have them, but they cannot compete with the Black Dragons. And still preferred the OEM un-balanced cable over them.


Anyway, I'm happy with my refurb, and especially since the Black Dragon cables now breath a warmer, more detailed sound into them. Lovin my HD700 even more now.
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Jul 15, 2023 at 4:47 PM Post #9,205 of 9,329
Refurbished my Sennheiser HD700 headphones by replacing the ear pads ($81), Headband cushion ($29), and getting Moon Audio's 10-foot balanced Black Dragon cables ($370). For the price of those cables, I could have bought the above phones, but I wanted my HD700 phones as I simply love their spaciousness. Something I not sure the 660S2 could match.


Anyway, listening to these now, that was money well spent. Mainly listen to music, mostly jazz but just about anything. These phones sound better than when I first got them, even after break in (if you believe that sort of thing). Bass response is slightly improved, soundstage is about the same as with the original cable (now destroyed).

BTW, what Moon Audio aims to do is match their cables to your headphones, and the Black Dragon cables are tailor made for the HD700 phone's sound signature... Here their aim was to tone down the highs, specifically around the 7k freq. as the biggest complaint around these phones is they're too bright. They certainly did that, and without killing the soundstage. Overall, they are warm sounding with a bit more detail compared to the original cable.

The killer is the expense; though do note the base price of the Black Dragons for the HD700 is $275 for a 5-foot cable with a single TRS end. I paid $370 for a 10-foot balanced cable with dual TRS connectors to work with my Teac UD-503 DAC. As shown below. Though the cables shown there are from Surf Cables. I paid $160 for a 6-foot cable, but to be frank, they never moved me. I still have them, but they cannot compete with the Black Dragons. And still preferred the OEM un-balanced cable over them.


Anyway, I'm happy with my refurb, and especially since the Black Dragon cables now breath a warmer, more detailed sound into them. Lovin my HD700 even more now.
I did the very same thing with my HD700. I went with Dekoni nuggets to replace the headband, Dekoni ear pads and the same cable as you. I agree with the new sound signature. These are my "goto" cans now for watching TV and video games. I may use them to randomly listen to music on Tidal. I can say I use them more now than before, thus justify the cost I spent to upgrade.
Jul 15, 2023 at 5:22 PM Post #9,206 of 9,329
I did the very same thing with my HD700. I went with Dekoni nuggets to replace the headband, Dekoni ear pads and the same cable as you. I agree with the new sound signature. These are my "goto" cans now for watching TV and video games. I may use them to randomly listen to music on Tidal. I can say I use them more now than before, thus justify the cost I spent to upgrade.
I should have noted that both ear pads and headband cushions are Sennheiser OEM original parts, and not third party. And I only use mine for music, and occasionally gaming. They also never leave the house and only used on my main audio system.

And yeah, I really love these cables. That price was a hard decision but glad I took the chance. At least the sound quality, craftmanship and quality of the cables justifies it. They've actually blown me away as to how good they make the 700's sound. In the end I can say money well spent :relaxed:
Sep 18, 2023 at 8:56 AM Post #9,208 of 9,329
Hi guys,

I already have a HD25 Wich I love and HD600 Wich I also love.

I also have the HD6XX but I don't like those as much as the other 2 above (I also have a Fidelio x2 that I prefer over the 6xx).

Now I have the chance to buy a pair of HD700s (very good condition) for the collection for 100 euros.

So the questions are, do you guys think it's a good deal?

Also given what I mentioned above do you guys think it would be suitable for my taste?

Sep 18, 2023 at 9:14 AM Post #9,209 of 9,329
Hi guys,

I already have a HD25 Wich I love and HD600 Wich I also love.

I also have the HD6XX but I don't like those as much as the other 2 above (I also have a Fidelio x2 that I prefer over the 6xx).

Now I have the chance to buy a pair of HD700s (very good condition) for the collection for 100 euros.

So the questions are, do you guys think it's a good deal?

Also given what I mentioned above do you guys think it would be suitable for my taste?

I'd bite their hands off! The HD700's performance is a real step up from what you have, and that's the cheapest I've ever seen them available for, by more than half. Given how they're getting harder to find used over time as well, I'd take the opportunity, if you can afford it
Sep 18, 2023 at 9:16 AM Post #9,210 of 9,329
Hi guys,

I already have a HD25 Wich I love and HD600 Wich I also love.

I also have the HD6XX but I don't like those as much as the other 2 above (I also have a Fidelio x2 that I prefer over the 6xx).

Now I have the chance to buy a pair of HD700s (very good condition) for the collection for 100 euros.

So the questions are, do you guys think it's a good deal?

Also given what I mentioned above do you guys think it would be suitable for my taste?

Buy em...if you don't like them you can resell them :beerchug:

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