Sennheiser HD 598 Video Complaint / Problem - 3.5mm adapter can damage your gear
Aug 1, 2011 at 4:23 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 14, 2009
Had a problem with the included 3.5mm adapter that came with the Hd598.  Beware, you can damage your gear.  

Aug 1, 2011 at 4:48 AM Post #2 of 27
Those adapters have always been such junk,  even if they are working properly.  It puts a lot of strain on the jack of the item you're plugging it into because it adds like an inch of inflexible material , which is surely going to get bumped at some point even if you aren't using it with a mobile player.
That is especially bizarre though.  Have you tried contacting Sennheiser directly yet? (curious)
Aug 1, 2011 at 5:44 AM Post #4 of 27
I think you have compatibility issues with your MP3 player.  It looks like the jack is no seated properly when inserted.  Remember the 1st iPhone?  You had to use an adapter in order for it to work properly, especially if you had Bose earphones.
What begs the real question is why are you using the 598's with a mediocre MP3 player (no disrespect)?
Aug 1, 2011 at 6:16 AM Post #5 of 27
Have you ever used a rockboxed sansa fuze with a good LOD?  Beyond that, have you used this combo with an SR71A?  This should answer your question :wink:
The fuze drives the HD598 nicely, why pay more for something I don't need?  
Aug 1, 2011 at 9:24 AM Post #7 of 27
They make a cable adapter:
Aug 1, 2011 at 5:22 PM Post #8 of 27
Yes, I am aware of output adapters that go from 1/4 to 1/8.   But try not to get that confused ( if anyone did ) that these adapters will work on that skinny proprietary end as I mentioned.  No adapter on earth will fit that, it must be an official replacement cable or a recable.  You have no other choice, I actually have an entire topic on that issue :wink:
Aug 1, 2011 at 8:57 PM Post #9 of 27
I usually kick it with a UHA-4, X1061, and HD650's, the adapter I'm using is similar to yours, no problems
Aug 2, 2011 at 9:01 AM Post #10 of 27
Yes, I am aware of output adapters that go from 1/4 to 1/8.   But try not to get that confused ( if anyone did ) that these adapters will work on that skinny proprietary end as I mentioned.  No adapter on earth will fit that, it must be an official replacement cable or a recable.  You have no other choice, I actually have an entire topic on that issue :wink:

If you open up the left can and set the driver aside youll see a print where the drivers are connected to. If you unscrew the print and the black "thingie" wich sits next to the print you can take the screw part out an you will be left with only the print and the 4pole socket ! This is completely reversable and means the only thing left to worry about is finding a good 4pole 2,5mm connector for your new cable !
PS. If you do this and make a new cable, caution with the headphones is needed becouse the "screwpart" seems to support the print with the socket !!!
Aug 2, 2011 at 9:34 AM Post #11 of 27
The HD 598 was designed for home hi-fi use, hence the original 1/4" termination. The 1/4" to 1/8" adapter is included for convenience so that if you have a 1/8" plug on an audio source you can try to connect to it. Yes, the mass of the plug is larger, so we suggest you simply use your judgement before plugging into small sources that have very little reinforcement that would balance and hold the mass of the plug. If there were anything wrong with the headphones, we would certainly take care of it for you. The adapter is not wired any differently and is not proprietary. An adapter from Radio Shack, Best Buy, etc would yield similar results due to the mass of the plug, which for 1/4" audio plugs, is sufficient. As mentioned before, this was designed to be used with home A/V equipment (A/V receiver or headphone amp) which always have sturdy 1/4" plugs. Is the HD 598 MP3 compatible? can use ANY 1/4" to 1/8" adapter, not just our own. If you find that ours is not sufficient or has too much mass, by all means, source a different adapter. We DO offer, as mentioned, an adapter with a lead of cable on it (about 6 inches). 
Aug 2, 2011 at 10:09 AM Post #12 of 27
I with the insider
I believe it was your source that caused the problem. I know Sansa's jack is pretty horrible has always have been. But it was your decision that you applied the adapter to your portable device and the adapter itself was not design for that intended use. I know it's not designed for any usage in general but then it is just a thrown into the box.
If Sennheiser is watching: Do the correct anything, send them another adapter after checking the original invoice of their product and hope them the best of luck with that one. It's not your fault that the adapter to the headphones you paired has a single problem with a single source that could not foresee. This is not the need to recall or update for a single adapter and hope that everyone who buys your product int he future will find a more refined adapter paired to the headphones of their choice. This is not the time or need to fully replace or refund the price of the headphones to the people who are experiencing this unfortunate problem.
I did find a problem with the size of the adapter and I think the amount of conductive metal on the outside paired with the space between conduction of the jack and plug causes this issue. But only the large amount of plug sticking out and being forced side to side by portable and carried movement would created destruction within the device used by the user. In short: This would be the user's fault for not advising the use of the adapter. It was their choice to use the adapter and it's not Sennheiser's issue to be fully aware of such a small issue. I hope in the future the input of the adapter that Sennheiser pairs with their headphones will be small and with less metal to the outside that this will not occur.
Sorry if I offended anyone, but this issue is not to be taken seriously as it's not a big deal. I tested this myself, Cowon S9, Sansa Clip+ and others. I found nothing to happen. I am not a friend, advocate or paid by or with Sennheiser. 
EDIT/UPDATE: It might be Sansa's issue since their media player and jack of media player cannot take a 1/4inch to 1/8inch adapter correctly. Te jack itself is most likely the problem and the electricity that is said to appear is not because of Sennheiser or from the adapter, it's from the player made by Sandisk. Since the headphones do not produce electricity, I do not see that it is their(sennheiser's)  fault but Sandisk's own fault.
Still, sorry if I offended anyone in any which way.
Aug 2, 2011 at 10:48 AM Post #13 of 27
If the player and the adapter are level with no weight baring down on the input jack, this problem should not exist.  But it remains so even with both are flat and leveled.  Its a defective adapter, its not that big of a deal from a manufacturing standpoint, but when sparks fly out of it, my view changes completely.  Especially so if every little movement causes enough sparks and over a VERY short amount of time could easily cause significant voltage damage not only to your device, but to the headphones themselves.
If you read the reviews on the HD 598 there are people reporting sudden bass warping and severe quality loss all of a sudden.  This could easily be attributed to the constant shuffling in ones bag or pocket, as each potential movement causes electrical arcing and the popping noise is covered by your music.  It is only barely noticeable when music is playing, if one isn't looking for it specifically its not likely you would hear it.  AGAIN, this problem is not on ALL of the adapters included with the HD 598.  None of my other adapters of equal size have this problem. 
Aug 2, 2011 at 11:54 AM Post #14 of 27
It seems like my post about the design of the adapter itself (which actually is not affiliated with any one company) got more of a response than the OP's unique problem.
Clearly they did all that they could to rule out the device/jack as the cause.  I don't quite see why it's improbable to most of you that there -could- be an isolated problem with the adapter,  which Sennheiser may or may not even produce and run quality control on.
Aug 2, 2011 at 7:43 PM Post #15 of 27
Please go test your own adapters to replace the end that goes into the can itself and you will change your view.  I had special cables custom made for it that did not work, I have a whole topic about it here on head fi.   I was able to find one low profile 2.5mm adapter that fit into the can input jack, every single adapter and cable that was able to fit into it transmitted sound only onto one side.  99.9999% of all 2.5mm adapters that exist on this earth do not work with the HD 598.  This was already proven.  There is no question the internal wiring of the stock proprietary cable is designed only for use with the HD598 input jack.  No other cables will work on the HD 598 unless the set is completely recabled. If you feel differently, please prove this to me and show me what adapter or cable you used to replace the stock version that actually worked because I was not able to find ANY replacements that would transmit sound to both sides when the cable and adapter were locked firmly into place.  I would like to buy these cables and adapters if you find one, but i am skeptical that anyone will.   
just trying to help guys

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