Sell my headphones?
Jan 17, 2008 at 2:54 AM Post #91 of 122
You could use your study room or someplace like that and just drill hooks in line with uniform spacing just on one wall with space in the middle for the AKG poster. It would look nice with glass bases (borders) underneath each layer. It wouldn't cost much either (I don't think) for a lighting solution under the glass strips. That would be something. well that's my idea anyway.

basically the hooks would be short and barely visible and the glass would/could be like a centimeter under the headphones so they would just float and the glass and poster would illuminate lightly. anything to get rid of that laundry basket...
Jan 17, 2008 at 3:07 AM Post #93 of 122

Originally Posted by Brian loves music /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm not insulting you personally (I don't know anything about you). I was just a little peeved at how many you owned. "This kinda of crap"? We have a difference of need to get hostile.

You were by your own admission hostile in your first post towards me, and then tell me I shouldn't be hostile back? Sorry mate, but it just doesn't work that way, and no amount of backpedalling on your part is going to put me in any lighter mood when I'm already dealing with a family crisis right now.

Also, if somebody came out of nowhere and told you your hobby was gross, nothing to be proud of, kinda bad, and that you should sell it all and give the money away, are you telling me you wouldn't feel insulted in the least? Yeah, I've got a bridge to sell to anyone who believes that.


Originally Posted by Brian loves music /img/forum/go_quote.gif
5 thousand dollars is no where near how much all those cost? I count about 30 headphones so I guess it could be around 2500. If they are less expensive..I really don't know so I can't commit.

Quit while you're ahead and stop pulling numbers out of your ass when you don't even have a clue what you're talking about.


Originally Posted by Brian loves music /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As a side note, i think deciding to keep all those headphone based on someone pulling the charity card (what i did) is just funny.

Then you just keep on thinking that and don't worry your pretty little head with the truth then. I haven't actually made a decision yet, and the reason I'm leaning more towards keeping them now has nothing to do with a "charity card," but rather with the fact that some newbie came marching in preaching his holier-than-thou attitude as if he was hot ****.

- - -

Yes, I'm pissed, and no I'm not going to apologize for it.
Jan 17, 2008 at 3:13 AM Post #94 of 122

Originally Posted by Brian loves music /img/forum/go_quote.gif
that's pretty grose...probably 5 thousdand dollars of headphones. no way to you can use all of those. cell the one's you don't use on a weekly basis and give your money to people who can afford food

sorry to be a little hostile but having that many is nothing to be proud of and its kinda bad

Troll alert!

Jan 17, 2008 at 3:18 AM Post #95 of 122

Originally Posted by SBD /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You could use your study room or someplace like that and just drill hooks in line with uniform spacing just on one wall with space in the middle for the AKG poster. It would look nice with glass bases (borders) underneath each layer. It wouldn't cost much either (I don't think) for a lighting solution under the glass strips. That would be something. well that's my idea anyway.

basically the hooks would be short and barely visible and the glass would/could be like a centimeter under the headphones so they would just float and the glass and poster would illuminate lightly. anything to get rid of that laundry basket...

Great idea! That would indeed be quite awesome.

Wanna come over and do that for me? I'm all DIY'ed out from installing new light fixtures.

But seriously though, I kinda like having them stored in the closet, so it can be completely out of sight to avoid any issues, should I happen to have company similar to "brian loves music" (which is itself a scary thought, I hope none of my friends are secretly like that). Plus, given my tendency to be too easily persuaded and generous about things, if they were more easily visible I would probably end up with half of them "borrowed" indefinitely by various people who wanted to try them. I'm still missing many of my DVDs that friends have borrowed. :/
Jan 17, 2008 at 3:20 AM Post #96 of 122
Since they're all different, I think you should keep them all. I want to continue sleeping well at night, knowing there is at least one place in the world that has enough AKGs.
Jan 17, 2008 at 7:10 AM Post #97 of 122
If you would really feel the loss and feel youd have to replace your lost babys, then keep them..............but if you really need the space and still want a show piece, sell them all and buy an
I collect everything practically,and im really starting to get a collection of headphones,and amps and many other things.

Maybe keep the truly rare ones that are totally hard to find and replace,, or as i said, keep them all....theyre already paid for and they dont eat (as far as i know).

I have an AKG K26P for sale...wanna buy it? lol

Thats one AKG that doesnt sound good at all...but i heard the 701 (the fake AKG) and i liked the sound.
Jan 17, 2008 at 7:48 AM Post #98 of 122

Originally Posted by Fitz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Great idea! That would indeed be quite awesome.

Wanna come over and do that for me? I'm all DIY'ed out from installing new light fixtures.

But seriously though, I kinda like having them stored in the closet, so it can be completely out of sight to avoid any issues, should I happen to have company similar to "brian loves music" (which is itself a scary thought, I hope none of my friends are secretly like that). Plus, given my tendency to be too easily persuaded and generous about things, if they were more easily visible I would probably end up with half of them "borrowed" indefinitely by various people who wanted to try them. I'm still missing many of my DVDs that friends have borrowed. :/

I'd pretty much say the same thing....instead of the lit-up glass, wood would (wood wood?) look great too. That closet setup I have to say is nice already except the "storage look" on the ground. What were you going for there? :p
Jan 17, 2008 at 9:26 AM Post #99 of 122
what an impressive collection you have there!!! I nearly fell of the chair...
Well, I think collecting stuffs is also a nice hobby, so there should be nothing to worry about keeping them
Jan 19, 2008 at 12:35 AM Post #100 of 122
Keep the K-501, a beefy tube amp and a decent source and don't look back. You want to listen to music rather than headphones right? ... and the K-501 is one of the best I've heard at that.

Sell the rest!
Jan 19, 2008 at 1:03 AM Post #101 of 122

Originally Posted by Brian loves music /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes I have heard of collectors. I would say the same to people who collect thousands of dollars worth of stamps that they don't use / get enjoyment out of regularly. That's just how I see it can have your opinion, just as I have mine.

You don't know much about collecting then. Enjoyment can be had out of sense of work accomplished. + if we get down to utilitarianism and regular enjoyment, then charity is the worst thing human being can do. That would not an opinion, this argument is very easy to construct on about 2 axioms and a fairly short philosophical algorithm.
Jan 19, 2008 at 1:50 AM Post #103 of 122

Originally Posted by spinali /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmm...I didn't see any K1000s in the bunch. Maybe they were on the side somewhere?

I think it would be great if you could do a book on the full AKG line.

The case in the top right shelf is the k1000.
Jan 19, 2008 at 3:27 AM Post #104 of 122

Originally Posted by spinali /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmm...I didn't see any K1000s in the bunch. Maybe they were on the side somewhere?

I think it would be great if you could do a book on the full AKG line.

I keep the K1000 in the wood case because they are not as strong as my other AKGs (which I can throw across the room with no damage). My closet is very cluttered despite the appearance of that one section, so even though it rarely happens the headphones can get hit and/or knocked off the hangers. Most of them do not care, and just glare at me when I put them back up, but the K1000 would probably not like it so much to be knocked around.

One day I will get the rest of my things organized better.

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