Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread
Oct 12, 2018 at 12:33 PM Post #9,256 of 12,966
Just bought a Yggy, will upgrade to A2, Currently use a Mutec MC3+ USB with my old Eastern Electric Minimax dac through AES/EBU. Is the Mutec now obsolete? I have heard many owners use something called Singxer and focusrite rednet3. What is the Optimal way to enhance a Yggy? I feel upgrade Crazy for some reason. using Speakers and headphones, Amp is a Cary Tube amp

If you have a Yggy-A (serial #) that hasn't been upgraded, you can have them do the Analog 2 and Gen 5 USB upgrades. That Gen 5 USB is superb, and I think eliminates any need for an outboard USB interface.

Like @Jamiee, however, I prefer eliminating USB altogether. For me, the Dante Ethernet (AOIP) file delivery opens an incredibly wide window on everything the Yggy can do.
Oct 12, 2018 at 1:21 PM Post #9,257 of 12,966
If you have a Yggy-A (serial #) that hasn't been upgraded, you can have them do the Analog 2 and Gen 5 USB upgrades. That Gen 5 USB is superb, and I think eliminates any need for an outboard USB interface.

Like @Jamiee, however, I prefer eliminating USB altogether. For me, the Dante Ethernet (AOIP) file delivery opens an incredibly wide window on everything the Yggy can do.
Per Schiit RE: Gen 5 USB:
"Forget decrapifiers, regenerators, isolators, and all the USB dongles and boxes you’ve been told you need for USB sound. Our all-new Gen 5 USB input doesn’t require any of that stuff. It’s this simple: Gen 5 is USB, solved."
Oct 12, 2018 at 2:36 PM Post #9,258 of 12,966
If you have a Yggy-A (serial #) that hasn't been upgraded, you can have them do the Analog 2 and Gen 5 USB upgrades. That Gen 5 USB is superb, and I think eliminates any need for an outboard USB interface.

Like @Jamiee, however, I prefer eliminating USB altogether. For me, the Dante Ethernet (AOIP) file delivery opens an incredibly wide window on everything the Yggy can do.

This would be a much cheaper path to using the AES3 input.

I'll be trying one.
Oct 12, 2018 at 4:34 PM Post #9,260 of 12,966
Your gona get them all!
Oct 12, 2018 at 5:02 PM Post #9,261 of 12,966
Your gona get them all!

Oct 17, 2018 at 5:53 PM Post #9,263 of 12,966
Yggy Analog 2 burn-in update:
Two weeks and a day into the burn-in. Just switched my best tubes back into my amp as I didn't want to put all those burn-in hours on them.
Here's the deal from my humble perspective. You need to do this upgrade. No-brainer. And I'm not sure I'm even totally there yet. From all I've read it seems that 3 weeks is the magic number as to full burn-in...but I'd be more than happy if this was as good as it gets. Marked overall improvement to my ears over the original yggy...which I absolutely loved.
The Analog 2 is able to expose the essence of each instrument to, in my case, a much higher and easily discernable degree (and I'm just strictly listening on headphones...I'm sure this is enhanced on a great speaker system). Subtle harmonics, degree of resonance, overall timbre and sense of "size" are all markedly better. You can feel the music breathe. Sound is 'rounder' and more full-bodied...MUCH more dimensional than before. In a nutshell, more real. Each note carries more information than before, sometimes to an amazing degree. I'm not talking about the old "hearing things I never heard before" (although there is that) but more "hearing things LIKE I never heard before". Where it really shines is in busier, complex passages. It manages to maintain the autonomy of each instrument even in very tight quarters instead of smearing or losing focus.
I read this and it completely summarizes what I'm hearing...and it's put better than I could write it:

"One of the qualities that makes the Yggy special is its ability to reveal, with startling clarity, individual musical lines within complex arrangements. Every instrument, voice, and sound is spatially and timbrally distinct. This had the effect of revealing each musical line with great precision, and with that precision comes a fuller, richer, and more complex presentation of the composition and arrangement, as well as the intent of each musician. The Yggy is the antithesis of congealed, homogenized, flat, confused, or thick. Many years ago I described the soundstage of a Theta DAC as “sculpted.” That description applies to the Yggy as well, but in the Yggy the three-dimensionality and vividness that allow resolution of each musical line are rendered with greater naturalness and ease. The Theta processors could sound a bit artificial and overly “Technicolored” in this regard, but the Yggy presents this tremendous clarity and dimensionality in a completely organic and musically natural way."

I know I'm not telling any of you who've already done the upgrade anything you don't already know. But for you who may still be hesitating, pull the friggin' trigger. You will never look back.
Oct 17, 2018 at 9:38 PM Post #9,265 of 12,966
Okay, I also have to say that after more than three weeks since getting the A2 Yggy back, I can now hear the difference between A1 and A2, very loud and clear, and it is impressive, on the whole. I must admit that I was initially skeptical about my ability to notice any differences, because of the limitations of audio memory, and no longer having an A1 around to do a head to head comparison with the A2. However, the the transformation effected by the A2 upgrade on the sound is so profound and compelling that one cannot help but notice the difference. The scary thing is that the sq of the A1 was already world-class in its own right, at least to my ears.

Mike Moffat (@Baldr )is a DAC voodoo priest and Guru, and I hope it is clear that I mean that as the highest of compliments.
Oct 18, 2018 at 12:19 AM Post #9,266 of 12,966
Mike Moffat (@Baldr )is a DAC voodoo priest and Guru, and I hope it is clear that I mean that as the highest of compliments.

I've been trying to write a post about my new player/transport but Yggy is so good now with "just" redbook I can't stop the music to care.

Mike said listen to CDs, Father knows best, Phuck streaming :darthsmile:

Oct 18, 2018 at 4:40 AM Post #9,267 of 12,966
I've been trying to write a post about my new player/transport but Yggy is so good now with "just" redbook I can't stop the music to care.

Mike said listen to CDs, Father knows best, Phuck streaming :darthsmile:

Ha. That CD player makes the Yggdrasil look small.
Oct 18, 2018 at 4:52 AM Post #9,268 of 12,966
I'm at 690hrs since my restart and it sounds like it has stabilized.
It certainly has reached new peaks of SQ.

Oct 18, 2018 at 10:29 AM Post #9,269 of 12,966
I've been trying to write a post about my new player/transport but Yggy is so good now with "just" redbook I can't stop the music to care.

Mike said listen to CDs, Father knows best, Phuck streaming :darthsmile:

Ha ha.
What is that CD player? I can't quite make it out on the picture, but it looks like a seriously well-engineered bit of kit!
What output do you use for Yggy?
I'm going back to CDs as well.
It means I'll need to get all my CDs out of their boxes and occasionally get out of my chair to change CDs...
The sacrifices we make to enjoy music :smile_phones:
Vinyl is a step too far for me though.
I hope Mike's new CD Transport will be launched soon, otherwise I'll have to buy one from somewhere else!
You could say I'm a pretty strong believer in all of Mike's digital Schiit!
Oct 18, 2018 at 12:26 PM Post #9,270 of 12,966
Ha ha.
What is that CD player? I can't quite make it out on the picture, but it looks like a seriously well-engineered bit of kit!
What output do you use for Yggy?
I'm going back to CDs as well.
It means I'll need to get all my CDs out of their boxes and occasionally get out of my chair to change CDs...
The sacrifices we make to enjoy music :smile_phones:
Vinyl is a step too far for me though.
I hope Mike's new CD Transport will be launched soon, otherwise I'll have to buy one from somewhere else!
You could say I'm a pretty strong believer in all of Mike's digital Schiit!

Listening to the Darko RMAF interview with Jason & Mike, it doesn't sound like a CD transport is close, but the vinyl tt and an excellent USB interface are.
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