Schiit Mjolnir 2 Listening Impressions
Jan 12, 2016 at 12:04 AM Post #796 of 6,973
Still (I ponder) why bother?  Isn't the Solid State stuff superb enough?  

One thing I love about the MJ2, and the clever LISSTs, is that it lets me have it both ways.
I never use tubes when mixing something.  There are already enough variables to worry about without introducing euphonics into the chain.
I do use tubes for pleasure listening if they were part of the original instrument chain or recording chain.
Examples: any modern electric guitarist/bass player who is using a guitar/bass amp with tubes, or any recording made prior to the ubiquity of solid state in the recording chain.
For other modern recordings, I use the LISST.
I leave my MJ2 running 24x7 to keep things nice and toasty.
So for modern electronic music and dubstep, I stick the LISST in the freezer to make sure they take as long as possible to enter class A.  Once they're warmed up, session is over. (JK)
Jan 12, 2016 at 12:12 AM Post #797 of 6,973

Right you are.   Ebay has many, +/- $20 ea. , not all that pricy considering.  
That is if we are talking about the 6N23P ! , mostly from Ukraine with $11 Shipping. 
Tony in Michigan
Jan 12, 2016 at 1:17 AM Post #798 of 6,973
Damn, the MJ2 is so nice with the JBL LSR305s...
I really love my Dynaudio BM5 monitors with the MJ2, but the LSR305s are just sooooooooo good for the money and the MJ2 drives them so well....
If you have an MJ2, just get some...they're only about $250/pair...fully powered, balanced in.
Jan 12, 2016 at 1:34 AM Post #799 of 6,973

There's a lot of "Bang" for he Buck in headphone gear.
The range of Active Monitors has me scratching my head on how the Pricy Guys manage to sell $100,000 Loudspeakers to folks with a fresh Bonus Check ( and I was in that business ) seems like a con-job going on.  
A big Genelec 8050s + three Sub-woofers is cheap by comparison ( and your decorator can hide em ). 
Seems Consumer Audio smells kinda   ><)))'>   when prices hit $20,000 and up.
Tony in Michigan
Jan 12, 2016 at 6:26 AM Post #800 of 6,973
sorry for the OT - the Genelec monitors and many well regarded pro monitors are great values compared to the "audiophile" counterparts. My 8050 monitors I think were $4.4k list and I paid $2k for a seriously cosmetically challenged pair. Nothing in my past came close to that sound for the dollar. My old wave 300b set may have been better in some ways but not in others at 20% of the list price compared to the Genelecs. Monitors aren't for everyone but if you can make them work for your listening area they are really good. My caveat is the entry level Guitar Center stuff can be seriously challenged but if you look GearSlutz forum most guys there can steer you right. 
A good friend of mine has a really nice pair of ATCs that are part of their home line - expensive but stunning sound. I am looking at stepping up to the Barefoot 27 monitors in the next year or two once work settles down. 
Got my 75 Reflekor SWSG tubes in and so far I'm not sure if I am hearing a huge difference with the 74s but I need to do a comparison over the weekend
Jan 12, 2016 at 7:20 AM Post #801 of 6,973
  sorry for the OT - the Genelec monitors and many well regarded pro monitors are great values compared to the "audiophile" counterparts. My 8050 monitors I think were $4.4k list and I paid $2k for a seriously cosmetically challenged pair. Nothing in my past came close to that sound for the dollar. My old wave 300b set may have been better in some ways but not in others at 20% of the list price compared to the Genelecs. Monitors aren't for everyone but if you can make them work for your listening area they are really good. My caveat is the entry level Guitar Center stuff can be seriously challenged but if you look GearSlutz forum most guys there can steer you right. 
A good friend of mine has a really nice pair of ATCs that are part of their home line - expensive but stunning sound. I am looking at stepping up to the Barefoot 27 monitors in the next year or two once work settles down. 
Got my 75 Reflekor SWSG tubes in and so far I'm not sure if I am hearing a huge difference with the 74s but I need to do a comparison over the weekend

I didn't think there was a huge difference between the 74's and 75's but I definitely found the 75's better.
Jan 12, 2016 at 10:54 AM Post #802 of 6,973
  LOL    you are a little salty tonight.


I just starting absorbing your extensive work on 6922 Sonic attributes, an impressive project that provokes a good bit of soul searching ( at least on my part ).
Over these last couple of months ( after Atomicbob discovered the Garage1217 Sunrise and shared it with our little world here on Head-Fi ) I started a study of this Tube rolling concept and hobby. 
The Ember expedition group are now sailing thru Single Triode waters ( have you noticed any of their writings & photo's?), fascinating stuff.  
Still (I ponder) why bother?  Isn't the Solid State stuff superb enough?  My Asgard 2 is every bit as musical as my glorious Electrocompaniet Ampliwires ( which I've felt is the most musical of any electronic gear I represented or got my hands on ).  With the possible exception being Art Ferris's Modulous 2B preamp and Conrad-Johnson's MV-45a ( I represented all three Company's Product Lines for my Midwest Market Area, in the mid 1980s ).
However, early last year, I came to realize that I have (or had) an un-corrected hearing problem.  My Audiologists helped me solve my little inhibitors which returned my iMac,DAC,Asgard2, Sehhheiser HD580s to sonic glory, perhaps even beyond my previous glory to the "outstanding" range of pleasantness.  I closed out 2015 as a complete success (musically), I returned to collecting the World's great music with near reckless abandon.
But, I have the Audiophile's curse of always craving better.  Tyll's Big Sound 2015 was an Eye-opener for me, Bob Katz's writings (from the Recording Industry's perspective) shined a focused light on Music Reproduction  techniques.  Now Mr.Watchnerd contributes ( using his unique ability to describe the Audio Gear performance of all things in the recording and reproduction chains) .
I'm at the point where I feel that I can have my system's sound quality playing to "my" preferences ( after a bit of DIY work) or I can simply buy a pleasant solution in the form of a Chord device, a Schiit system ( which I own now ), a nice Cavalli like many tout ( providing I'm happy waiting for the next offering ) or even an affordable JDS Labs little system or just rely on an Astel & Kern player.  Geez, I've got multiple choices, don't I?  
[size=x-small]I'm wondering if I can continue on, in Audiophile Nirvana, until I happen to come [/size]across[size=x-small] you and your Lyr with it's super tubes?  Will I (right then and there) begin a committed search for the equal to your gear, no longer able to "tolerate" what I own?, you write such wonderfully seductive things about those German tubes.[/size]
Your writing is enticing.
Tony in Michigan
ps.  that picture of thousands of dollars worth of tubes seems like a $100 each kinda thing, is that the price range we're discussing?

Tony - thanks for the kind words.  I've been on this Audio Vision Quest for three decades.  And it's never been more fun.  For me tube hybrids are the way to go - MOSFET class A solid state outputs and small signal tube pre-amp - the best of both worlds.  I have had both all solid state and all tube set-ups  - but they both came up lacking.
Before the Lyr I had a fully tricked out Woo WA-6SE fully tube rolled.  Beautifully musical - but a bit laid back.  The Lyr on the other hand was vivacious and raucous - but tamed with the best 6922's to add smoothness and musicality.  Tremendous fun and excitement.
The MJ2 is even better.  I don't yet own one only for the fact I'm at a HP crossroad.  Sold my beloved HD800 and now deciding on whether to go to an all Stax set-up (SR-9) or to a new pair or HD800S's.  I'm leaning very much to the MJ2/HD800S combo (hoping a friend will take the plunge first so I can give a listen).
For me the best Russian tubes (I call my 'Holy Grails' or HG's) where the magical ingredient.  They make such a difference - a big win for the MJ2 Lyr2 type designs.  Schiit decided to build a true DC heated tube pre-amp - not a tube buffered/opamp design.  So that makes the Schiit gear especially sensitive to tube changes.
Should be a fun year!
Jan 12, 2016 at 11:01 AM Post #803 of 6,973
I'll just post this here as warning (post on my 6922 Tube Review thread):
Originally Posted by rb2013 

Yes - but would not trust that Ebay seller.  Sends bad tubes then if you complain - you have to send back to the Ukraine (which now almost requires a state dept approval) for a refund.  Ebay removes the negative feedback and he will block you from further purchases - as he has done to me.  I have a tube tester and close to half the tubes he sent me were fails or very noisy.  His claim these are 'NOS' (New Old Stock) are a joke - grimmie with bent pins - obviously used pulls.  To bad no legitimate dealers have these - like Brent Jesse or Tube World.

If you buy from a end user - be sure to ask where they came from.  I think part of the the reason these tubes were overlooked for so long - many folks who bought them got bad tubes without realizing it.

BUYER BEWARE when buying on Ebay from these Ukrainian and Russian dealers.  I just received 5 HGs - 3 were outright fails - of the two good ones, one was noisy beyond belief.  So only one good tube - ridiculous.

Good luck! 

Jan 12, 2016 at 11:24 AM Post #805 of 6,973
What do you mean by this and how does pro tools figure into the final product and how it sounds?

That last one was a joke. JK = just kidding.
When you say 'pro tools' do you mean Pro Tools the DAW software?
Jan 12, 2016 at 12:08 PM Post #806 of 6,973
My MJ2 has arrived :) sadly, I have to work away tonight, though I've left it on to let the burn-in begin.

Just like to say that my experience with Electromod (UK buyers) was great: Good seller contact and tracked next day delivery :)
Jan 12, 2016 at 2:59 PM Post #808 of 6,973

Mr.rb2013, I did further reading to discover the experiences you had.   
I'll be happy buying from one of the "recommended" vendors, they are always worthwhile.  
I have no problem paying the going rate for quality,
I've learned that "paying" for low Quality nearly always results in the more expensive route.    
Tony in Michigan
Jan 12, 2016 at 6:03 PM Post #809 of 6,973
Mr.rb2013, I did further reading to discover the experiences you had.   
I'll be happy buying from one of the "recommended" vendors, they are always worthwhile.  
I have no problem paying the going rate for quality,
I've learned that "paying" for low Quality nearly always results in the more expensive route.    
Tony in Michigan

You got that right.   Just wish one of the reputable tube dealer would stock these amazing Russian Reflektor 6n23p with the single wire getter posts.  Somebody like Brent Jesse or Tubeworld.  I have bought from them for years and always a happy customer.
Jan 12, 2016 at 11:24 PM Post #810 of 6,973
Pursuing Greatness in Music Reproduction
Decades ago, setting up our (my) Audio Salon (Esoteric Audio) I brought in every Manufacturer's Electronic Offerings.  Finally settling on Elecrocompainet as the Finest of the Finest.  They never disappointed me.  I felt it was a beautiful "Wire with thunderous Gain"  
It took a good while longer to discover the real "Magic" ingredient : Koetsu Phono Cartridges! 
But, all that work and dedication and expense meant little without the Vinyl.  I ended up in agreement with HP of the "The Absolute Sound" ( whom I was in leagues with ) that the great vinyl made the entire system and all that hard work worthwhile!  HP pretty much settled on the Mercury Living Presence recordings as the entire basis of all his writing and reporting.   Those Mercury's are available today, on CD, for the entire set, about $100 US +/-.  I imaging Harry would be delighted (he took credit for their Audiophile discovery). 
After all those decades I find myself building another wonderful music system, for me!   
Almost by chance alone, our Tyll recommended  Schiit & Sennheiser . That was 2011 at RMAF, phew, seems like 10 years ago.  From that point on I've been on a binge of collecting music, any music, ranging from way back to Art Tatum re-issues to new releases, I've been to meets, I've impulse purchased reviewed gear, I've been reading peoples experiences and writing the odd note here and there on Head-Fi.  What, 5 Years now, still Schiit & Sennheiser!.  I have explored "improvements" that didn't pan out.  I owe Tyll for his wisdom and his willingness to share it.  God bless em! 
As 2014 begins, I contracted a mild case of Audiophile Nervosa about DACs, I nearly purchased a $10,000 R2R, held off as nagging doubts settled over me. I reasoned that DACs might very well be the provider of a "Koetsu-like" Front-End that worked such wonderful Charms in my Vinyl gear.  The impending release of the Yggy DAC froze me, I finally got access to Jude's Yggy at the Ann Arbor headphone meet to be completely "un-impressed", a powerful blow to my reasonings & logic!  I was so emotionally shaken that I had the University of Michigan's Medical group evaluate my Ears and hearing capabilities.  Phew, another surprise, my own lovely ears were something needing attention in the form of skilled adjustments.  I adjusted and returned to an entirely new and fresh performing Schiit & Sennheiser.  Phew again, should've done this medical thing long ago and stayed up with it, it changes everything in a very good and satisfying way!  
Now, today, pleasantly reading along on Head-Fi, I discover you Tube Roller folks, reporting and journalizing about the "Great Adventure" you are on, going places to discover treasures : Tube Treasures.  Hmm. 
to be continued...
Tony in Michigan

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