Schiit Midgard - Impressions Thread
Nov 8, 2023 at 1:16 AM Post #181 of 621
Thanks guys, I think I just needed a little validation and encouragement that I made the right choice. I'm excited to get them and to finally have a great setup. Sidenote, I can already see the rabbit hole I'm about to fall into.

That's a great point about the multiple sources. I have a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon turntable and some LSR305 powered monitors I'd like to add to my setup at some point.

I'm super into the Sonorous III's! I just got new pads and a new headband so they're basically brand new. I'm curious how they'll play with a more powerful amp since they only are 16 ohm impendence. I've only tried them with my Fulla 2 and a little SMSL dongle. Any idea about this, do low impendence headphones work equally as well with the Midgard as high impedance?
Not sure... The Midgard has2 ohm impedance... May not be optimal.

But you can check it out... The Senns will be awesome...
Nov 8, 2023 at 1:25 AM Post #182 of 621
No big deal if the Sonorous III's aren't a great match, if that's the case I'll just use them at work with my Fulla 2 like I currently do. It'll give me an excuse to shop for another pair of closed backs that match better. 🥲
Nov 8, 2023 at 3:28 AM Post #183 of 621
Would you guys consider the Midgard a good starter amp? I ordered one which will arrive Thursday and I picked up a used Modius E to go along with it so saved a bit there. Additionally I bought a used pair of 6XX's. I've had a Fulla 2 for about 7 years which I use with a pair of Sonorous III's and have loved them but wanted to upgrade for a while. I was going to go for a Modi+/Magni+ but then I talked myself into the Modius/Midgard. Now I'm wondering if that was overkill for my purposes, and if the form factor is too big. I do like the small size of the Modi+/Magni+ and they would fit better on my desk. Is the Midgard/Modius a big jump in sound quality over the smaller stack?

Anyway I'm certainly wayyy overthinking this (isn't that what a hobby is for?) but I'd love to get some thoughts.
You saved yourself from the highly infective upgraditis. You got the best value combo schiit has to offer. It's even better than anything competitiors has to offer. I see it as a wise choice and future proof as the only thing you got to upgrade from here its different sound signature rather than better sq as the modius and Midgard are as good as it gets for a flat sound signature stack
Nov 8, 2023 at 4:19 AM Post #186 of 621
So I was able to do some light comparisons tonight, but I'll need to spend more time over the weekend when I have more free time to really deep-dive in.

I made the comparison with my Audeze LCD-5s since they're the most revealing and detailed headphones I have.

To cut to the chase - I heard differences, and they weren't even subtle. I'm not going to rule out the possibility of sighted placebo, or effects of imperfect volume-matching (though I tried to get as close as I could) but I was surprised that what I heard coming out of the RME ADI-2 DAC's internal amp was quite a bit different compared to what I heard coming out of the Midgard using the RME as only a DAC.

I used three test tracks - Bela Fleck's Flight of the Cosmic Hippo, AKMU's How I Can I Love the Heartbreak, You're the One I Love (from their Sailing Tour Live Album), and Steely Dan's West of Hollywood from their Two Against Nature album, all streamed via USB from an iPad to the RME using Apple Music Lossless.

Not only did the Midgard present a more spacious image (more three dimensional, bigger soundstage) it also presented voices and instruments with more detailed timbre that sounded more lifelike, and brought out some details I didn't hear on those tracks using the RME's built-in amp. The banjos in Hippo, vocals and cello in the AKMU track, and guitar/sax/percussion in the Steely Dan track all just popped more and sounded more real and in more 3D space than they did on the RME using the built-in amp.

I'm pretty surprised at the results, because I'd always been one to assume that two amps that measured well enough to be audibly transparent would sound more or less identical, but I'm thinking Schiit may really be onto something here.

If it makes a difference my RME ADI-2 DAC is the OG AKM version, but from what I understand the newer ESS chip version sounds the same.

This warrants further study, but my initial impressions hold steady that the Midgard is indeed something special. For what's essentially an impulse-buy price, I can't think of any reason not to recommend it to anyone who's curious or who needs their first headphone amp.
Thank you for the write up. I was looking at the RME at one time. Only reason I didn't pull the trigger was because of the power output. I have the HiFiman HE1000v2's and they're power hungry to me. I went from Arya Stealth's to them. I now have JDS's Element 3. I absolutely love the way it sounds BUT with the bass engaged (+8 at 40hz) , it takes away from overall output and it's not as loud for me as I want. I was wondering about adding the Midgard. I guess I won't know until I pull the trigger. Your write up gave me some insight.
Nov 8, 2023 at 6:19 AM Post #187 of 621
It's not a balanced amp so don't worry about that. XLR output just involves that Halo feature - mixed-mode feedback incorporating the headphone driver. If you mostly use planars, it's probably not worth it. Schiit states it doesn't make much of a difference with them and my listening agrees with this, using a Sundara closed back.

It's still a very powerful amp for the money, but with an audible noise floor. I'm not sure if there are better alternatives for the price.
What do you mean by audible noise floor?
Nov 8, 2023 at 6:28 AM Post #188 of 621
Would you guys consider the Midgard a good starter amp? I ordered one which will arrive Thursday and I picked up a used Modius E to go along with it so saved a bit there. Additionally I bought a used pair of 6XX's. I've had a Fulla 2 for about 7 years which I use with a pair of Sonorous III's and have loved them but wanted to upgrade for a while. I was going to go for a Modi+/Magni+ but then I talked myself into the Modius/Midgard. Now I'm wondering if that was overkill for my purposes, and if the form factor is too big. I do like the small size of the Modi+/Magni+ and they would fit better on my desk. Is the Midgard/Modius a big jump in sound quality over the smaller stack?

Anyway I'm certainly wayyy overthinking this (isn't that what a hobby is for?) but I'd love to get some thoughts.
Just finishing writing up my Midgard experience.
Great amp. great choice for a starter or even a more advanced listener..
With the Modius E is a surprisingly good combination....
Nov 8, 2023 at 8:23 AM Post #189 of 621

Just posted....

Now I can speak to my short time with the Midgard and the Modius E.

I wanted to see what this Halo stuff was in a desktop amp. I did have the luxury to talk to Jason at the recent headphone meet in Pittsboro NC.
When I was exposed to this technology I asked several questions and my techie mind was swirling in how could this really work etc.

Well turns out it works "better" with some speakers in theory than with a headphone. Jason states on their website that most prefer the XLR Halo enabled output even with headphones. Me is was just the opposite I consistently preferred the SE non Halo output. Go figure. We all hear differently for sure.

In the midst of trying to find a combination with a new set of ZMF VCs (warm to me) the SE out seems to be more clear, less veil etc than the XLR Halo.
Paired with a Modius E the Midgard, this combination here with these cans are very very good.

Hearing the opening of Dido's My Life from her "No Angel" CD, the first 15 seconds of this song. The drum stick hits on the hi-hats were shockingly realistic.
Drum swishes, kick drum and then her breathing, mouth opening sounds before she starts singing....WOW....
This for me with the ZMF's are THE setup.


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Nov 8, 2023 at 9:20 AM Post #190 of 621

Just posted....

Now I can speak to my short time with the Midgard and the Modius E.

I wanted to see what this Halo stuff was in a desktop amp. I did have the luxury to talk to Jason at the recent headphone meet in Pittsboro NC.
When I was exposed to this technology I asked several questions and my techie mind was swirling in how could this really work etc.

Well turns out it works "better" with some speakers in theory than with a headphone. Jason states on their website that most prefer the XLR Halo enabled output even with headphones. Me is was just the opposite I consistently preferred the SE non Halo output. Go figure. We all hear differently for sure.

In the midst of trying to find a combination with a new set of ZMF VCs (warm to me) the SE out seems to be more clear, less veil etc than the XLR Halo.
Paired with a Modius E the Midgard, this combination here with these cans are very very good.

Hearing the opening of Dido's My Life from her "No Angel" CD, the first 15 seconds of this song. The drum stick hits on the hi-hats were shockingly realistic.
Drum swishes, kick drum and then her breathing, mouth opening sounds before she starts singing....WOW....
This for me with the ZMF's are THE setup.


I said the same thing earlier 👍🏼
Nov 8, 2023 at 9:24 AM Post #191 of 621
I said the same thing earlier 👍🏼
Yup for sure...late to the Modisu E dac party here...still prefere the SE out....been listening this am.
SE is really clean to my ears...
XLR is a tad less clear, but interesting depth and holographic sound.
Need to give this a few more days of listening to see if anything changes here.
Mostly the ZMF's so far, will change to other cans.
Nov 8, 2023 at 9:42 AM Post #192 of 621
Yup for sure...late to the Modisu E dac party here...still prefere the SE out....been listening this am.
SE is really clean to my ears...
XLR is a tad less clear, but interesting depth and holographic sound.
Need to give this a few more days of listening to see if anything changes here.
Mostly the ZMF's so far, will change to other cans.
Agreed. I was using an Atrium. I wonder how different impedance headphones would sound with Halo. Definitely didn’t prefer it with the Atrium. But I do like having the Halo option. The Asgard doesn’t give an option for the amp to alter the sound. So I prefer the Midgard to the Asgard. Just use the SE output on the Midgard and you have an Asgard with more power 👍🏼
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Nov 8, 2023 at 10:06 AM Post #194 of 621
Oh that's great to know! Thanks. I'd be using the 6.3 with and adapter for my Sonorous III headphones for sure. Can you quickly explain what the imedence difference on the amp side means? I've been having a hard time understanding how to determine if a set of headphones is difficult or easy to drive and how you'd match the amp by looking at the impendence specs.
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Nov 8, 2023 at 10:38 AM Post #195 of 621
Oh that's great to know! Thanks. I'd be using the 6.3 with and adapter for my Sonorous III headphones for sure. Can you quickly explain what the imedence difference on the amp side means? I've been having a hard time understanding how to determine if a set of headphones is difficult or easy to drive and how you'd match the amp by looking at the impendence specs.
There's a few factors in play and it's all specific to each amp and it's design. For the Midgard specifically it's not internally balanced so the power output is the same on both outputs. The only difference is the output impedance, which affects the dampening factor between the amp and headphone. This is a ratio of the amp's output impedance over the headphone's impedance. To keep it simple we'll assume the headphone in question is 10ohm. A very general rule of thumb for dampening factor is keep to or above 1/8 ratio. So the Midgard's xlr out is 2 and the headphone is 10, leaving 2/10 which can be simplified to 1/5, which is under the general rule of thumb. That doesn't mean it's not going to work or sound bad, it's just a very low dampening factor.

So in general, and everyone please help correct me on any misunderstandings, dampening factor generally relates to an amp's ability to control the driver. A high dampening factor has a high degree of control. Think speed and precision. A lower dampening factor means the driver is not as responsive to the amp, so it could sound slower and more resonant. Decay increases, and driver excursion is less precise. All generally speaking of course from an oversimplified understanding on my part. But I do hear this in effect pretty universally. When the dampening factor is high most of my headphones sound very tight, fast, precise, and responsive. Lowering the dampening factor loosens the grip the amp has on the driver a bit, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your tastes.

And taste/preference is where this whole thing gets really complicated. Some love low dampening factor. Some hate it. And every headphone driver reacts differently to it. Some drivers are highly sensitive to dampening factor, some not much at all until you get to obscenely under dampened factors like 1/1. I personally find high impedance headphones to be more sensitive to it than most. Think 300ohm Sennheisers and ZMFs. That's why so many of those users swear by tube amps. Tube amps tend to have high output impedances, which synergize incredibly well with high impedance drivers. I'm a disciple myself, mostly using 300ohm headphones with tube gear with high output impedance. I love it, swear by it, and only use solid state for variety or because I'm at work and can't bring in my giant DNA tube amp. My point is let your ears decide on the dampening factor, you may find yourself liking a lower dampening factor, you may not.

In general terms for easy to drive you want to look at two specs on the headphones. The impedance in ohms, and sensitivity in spl. Your set is:


Generally speaking the lower the impedance and higher the sensitivity, the easier it is to drive. Your set is extremely easy to drive and doesn't need much power. I use this for reference when needed it will tell you how much power you'll need. But in general The Midgard can easily power all but the most power hungry headphones. Something like the Susavara is insanely difficult to power. Here's the specs for comparison to yours.


Hope some of that helps.

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