Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers
Apr 28, 2017 at 7:34 PM Post #12,755 of 23,494
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Apr 29, 2017 at 9:14 PM Post #12,757 of 23,494
I can't see how to bump the sale.

So much for the photos i had placed on my listing

Or even look back at all the (read) threads i have subscribed to.

And for searching for a thread i have to go through google

Even though i am an apple fan i always felt that they sometimes released products not quite 100% right due to time frames (eg (low) ram issues on the first ipad air). But this headfi update takes the case

Any way if you don't get this message i'll print out a copy put it in a bottle and throw it off a jetty into the Pacific ocean. Hopefully you might get it that way. I'll throw it in a north easternly direction from Australia. That should work.
Apr 29, 2017 at 10:47 PM Post #12,760 of 23,494
TK16 i wouldn't worry about that

it's a new term

what used to be called a "paid member" or "donating member" is now called a "sponsor"

what that means is $100 gets taken from your credit card every 3 months.
i would guess it was just an accidental change to your settings with this new website update

your sponsorship is much appreciated by all of us inferior members who believe this sponsorship is crucial to headfi actually paying someone to test this website sometime soon

ps: (on a serious note) wouldn't it have been nice for a message to go out to all members to say sorry about these issues but we are working on it. again another reason this reminds me of apple (note: i'm not am apple fanboy or hater as i do exist in their ecosystem and am happy to do so but do not believe they are perfect at all)

Apr 30, 2017 at 1:57 AM Post #12,762 of 23,494
Which tubes would you recommend for the lyr 2, on the cheap side just to try. I keep reading the stock ones arent that good, im just about to purchase the lyr, some socket savers, from here(tubedepot) if possible so i can get em all from same place :) rest of the setup is he400i and schiit modi uber i guess, dac is still kinda open, wanted mimby but its sold out.

Only listen to metal, rock and gaming.

any european shops? Tried to look ebay but the savers all ship from america or china, im from finland myself.
Apr 30, 2017 at 4:27 AM Post #12,763 of 23,494

my experience has me suggesting amperex bugle boys (ecc88) for under $75-100 USD
pretty neutral, fair detail, soft top end (not harsh) and touch of warmth

valvo (or philips miiwatt) e88cc for about $120-$140 ish
solid mid weighted. may not sound as open but a touch fuller in sound

valvo e188cc for about $150-$200
nice rich tone in the mids and bottom end
nice richness and warmth

if you can aim for early or mid '60s tube
from holland with the delta sign in the codes

Edit: i forgot to add the valvo e188cc are more open (as opposed to the e88cc)
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