Schiit Lyr 3 Tube rolling thread.....
Jul 20, 2018 at 10:25 PM Post #781 of 5,229
OK. Just to recap my latest additions that I'm breaking-in before seriously critiquing ...
  • 1x 1952 Sylvania 6SN7WGTA (that makes 3. I'm a bit enamored with the sound of these.)
  • 1x 1952 legit Chrome Dome (labeled as Magnavox, but has the Sylvania MFG code) (Initial listen reveals its a very nice tube. Some say better than the legit '52 6SN7GT Bad Boy)
  • 2x 1950 Sylvania 6SN7 GT (bad-boy types, but not true bad boys)
  • 1x 1940's JAN VT-231 Sylvania 6SN7GT
  • 2x 1940's Sylvania 6SN7W Tall Bottle / Black Base (These are amazing. Saving these for when the kids and wife are out and I can immerse myself into my music)
On my list to complete my tube-rolling journey is ...
  • CBS/Hytron 5692 ( see this @bcowen )
  • RCA Silver Label 6SN7GTB Side Getter
  • Maybe a Tung-Sol round plates (if I happen to run across a steal or non-Tungsol branded variant)

Hello -- I'm Richard and I'm a Tube Roller Addict ... :wink:

Correction -- RCA Silver Label side getter tube -- not GE. :wink:
Jul 20, 2018 at 10:45 PM Post #782 of 5,229

Is that the right tube? Is that a D-Getter (circled in red)?

That's a D getter, but the one you want is the TOP getter with the chrome flashing at the top of the tube. The one you show here a bottom getter -- not top getter. WH D top getter is the desired tube.,
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Jul 20, 2018 at 10:56 PM Post #783 of 5,229

That's a D getter, but the one you want is at the TOP getter with the chrome flashing at the top of the tube. The one you show here a bottom getter -- not top getter. WH D top getter is the desired tube.,
Sigh :frowning2:
And I thought I actually got the right one... too many factors!!! Really frustrating (and expensive due to all the mistakes) to us newbs...
Jul 20, 2018 at 11:15 PM Post #784 of 5,229
That's part of the learning process. Technically, I'm still a newby, as I've only had a tube amp a few months. What really matters is what you like. The right tube or the wrong tube really depends on what you think and what your sound preferences are. Heck -- you may have found the next big thing with the bottom D getter WH tube. I know it makes no sense coming from me, a Tube rolling addict, but what really matters in whether a tube is THE TUBE or not THE TUBE, is what you think. If you like it, that's all that matters. There are way too many variables and the only one that can decide if a tube is THE PERFECT TUBE, is you!
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Jul 20, 2018 at 11:46 PM Post #785 of 5,229
Sigh :frowning2:
And I thought I actually got the right one... too many factors!!! Really frustrating (and expensive due to all the mistakes) to us newbs...
My advice... Listen to that tube for a while. If you like it, you like it. That's all that counts. Compare it to the stock tube. Figure out what you don't like, if anything, and decide what you want to change in the sound. Go from there in choosing your next tube.

Besides, it's not about which tubes are "best". It's about which tube best matches with your headphone. For example, you wouldn't want the Ken Rad VT-231 (which is very popular on this thread) paired with the AQ Nighthawk. It's just way too dark. But I bet that tube matches very well with the HD800 or Ether Flow.

You could go on a tube buying spree, but I'd be a bit more pragmatic about the process.

Edit: Yeah, what Ripper said.
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Jul 21, 2018 at 12:21 AM Post #786 of 5,229
Jul 21, 2018 at 5:27 AM Post #787 of 5,229
Raytheon 6SN7WGT turned up, slightly different construction than the Westinghouse branded 6SN7WGT but i might be reaching here, difference is minute.


Otherwise identical tubes apart from that fiol bit wedged between the posts, maybe a different batch?

About to give the Raytheon a listed, see if it sounds same as Westinghouse variant.
Jul 21, 2018 at 9:01 AM Post #789 of 5,229
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Jul 21, 2018 at 9:17 AM Post #790 of 5,229
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Jul 21, 2018 at 9:39 AM Post #791 of 5,229
As long as the tube's glass is still firmly attached to the base it's not a problem. However, it will likely become a problem as the only way to remove the tube from the Lyr is by grasping the tube by the glass. If the glass and base detach from each other, you'll be pulling on the wires between the tubes innards and the base's pins, and they will break easily. As big as the crack is, I'd suggest some Krazy Glue and then wrapping it as tight as you can with some heat resistant tape

That’s what I was afraid of. Thanks for the ideas. I’ll give the krazy glue and tape a try.
Jul 21, 2018 at 10:09 AM Post #792 of 5,229
Initial impressions of the Tung-Sols:

Mouse ear: A couple notches below 'meh.' Slow, plodding, midrange recessed, all the excitement of listening to a wet spaghetti noodle fall on a plate. To be fair, I got this tube for $12 delivered from Ebay, listed by the seller as "Used, tests good." Would have been more accurately described as "Used, doesn't test bad." It hits the 'minimum good' values on my tester but just hits them (where most 6SN7's read around 2x the minimum value). So it's possible this tube is just worn out and well past its prime. It's also possible that one with better test readings sounds the same. :unamused: Either way, I don't hear anything that makes me want to rush out and buy more.

7N7: The 7N7 is electrically identical to a 6SN7 but has a loctal base so an adapter is required for the Lyr. I'm really liking this tube so far! I need to give it more listening time to be sure my initial impressions hold up over time, but right now this tube is a rock'n'rollers delight. Strong, dynamic bass, warm (but not syrupy) midrange, and a friendly, non-fatiguing treble with plenty of sparkle. It also has that one quality that has kept the Foton at the top of my list for so long: dynamic swing and rhythmic drive. The foot-tap, goosebump-inducing involvement factor that I (personally) find lacking in so many other tubes. For now, this tube will stay in the Lyr and I'll give it a solid week of listening before switching back to the Foton for ultimate comparison.

@Ripper2860, the adapters aren't expensive. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I already have a Sylviania 7N7 on my list and was going to broach the subject of an adapter with you via PM. So what do you suggest? :unamused:
Jul 21, 2018 at 10:34 AM Post #793 of 5,229
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Jul 21, 2018 at 10:47 AM Post #794 of 5,229
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Jul 21, 2018 at 12:58 PM Post #795 of 5,229
I don't know if there is a wide variety of 7N7 tubes though? I haven't seen many. That's the only thing that's kept me from trying them - getting an adapter just for 2 or 3 tubes I may or may not like.


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