Schiit Lyr 3 Tube rolling thread.....
Jun 27, 2018 at 3:40 PM Post #346 of 5,228
Absolutely. The KR does need a little simmering to really open-up and blossom. Given time, it develops a nice smoothness, nice texture detail and a wide soundstage with a nicely warm bottom-end. It pairs very nicely with the Lyr 3 and does everything very, very well. It's a definite excellent pairing -- especially with planar HPs. While some will argue the virtues of burn-in for cables, amps, etc. -- the is no way one can discount that it is real with tubes.

1 of my WH D getters is almost cooked to perfection. I have a few more to cook before I'm done. The listening while a tube burns-in process can be quite frustrating at times as the tube can take on different personalities during the process vacillating between good and absolutely terrible and then great -- multiple times, before settling in!! :D
I completely agree :thumbsup:
Jun 27, 2018 at 4:36 PM Post #347 of 5,228
I'm not burning in anything atm, it's too hot here (30c all this week atm) and i'm a renter so can't install a/c in the lounge :frowning2:

So hot amp and hot pc staying off, only turning on for quick listening before bed.
Jun 27, 2018 at 4:47 PM Post #348 of 5,228
I'm not burning in anything atm, it's too hot here (30c all this week atm) and i'm a renter so can't install a/c in the lounge :frowning2:

So hot amp and hot pc staying off, only turning on for quick listening before bed.
Oh my! I feel for ya! It is hot here in Texas, and I don't know what I would do without a/c.
Jun 27, 2018 at 4:50 PM Post #349 of 5,228
I love my Ken Rad Black Glass VT-231
I'm not burning in anything atm, it's too hot here (30c all this week atm) and i'm a renter so can't install a/c in the lounge :frowning2:

So hot amp and hot pc staying off, only turning on for quick listening before bed.

None of my business man, but you own some expensive gear, you telling me you can't afford $150 for a window air condition unit (they actually don't even consume that much power nowadays thanks to tech advancements). I know it won't cool your whole house, but you can make your game and audio room nice and cold and just keep door closed.

Well just my two cents anyway, yolo
Jun 27, 2018 at 4:55 PM Post #350 of 5,228
I love my Ken Rad Black Glass VT-231

None of my business man, but you own some expensive gear, you telling me you can't afford $150 for a window air condition unit (they actually don't even consume that much power nowadays thanks to tech advancements). I know it won't cool your whole house, but you can make your game and audio room nice and cold and just keep door closed.

Well just my two cents anyway, yolo

We have weird windows in the UK like below, not suitable for window a/c.


I do have a portable a/c in the bedroom with a hot air pipe that goes out the window but it weighs too much to move upstairs downstairs.

If i owned house instead of renting i'd have proper split systems installed, but as it is i'd imagine the landlord would go nuts if i started drilling holes everywhere :jecklinsmile:
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Jun 27, 2018 at 7:10 PM Post #351 of 5,228
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Jun 27, 2018 at 7:13 PM Post #352 of 5,228
Been there, done that, with 50s ribbed Fotons. The most excruciating and ultimately satisfying tube burn-in experience EVER!
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Jun 29, 2018 at 9:59 AM Post #353 of 5,228
I don’t know who exactly it was who first mentioned the Westinghouse D Getter... maybe @Ripper2860 but they were absolutely right, sounds amazing! Bass is strong, to me, not too dissimilar from the Ken-Rad and perhaps a touch more “air” through the upper registers. Would have to A/B it to make sure but suffice to say if you can’t find a Ken-Rad, the WH D Getter is absolutely in the same ballpark sound quality wise.
Jun 29, 2018 at 10:04 AM Post #354 of 5,228
I don’t know who exactly it was who first mentioned the Westinghouse D Getter... maybe @Ripper2860 but they were absolutely right, sounds amazing! Bass is strong, to me, not too dissimilar from the Ken-Rad and perhaps a touch more “air” through the upper registers. Would have to A/B it to make sure but suffice to say if you can’t find a Ken-Rad, the WH D Getter is absolutely in the same ballpark sound quality wise.

That's what I'm hearing as well. And considering the price differential WH is a steal.
I'm still cooking my "O" getter, but so far, very similar to "D" getter.
I'll most likely do some A/B/C'ing with WH's and K-R towards the end of next week.
Jun 29, 2018 at 10:04 AM Post #355 of 5,228
As much as I would love to take credit as the first to reveal the wonderful WH DGetter, I believe it was @ProfFalkin that brought it to light (not 100% sure). I am an advocate of that tube and do agree that it is a wonderful pairing with the Lyr 3 (or at least I'm going to tell myself that, now that I've acquired 4 of them). :wink:

And yes -- the bass is quite impressive on these tubes -- extended with a bit of bass punch that is missing from the Fotons and KR. As stated -- very, very balanced with a similar signature to the KR, but just a bit more at each end of the FR spectrum. And very nice and open soundstage to boot. I find myself vacillating between all 3. (I sure hope the Lyr 3 tube socket holds up!)
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Jun 29, 2018 at 10:42 AM Post #356 of 5,228
As much as I would love to take credit as the first to reveal the wonderful WH DGetter, I believe it was @ProfFalkin that brought it to light (not 100% sure). I am an advocate of that tube and do agree that it is a wonderful pairing with the Lyr 3 (or at least I'm going to tell myself that, now that I've acquired 4 of them). :wink:

And yes -- the bass is quite impressive on these tube -- extended with a bit of bass punch that is missing from the Fotons and KR. As stated -- very, very balanced with a similar signature to the KR, but just a bit more at each end of the FR spectrum. And very nice and open soundstage to boot. I find myself vacillating between all 3. (I sure hope the Lyr 3 tube socket holds up!)

Yes, agree the bass is definitely tighter/punchier on the WH. Just as deep as the KR tho. My Ori’s are REALLY sounding good with this tube!
Jun 29, 2018 at 11:13 AM Post #357 of 5,228
I don’t know who exactly it was who first mentioned the Westinghouse D Getter
*COUGH* You're welcome. *COUGH*.

Whew, pardon me. Must be dust, or something.

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Jun 29, 2018 at 11:20 AM Post #359 of 5,228
Jun 29, 2018 at 12:01 PM Post #360 of 5,228
Ooops. I posted the below in another thread by mistake (Schiit Happened), but I meant to post here. This is a tube rolling thread, after-all. There's already a couple of responses in the other thread so I don't want to delete it form there, so sorry for the x-post. Anyhow, it really belongs here, so...

Just out of curiosity -- what is your tube burn-in process? I'd love to hear from others as to their process and what works or doesn't work for them. I think it'd be 'cool' (pun intended) to see what process others use to burn-in and get the most out of their tubes. Here's my general process (typically run over 5-7 days)...

1. I play a headphone burn-in-playlist from Spotify when I go to bed (includes music, pink noise, white noise, and digital black) -- It's a 101 hour playlist!!

2. I power down the amp in the morning before going to work to let the tube cool off and thermal cycle **

3. When I get home (and on weekends) I listen for a couple of hours to see what differences I may hear. If it sounds good I keep listening and start back at #1. when bedtime arrives.

4. If it sounds crappy, I roll it out and roll in a nice already burned-in tube to enjoy my music until bedtime and then roll the tube needing burn-in back in and go back to #1.

** Thermal cycling is a step I was not doing previously and after it was suggested, I found it really helps speed up and nail the burn-in process.
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